CANAAN TOWNSHIP.In the settlement of this portion of Ohio the tide of emigration seemed to follow up the streams and creeks, and those of the Darby and Deer Creek. it appears from their position. together with the richness of their lands and abundance of deer, turkeys and other wild game, held out superior attractions to those seeking a favorable location to settle and make a home for themselves and their posterity. And not only this. but it appears to have been a favorite location with the Indians prior to the white roan entering this rich domain. for here the white settlers find them encamped enjoying the rich hunting-grounds of the two Darby and Deer Creek. But to he brief, and to enter at once upon the work of giving the important matters connected with Canaan Township, we may say its history begins in 1796 when Jonathan Alder was discovered residing with his Indian with oil the west bank of the Darby, in Benjamin Springer. These were the first white settlers known to have settled on the Darby or within the limits of Madison County. Of Alder and Benjamin Springer. we shall here say nothing. but refer the reader to the general history of the county.

Luther Cary a native of New Jersey, married Rhoda Leonard. and at a very . early day emigrated to the Redstone country. Pennsylvania. thence came down the Ohio River, and settled at or near Marietta, Ohio; thence in 1800. with his family. he moved to Madison County. and located oil the Big Darby, on land now owned by John Stallbird. Just north of Amity. in Canaan township. where he resided till his death, October 8, 1834, aged seventy-your years. His wife died May 15, 1846. aged ninety-one years. Their children were as follows: Benjamin, who married and settled- near Wooster, Ohio, where he died: Luther, moved away and settled in Miami County: Calvin, married and settled at Cary, Ohio. from whom that town received its name; Stephen. married Catharine Johnson. and settled in this township. where he remained till his death; Ephraim, married Matilda Gaudy, and settled in this township, and resided several Years, thence he removed into Union County. where he died; Jemima, married Jacob Johnson, and settled in Jefferson Township. where she died, and subsequently Phebe. who had married John Davis. and was left a widow by his death, married Mr. Johnson: Lydia. married John Johnson. and settled just below Amity. where they resided till about 1855, when they removed West; Rachel. married Alexander McCullough. and settled near Amity. but finally removed to Putnam County, Ohio. where she died: Abijah. Married Catharine Johnson, and soon after settled where Jacob Millikin now lives, and here resided till his death, February 21, 1834. aged seventy-three years: his wife died February 4, 1851, in the sixty-fifth year of her age. They had the following children: Mary, Solomon, Absolom. Sarah. Rhoda. Abram. Rachel, Eliza and Lucinda; all grew to maturity, married and raised families, and all prosperous and good citizens of Madison County. most of whom became members of the Presbyterian Church. and honored and respected citizens of the community. Mr. Abijah Cary was born March 6, 1781 and when nineteen years of age became a resident of this township. where he spent a long and useful life, having, at his death, been a resident here over half a century. He was a man of


remarkable industry, and passed through all the arduous and dangerous trials of the pioneer days. The farm upon which he settled he purchased from the Government, by the original title of a patent. He was a man of firm character and principles, of undoubted integrity, and held the confidence of the people of his township, under whom he held most of its offices. He was fervent in the Presbyterian faith, although not a member of the church. His life was devoted to the general welfare of his family and community, and gave freely of his means and influence for every progress and improvement which tended to the general public good, and died esteemed and respected by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.

About 1805, two brothers, Jonathan and Joel Harris. natives of New Jersey. emigrated to Ohio, and settled in Canaan Township. the former on the place where Luther Lane now resides, and resided there till his death. He married Miss Casto. by whom he had the following children : George. Amos, William, Joel, Rebecca and Pattie. Joel, married and soon after settled in Franklin County. Nahum King, a native of Vermont. married Sarrepta Norton, and settled on the land where Mr. Moore subsequently located : thence he moved and settled below Amity. About 1837-38. he removed to Missouri, and in 1844 to Oregon, where he died. He was one of the prominent teen of this township during his residence here ; very intelligent and well informed. and filled, to the great satisfaction of the people. many of the offices of his township. Of his children, John (married a Miss Barlow). Isaac. Stephen, Nahum, Lucretia. and one slaughter who married Moses Moore. and several younger children whose names are not now remembered.

John Kilgore, a native of Westmoreland County, Penn. with his wife Jane and his family, emigrated to Ohio and settled in Ross County in 1797 : thence, about 1809, they removed to Madison County and settled on Three-'file Ruin, about one and a half miles west of Big Darby. where he died soon after. His wife subsequently moved to Union County. where she remained till her death at an advanced age. Their children were as follows : Thomas. who was eighteen years of age when they settled in Madison County. and here in 1812 he married Jane Patterson. who was born in Botetourt County. Va.. October 8, 1792, they settled on the place where his son Harvey now resides. and here remained till his death. February 11, 1872, aged eighty-one years. His wife died June 3, 1862. They bach eleven children, six now survive. Those deceased were William, Eliza, Rebecca, Sarah and Lucinda ; and those living are John. who married Maloney Beach : William. married Mary Boyd : Harvey. married Judith Sherwood ; Simeon, married Elizabeth Cary, and resides in Union County. Ohio; Elizabeth, married Chauncey Beach, and resides in Franklin County ; and Rebecca, married Jacob Taylor. Mr. Thomas Kilgore lived a long and useful life in Canaan Township, having at the time of his death. been a resident here over threescore years and on the same farm where he first settled. He was one of the true pioneers. and performed his full share in developing the country and bringing it from its primeval state to its present beautiful condition. He was a man of great moral worth and integrity of character. and had a great influence in molding the general character of the community, both politically and religiously, as during his life he held most of the offices of importance and trust in his township, and religiously had been a devoted member of the Methodist Church from his young manhood, or a period of sixty years. His example before his family and the community, was one worthy of admiration and imitation. And of his consort we may add, she possessed all the many virtues of kindness and religious devotion which rendered her a true helpmeet ; and their lives were a true blessing to their family and community, and have left behind them recollections of esteem and respect not soon to be forgotten. Of the other children of John Kilgore. James, married and moved to Missouri, where he


died : Jane, married Thomas Patterson. and settled in Illinois. where they died; John, removed West. where he died unmarried ; and Betsey, married Judge Dodge. who died and she is now a widow residing at Marysville, Union County. Ohio.

James Moore. it is believed, was a native of Pennsylvania, but became a settler on Mammouth Run, south of Jacob Millikin. as early probably as 1808-10 : he married Betsey Patterson. by whom he had the following children : Stephen. who married Caroline Beebe. and settled near the home place of his father ; subsequently he moved to Illinois where he died ; Moses married Secret- King and also settled near the home place. but subsequently moved to Illinois. where he died ; one daughter married William Frakes. and settled in the West. Mr. Moore was quite a leading and influential man in this community, and held many of the offices of the township : but he died in the prime of life and in the midst of his usefulness. being cut off by death in the sickly season of 1822 and 1823 : he was buried on the farm where he first settled. Ira Finch was a native of Vermont. but emigrated to Ohio and settled in Canaan township about one and a half miles west of Amity on Maw mouth Run about 1808-10 ; he married Nancy Bull. and remained residents here till their death. Mr. Finch was one of this township's best citizens; quiet and reserved. yet possessing the entire confidence of the people, who continually placed him in the best offices of trust of the township, during the greater portion of his life. He died about 1856. Their children were Armenus. who died young ; Pattie married Thomas Kilbury ; Sarah married Thomas Harris : Madison married Nancy Clark and settled here, where he resided till his (lentil (he was a local preacher in the Methodist Church); Minerva married Sanford Frazell, who died with the cholera in 1849. and she has since remained a widow. and resides in Amity ; Commodore married Emily Robey and subsequently removed to Missouri, where he died ; John married Emily Kilbury, and settled and remained a resident of this township till his death ; Joshua married Catharine Crego, and now resides in Amity ; Thompson married Nancy Taylor. and was a resident here till the death of hi wife after which he moved to the West. and is now a resident of Iowa ; and Ruhama married Silas Scribner. and moved to Missouri. where he died, and she is now a widow.

In 1803. William Taylor, a native of Virginia. on the Potomac River. emirated to Ohio, and located ill Derby Township. where he married. He finally settled in Canaan Township, on land now owned by Harvey Kilgore. He married Elizabeth Casto. and the place where he settled. and an adjoining farm which he subsequently purchased. he resided through life. He was the father of fourteen children-Sarah married Philip Harris, and are residents of Washington Territory ; Hannah married Henry Fuller and settled in Missouri. where they died ; Samuel, deceased ; Polly. deceased : Jacob married Rebecca Kilgore : Rhoda married Richard Edgar amid settled in Illinois. both now deceased Margaret married Isaac Arthur. and are residents of Missouri ; William married Martha Arthur. is now deceased : Nancy married Thompson Finch. is deceased : Mary married James Talpniny, both deceased; Moses. deceased. and three died in infancy. Mr. Taylor was a mail of reserved habits. wad a great lover of home and his family ; a man of firm principles and noble character. a good farmer. kind neighbor, and a much esteemed and respected citizen.

Henry H. Gaudy settled one mile south of Amity. about 1812-14, and lived and died here. He raised a large family of children. all believed to be deceased. Luke Knapp. an Englishman by birth. emigrated to America and became a settler in Connecticut. where he resided several years: thence removed to New York. where he died. In 1812, his son. Elihu Knapp came to Pennsylvania, and in 1813 to Madison County and settled on land oil the west side of Big Darby, where the cemetery is now located. and here he died in 18'23. and


his wife in 1836. His wife was Amy Anders, by whom he had three children-Electa. married Joshua Holtner. and settled at Worthington in 1808, where she died soon after; Cynthia. married Solomon Norton. and settled in this township: subsequently they moved to Illinois. where she died; and Elihu. married Kesiah Norton. and settled on the place now owned by Henry Kent, in Darby Township. Subsequently he purchased a farm in Union County, Ohio, where he lived eight years; then in 1833, he purchased and located on the place where he now lives. In 1831, his wife died. By her the had five children: four grew to maturity: three now living-Alburtus. Jacob and Amy. Subsequently Mr. Knapp married Polly Hayse. by whom he had two children, one now living-Melvin. His wife died and he married Haunch Patch; she died in about four years, and he married Mrs. Plebe Converse: she died, and he married Mrs. Jane Tarpning, by whom he has one child-Lolie. Mr. Knapp is now in his eighty-third year, one of the oldest residents of the township. having been a resident here sixty-seven years, and has been fully identified with the growth and improvement of the county; has held many of the offices of his township: and served as Justice of the Peace for many years. He leis had his " ups and downs," has been very unfortunate in the loss of his wives, but has kept a steady course onward and upward. having sustained an unblemished character, and an undoubted integrity, and has the entire confidence of his community; has accumulated a food competency of this world's goods, and is a much respected citizen of Canaan Township.

Richard Stanhope, with his family. settled on the William Atkinson land, in 1812, the only colored family in that day in the neighborhood. He was a very honest man and quite a good farmer, yet very illiterate, with no advantages of an education. He was nevertheless affable and good natured. with the politeness peculiar to his race. James Guy was then one of his nearest neighbors, and practiced a good many little jokes on Richard. one of which we will mention. All the early settlers cultivated flax for the fiber, which was converted into clothing. This crop was always sown in a certain change of the moon. The following Friday after this change was the proper time. which happened to be hood Friday. Mr. Guy informed him that Good Friday of that tear came on Sunday. Being a religious man. Stanhope was unwilling to desecrate the Sabbath. so he sowed his flax late on Saturday evening. Mr. Stanhope was a slave of (yen. George Washington, and was with him during the Revolutionary war. He subsequently sold his farm on the Plains and removed to Urbana. in 1836, where he died, it is claimed at the advanced age one hundred and twenty years. He married and became the father of at least three children. one son anal two daughters. One of the latter. Sallie. is now residing in Mechanicsburg. the only survivor of the family.

Peter Strickland, a native of New England, settled on the east bank of Big Darby opposite Amity. and remained a resident of the township through life. He was married four times. and raised a large family of children, and all but one are residents of this township. Mr. Strickland was one of the early settlers a very industrious man, a good neighbor and a well-to-do farmer. David Garton a native of New Jersey emigrated to this county and settled on Big Darby about two and a half miles south of Amity, about 1812-14, and remained a resident of the township till his death. He married Martha Harris, by whom he had two, soils : Hosea. married Rebecca Harris and resided here until his death : and David. who settled in Missouri. Mrs. Garton died, and he married Hannah Rickman. with whom he lived till his death, and was buried in the family burying-ground on his own place. By his last wife he had several children. Mr. Garton was a man honest and upright in his life and character, and desired such with whom to live and transact business : and such as were


otherwise he preferred in the language of Scripture. to come out from among them, and be separate from such. He was firm in his character and principles, and always reliable and a trustworthy citizen.

Isaac Fuller. a native of New York. married Lucy Warner, and settled on the east bank of Big Darby, about two miles south of Amity, about 1812, and here he erected a grist mill about 1814 or 1815, which was one of the first mills erected in Madison County. and though roughly and poorly constructed, yet it proved a great convenience to the early settlers of this vicinity. Subsequently, he attached a saw milt to it. Mr. Fuller run his mill for thirty years, when he sold his mill property to Mr. Byers, and moved to Iowa, where he died. file was the father of the following children : Arnold. married Sallie Green and moved to Iowa and thence to Oregon, and while performing the last journey his wife died-he died in Oregon ; James married, but his wife lived hut a short time, and he subsequently married Lucinda Francis and moved to Missouri (subsequently he made a trip to California, and on his journey back was taken sick and died before reaching his home and family) ; Shubel married Rhoda Ann Worthington. and moved to Iowa. where he died ; Henry married Hannah Taylor and settled in Missouri. where she died (he subsequently died in Illinois) ; Olive. married William Harris. and settled in this township. and resided many years, an excellent citizen and a Deacon in the Baptist Church (finally removed to Franklin County where she died ; subsequently he died in Champaign County. Ohio) ; Nancy, married George Harris, and settled near Fuller's mill, where he died (she subsequently removed to Iowa. where she now resides). These children are all by a former wife whose name is forgotten. By his last wife. Lucy Warner, he had one child, Isaac, who married Arminta Fuller, and settled in Iowa, where they still reside. Henry Robey settled just west of Jacob Millikin, about 1816. He married a Miss Johnson. by whom he had no children : she died and he married Mrs. Millie McDonald by whom he had four children-Hezekiah, Henry, Nelson and Millie. About 1810, he removed to Hardin County. Ohio. where he resided till his death. He was a man of very reserved habits. never holding or desiring office, but an excellent man and neighbor, and one of the best blacksmiths aid mechanics of that day ; possessing great skill, he could make any kind of tool or manufactured article for household or farm use, and Hence was a very useful man in this new country in that early day.

Elisha Bidwell settled in the southwest part of Canaan Township, on land since owned by William D. Wilson, about 1816. Of his children. Isaac, deceased; Nathan. now living in Jefferson Township: Urial deceased: Ephraim, deceased; Addison, married end lives in Monroe Township; and Mahlon. who never married. Mr. Bidwell was a man of excellent character, and took a great interest in educational matter; and the general good of the community; but as a business man, was not very successful. vet his children grew up and have become quite successful business men. Knowlton Bailey settled here about 1816-17. hut resided here only a few years and moved into Jefferson Township where he died a short time previous to the late war. He raised a large family, but all are now deceased but two. Margaret and Knowlton. Samuel Beebe. a native of New England. became a settler of this township about 1815. Of his children were Orley, Charles. Samuel, Judith and William. Mr. Beebe served in the Revolutionary war. Stephen Hallock. a native of Vermont. was another early settler here. probably about 1816-18. He married Rhoda Beach, by whom he had two children. Hyman and Washington. Mr. Hallock died in a few years after settling here in one of the sickly years of 1822-23. Lemuel Greene settled one mile below Amity about 1818-20. He married for his second wife Rachel Brown, by whom he had a large family of children, of whom were Asa. Ira, Sallie. Maria. Louisa. Nancy and Cynthia. Mr. Greene was a


shoe-maker by trade, and resided here till his death. Levi Francis probably settled in this township about 1820 ; he raised a large family of children.

Mathias Slyh, a native of Virginia, settled on the place where he now lives about 1820. He buried his first wife, and married for his second Sallie Patterson. with whom he still lives. By his first wife he had three children-John. who resides in Franklin County; Lydia married Alburtus Knapp, and now resides in Kansas; and Rebecca Jane. who married and resides in Franklin County. By his present wife he has had Isabel, who married Daniel Walker and resides in Franklin County : Betsey married William Millikin ; Ann married Robert Reece and resides in Franklin County ; Mary married William Wilson. .Jr.: Ruth married Isaac Beach and resides in Plain City ; Robert married Sarah Smith. and Charles married Eliza Kilgore. Mr. Slyh is one of Canaan"s good. substantial citizens : is now eighty-three years of age, and has been a resident here for: more than threescore years. He is a member of the Baptist Church. and is one of the oldest and best esteemed citizens of this community. Warren Frazell. from the Eastern States. settled east of Amity about 1825, where he resided till his death. He was a preacher in the Methodist Church many years he raised a large family of children. who became good, respectable citizens of community.

Richard Kilbury, a native of Vermont. married Obedience Baldwin, and in the fall of 1814 emigrated to Ohio and settled in this township on land now owned by William Atkinson. in Survey 7386. After residing here a short time, it proved so sickly that he moved to near Cleveland. and subsequently to the Maumee Valley. But after a short residence there. he returned to Madison County, and resided here till his death. He was a blacksmith by trade, which business he Hollowed through life. He was a member of the Methodist Church ; a man of firm and substantial character and undoubted integrity, and held several Offices (As, his township. Mrs. Kilbury died in a few years after their settling here. subsequently he married Mrs. Calhoun. By his first wife he had eight who married a Mr. Sherwood. and resides in Wisconsin ; Thomas married Martha Finch she died and he married Polly Clark ; Richard, deceased: Dexter. deceased : Asa married truth Clark and resides in Union County : Laura married Mr. Dennich she is now a widow and resides in Wisconsin : Nancy married Guy Harris. cloth now deceased: Emily married John Finch is is deceased. acid she is now a widow and resides in Darby Township By his second wife he had one son. Alexander who now resides in California. Mr. Kilbury died in May 1854.

Luther Lane a native of Massachusetts. married Lodica Green, a native of Connecticut. They removed to Vermont about 1800, In 1817 they came to Ohio and settled in Union County near Milford: thence in 1829 he removed to Pike Township. Madison County where he died the same year: his was wife previously died while they were residing in Union County, in January 1823. They had the following children: Fannie, married David Harrington. and settled in this county, where they resided several years where she died: Eliza married David Gitchel and settled in Union County thence removed to Illinois. but subsequently returned and died in Plain City: Lodica died unmarried: Elizabeth married Otis Witham . and settled in Madison County where she, died: Hannah became the second wise of Otis Witham, and settled and died in this county: David, the youngest. married Elizabeth Cox, and settled in Union County, where they sill reside : and Luther next older than David married Elizabeth Morrisson and in 1833 settled in Canaan Township. In 1834 he entered upon the mercantile trade with Dr. Lorenzo Beach, in Amity, in which he continued about eight years. In September. 1841 he purchased and located upon the farm where he now resides. Mr. Lane has now spent nearly a half century in Canaan Township and has been intimately identified with its


general improvement and progress: has been one of its active business men and held many of the offices of the township. and is one of Canaan's prominent, reliable and respected citizens. He has been an earnest member of the Baptist Church forty-one years. and a Deacon in the same for twenty years. He and his companion have now traveled the journey of' life together for halt a century.

Elisha Perkins was one of the early settlers of the Plains. He came here when these prairies were nature's pasture -rounds. the wild animals roaming unmolested so far as the march of civilization was concerned. Mr. Perkin purchased and settled on the farm now owned by his son. Eli Perkins. But he was not permitted to remain but a few years. for in the sickly year of 1823 death claimed him as his own. and he was ruthlessly snatched away from his family and friends. His sons were Isaac, James, Eli, Horace and Dr. Hiran: Perkins. The last mentioned was not a resident of this part of' the county Eli still resides upon the old home place. Lewis Ketch. the rather of Esquire Ketch, of Union County. Settled on the Plains in 1844. He was a shoe-maker by trade, and worked with Nahum King in a shoe shop at his tannery on the Plains, now included in the farm of Joseph Atkinson. The few years allotted to Mr. Ketch oil earth were spent at his trade. hut death had marked him for its victim. He passed into the invisible future. leaving a dependent and helpless family to the cold charities of the world. His widow married Parley Converse. with whom she lived till separated by death. after which she went to lice: with her daughter and son-in-law. Caleb Converse, of Unionville. Samuel Sherwood, the father of A. H. and J. C. Sherwood in the year 1814 moved on to the Plains. purchased and lived on the farm known as the Calhoun farm. The house in which he lived was built on a high piece of ground. which subsequently proved to be a ;ravel bank. and was used to improve the Wilson pike Mr. Sherwood was an economical and industrious farmer. but ire tell a victim to death the second sickly year. 18°3.

We have now mentioned most of the pioneers of Canaan Township : ill fact, have above described several families who would perhaps more properly he termed early settlers rather than pioneers. There still remains several persons of whom we must speak : although not pioneers. Net they were early settlers, and came here at a time when energy, wealth and ability were necessary to develop the growth and interests of this naturally rich and beautiful township : and in its history we find them to have been the leading prime factors in all the main business interests. which set the wheels of industry moving, and have produced the great results of progress and prosperity which have attended this township in the past ; and to leave them and their life's work from these pages. and call it a history of Canaan Township. would be as faulty as to take out the main spring and balance wheel of a watch. and still call what was left a watch. This is the reason of' our bringing in names of many who settled at a more recent date among the early settlers. With the above remarks. we proceed to speak of the following

A large family of' brothers and sisters came to Madison County in the year 1817, following Uri Beach. who came in 1814. The brothers constituting the family were : Uri, Ambrose, Amos. Lorenzo, Roswell, Obil and Oren Beach ; the last two named were twins. They were natives of Vermont. They first settled in Darby Township. but subsequently most it' not all of them became settlers of Canaan. But of these. their marriages and families will be more fully written of in another part of this work, while here we desire to speak of them or of such of them as have been intimately connected with the development of the business interests and moral progress of this township and people. Uri, when he first came from Vermont to Ohio in 1812, worked for a short time near Marietta : thence he came to Worthington, Ohio where he married




Then he settled in Madison County, on land now owned by Solomon Cary, in Darby Township. residing there until 1819. when he removed to Big Darby and settled where Amity is now located. Like all new countries. the great majority of the settlers followed agricultural pursuits. But time soon developed their wants and necessities. Consequently. some must turn their attention to other occupations in order to supply the demands and wants of the people. Among the first to make this sacrifice and labor for the good of the people in building up the country in which he lived was Uri Beach. The first enterprise that attracted his attention was the erection of a saw-mill. There was but one mill of this kind in this part of the county. which was the Saeger Mill farther above on the Darby, near the border of Union County. At that time, the people were compelled to live in houses with puncheon doors; some, however. had no floor except the mother earth. In view of this condition of things, he determined upon the erection of his mill and though remonstrated against by his "better half," yet he proceeded. selected a site on what was called "Finch Run." which crosses the lower pike just above Jacob Taylor's, and here he built the mill which proved such a blessing to this community. For a further description of this mill and its usefulness, the reader is referred to the subject of "Mills," on another page. If Mr. Beach soon saw another great want, to facilitate the domestic operations in clothing the families and render them comfortable during tine winter months. Among the early settlers, the manufacture of woolen goods for the family was a tedious operation, especially in preparing the wool of the sheep for spinning. Before this latter operation could be performed. the wool must be carded into rolls. which then had to be all performed by hand. with what was called a pair of " hand cards." This operation was exceedingly slow and laborious. Something to facilitate the labor of carding was the great want of the people. The operation of spinning and weaving was only a secondary consideration ; for a woman that (lid not know how to spin and weave was not considered at all qualified for matrimony. To supply this want came forward Uri Beach.

Although the obstacles to overcome and the difficulties in the way were great for putting up machinery of any kind, the principal of which was the great distance and the difficulty of transportation of materials necessary for enterprises of this kind. Mr. Beach was in possession of the Yankee ingenuity so peculiar to the New Englanders. which gave him some advantage in an undertaking like this. The site was selected for his carding machine just below his saw-mill. not for the purpose of using the water of Finch Pun for lower. but because it was convenient to his other works The building was erected, the machinery obtained. and all brought into running order. For a few years the machinery in operation in this establishment was a picking carding and fulling machine to which he afterward attached two small spinning jacks This factory was in operation for fifteen years or more yielding quite an income to the proprietor and equally beneficial to the people of' this community. and for the people far away as its patrons were drawn from thirty to forty miles distant. It is believed that the first frame house built in the township was the one standing on the hill, at the foot of which stood the factory.

About 1825. Mr. Beach erected a large flame house for his own residence. This house was then considered a very imposing structure and a fine residence and is still standing, though not now used as a residence and is shown on page 69 of Caldwell's Atlas of Madison County. In the view it stands to the left, Opposite the residence of Jacob Taylor. Uri Beach, in company with his brother Lorenzo. purchased of Dr. Comstock a tract of land from which they laid out the town of Amity. and here Mr. Beach passed from earth to heaven from works to rewards.


Ambrose Beach. the next son in age to Uri, purchased a farm on the Plains. just east of his brother, in the same year they came to Ohio. This place, for several years, was his home. he having had some experience as a clothier. finally consented to connect himself with his brother in the factory, where for several years he was engaged in the manufacture of woolen goods. The weaving in this factory was all done by hand, with what was called a spring-shuttle loom. Subsequently he sold his farm on the Plains and purchased in Brown Township. Franklin Co.. Ohio. and there he remained for many years. superintending the management of his farm. The industry and economy of his early life gave him a sufficiency in the evening of his days, and many years ago he passed away from earth, highly respected as a citizen and pioneer of the county.

Dr. Lorenzo Beach. the fourth son of this family was born in Vermont in 1797, and came to Ohio as early as 1813, and settled at Worthington, having no worldly effects other than a small bundle which he carried in his hand. His early education was only such as could he obtained by a farmers boy of the Green Mountain State. where time was almost wholly taken up in a struggle with the sterile soil for subsistence. He studied medicine with Dr. Carter of Urbana. and commenced practice at Amity. about 1820, being it is believed. the first practicing physician ever located in that place. During the sickly seasons of 1822-23, he and Dr. James Comstock. who was associated with him, attended nearly all the sick of the smitten district, which extended over many miles in extent, but the center of virulence was between the two Darbys. on land now owned by William D. Wilson's heirs. His field of practice must have been very extensive. as old people of Georgesville, fifteen miles distant from Amity. still speak of him as the physician of that neighborhood half a century ago : and from their testimony. he was an exceedingly popular and successful physician. But it is believed that he lacked confidence in himself and in his remedies to a degree that prevented any enthusiasm in his profession. and that the responsibilities attached to the life of a physician became to him exceedingly irksome. Hence his inclinations led him to abandon the profession for the more lucrative and to him agreeable life of a merchant.

For several years subsequent to 1833 he was actively engaged in merchandising. and later in real estate operations Seeing an opportunity for the better employment of capital and his abilities. he removed in 1833, to Livingston County, Ill, where he continued to reside till his death. He entered largely into real estate operations in the West. and was successful. In person. he was of Medium height and up to middle life was slight and spare. He was quick and active in his movements of a remarkably cheerful disposition. His energy in the prosecution of business was untiring, and he had a stock of physical and mental health that never failed him up to within two years of his death. He was a thoroughly honest man, who went through life doing thoroughly and earnestly whatever his bands found to do. He died in Fairbury, Livingston Co.. Ill., in August, 1878 in the eighty-first year of his age. His death was caused by structural disease of the Heart.

Roswell Beach. who purchased land in Darby Township. where Solomon Cary now lives. observing the prosperity of his brothers ill the woolen mill, and the population round about Amity rapidly increasing*: that there was :a growing demand for greater and more extended facilities to meet the demands and wants of the people in order to meet these requirements, he, with his two younger twin brothers. Obil and Oren. selected and purchased a site on Big Darby, below Amity. on what was known as the Stone farm. now owned by Francis Nugent. Here they built a dam and erected a building for a factory, purchasing the machinery of the older one of their brothers, also a new set of cards and other machinery necessary for an extensive operation in a new coun-


try like this. In connection with this factory, Mr. Fulton, a son-in-law of Roswell Beach, put in operation a pair of buhrs for grinding corn. It was expected by the proprietors of this enterprise that large profits would be realized as a recompense for their outlay and labor. But here was a striking illustration of how soon the smooth sea of life may be ruffled with her rolling billows, ready to dash in against the reefs and rocks of adversity. For a few years only was this factory in operation.

Amity had greatly increased in population, and with each returning autumn the inhabitants of this little town suffered greatly from malarious diseases. It was suggested that the stagnant water produced by the erection of the factory dam across the Darby was the existing cause of the sufferings of the inhabitants of Amity: consequently a petition was circulated and signed by many citizens of this place. asking the court to declare this property a public nuisance. Every effort was made by these petitioners to substantiate the claims set forth in said petition. This was the first case of the kind ever brought before our courts of justice. It was evidently a question of science, and the burden of proof rested upon scientific researches. There were three leading questions to be settled in the controversy. First, "What is malaria? " second, Will stagnant water produce malaria? and the third. "What are its effects on the human system?" After hearing all the testimony in the case, the court declared this property to be a public nuisance; consequently this obstruction across the Darby was torn out in the early part of the summer. The facts are that during the autumn of that year there was more suffering from sickness than in any previous year. The effect upon the proprietors of this factory. can well be imagined. But there were a few citizens interested in the financial welfare of these men, who gave them something to relieve their embarrassments. They however became disheartened and discouraged, sold their effects and removed to the West. where, by industry and frugality, they recovered from this financial shock. Roswell settled in Iowa; Obil and Oren settled in Kansas. In 1863. the latter died.

Dr. Charles McCloud was born in Vermont February 2, 1803, and moved with his father. Charles McCloud, to Delaware County, Ohio, and soon after to Madison County where his father, in 1814, purchased a farm one mile east of Chuckery and here they settled, and here young McCloud, who was then only six years of age, was raised. Possessed of but an ordinary common school education, he studied medicine with Dr. Alpheus Bigelow, of Galena, Delaware County, Ohio and on the completion of his studies located in Amity. Madison County, Ohio. The first year of his residence here his professional duties evidently were light, as he engaged to teach the village school one or more terms : hut in a few years his practice became very extensive. his patrons being scattered all through the Darby Plains. up Big Darby and on Sugar Run in Union County. and in the neighborhood of Dublin in Franklin County. In 1844. he was the Whig member of the Lower House of the Legislature of Ohio, and in 1850 a member of the convention to revise the Constitution of Ohio. In figure he was slight. never weighing probably over 150 pounds. and with a slight stoop in the shoulders. His complexion was dark. In manner he was grave almost to severity. This gravity was not assumed but natural to the man, and rarely left him even in the family circles. He was an inveterate reader, and in his younger days must have been a hard student in his profession as he had a well worn library. Later in life, from ill health, he gave up his profession and entered upon merchandising. but still kept up his habit of study. At one time he took up the study of astronomy, and later, when past middle life, became an enthusiastic student of geology: so much so was he interested in the latter science, that he delivered several lectures upon it, illustrated by maps of his own drawing. A few years before his death, his reading took another direction,


that of fiction and poetry. He read the works of Charles Dickens with great interest, and was not only a great reader of Shakespeare. but became a critical student of the great poet. He was a good debater and a writer of more than ordinary force. He was in no sense a politician. and what positions of honor ire occupied were unsought : he was called to them and entered upon the discharge of his duties with clean hands. As a physician. he was cautious and conscientious: and in his diagnosis and prognosis of disease remarkably accurate which secured to him the confidence of the people to a degree rarely equaled. At. though doings a large practice it appears he never accumulated but little means from his profession as he was a poor collector and his charges astonishing low. Dr. McCloud. in all the relations of life. was honest, upright and pure: his character was absolutely above reproach. He married Mary Jane Carpenter, by whom he has four children living-Sophronia. Rodney, Newton and Mary. The Doctor died of obstruction of the bowels in Plain City, April 1, 1861, aged fifty-three years.

William D. Wilson was the son of Valentine and Eleanor Wilson and was born February 27, 1807 and was principally raised in Somerford Township, being but nine years of age when his father settled there on Deer Creek. Soon after arriving at his majority. he married Miss Nancy Moore. and purchased 200 acres of land on the Darby Plains in Canaan Township, at 80 cents per acre. This purchase amounted to $160 to meet which he borrowed the money, his Uncle Daniel being his bondsman. Much of his purchase was under water nearly half of the year. but it produced an abundance of grass during the summer and fall. He was not an early settler of Cancan Township. having located here about 1829-30. He at once built a cabin, and very soon entered quite largely upon the stock business, as his land was better adapted to grazing at that day than to tillage. and from his future success it seem he was peculiarly adapted to dealing in stock. As a financier and a trader. he was a remarkable success, Shrewd and careful in all his transactions, economical and industrious, and carefully investing his gains in snore land. he soon became the owner of a vast amount of the best of land upon the Darby Plains. counting his acres by thousands and his dollars by thousands upon thousands. He died at his homestead place March 25, 1873. aged sixty-six years. He was the father of eight children-Alexander. who married Martha Jaime Millikin: Ellen. married Benjamin Morris. she died childless. December 3, 1857 : James Monroe. married Achsa Burnham ; La Fayette. married Sarah Temple: William M., married Mary M. Slyh ; Sarah, married John Price : Washington. married Miss Wilson of Kentucky : Taylor. married Eliza Daily. he died February 17, 1875.

A man by name of Martin, probably a native of Pennsylvania. settled on land now owned by Mrs. Huber. about 1812. He had the following; children George, Rachael, William. Benjamin. Susan and John. After several years residence here. they removed to Champaign County, Ohio. A Mr. Richey, of Irish descent, settled oil land now owned by Losson Calhoun about 1810-12. He finally removed to Union County. Ohio. where he died. Ralph Knox setled on land now owned by the Wilsons about 1816-1S. Joseph and Isaac Bidwell settled about the same date. Among other early settlers of whom we learned no important history were David Harris. Paul Alder. a 'brother of Jonathan, Christian Adams, Joseph Loyd. John Johnson. David Ellis. J. Phelps and Patrick Johnson.

James Millikin, the third child of James and Dorotha (McFarland) Millikin. he a native of Ireland. and she of Massachusetts. was born in Washington County, Penn.. July 12. 1782. He married Elizabeth Cook. and in 183t) with his family removed to Ohio. and settled in Canaan Township. Madison County. Col. Millikin. as he was familiarly known. purchased 700 acres of land where William M. Wilson now resides. in the year 1826. and in the fall of


1827, he brought his two oldest sons. Samuel and Daniel who were then single, to his land, furnishing them with team and farming utensils. But they refused to remain, and returned with their father to their old home; but Mr. Millikin was not discouraged ; he sold his old homestead and came with his family, and built a comfortable log house out of two old squatter cabins that were on the place. and fenced in a large pasture ; he bought more land, till in all he owned 2.200 acres ; finally. gave each of his nine children 200 acres, reserving 400 acres for himself. The first purchase cost 75 cents per acre, and the balance $1.25 and $1.75 per acre. Mr. Milliken was a practical surveyor, and surveyed and laid out the town of Jefferson and the addition to the town of Amity. He served in many of the offices of his township, and was one of the most prominent and reliable farmers of Canaan Township. Their children consisted of six sons and three daughters as follows : Samuel, married Sarah Sutzer; in 1856, they removed to Iowa : Samuel died in 1877, leaving four children. Martha, the second child, married James Boyd, who died in 1831; his widow still resides here ; she had four children-Robert, living in London ; James and Daniel. in Plain City, and Mary, married Mr. Kilgore. Daniel, the third child, married Isabel Mullen, and in 1843 removed to Iowa, where he, his wife and two children died the same year. John, the fourth child, married Rachael Bane, had four children James B., Robert, John and Annie, who all reside in this county ; Mr. Milliken died in January, 1882, aged seventy-five years. .Jacob, the fifth child, married Sarah Cary, is a retired farmer, resident of Canaan Township, a wealthy man, with all this world's goods that heart need desire, with but two children, William and Sarah. Elizabeth, the sixth child, married Henry Alder, a soil of Jonathan Alder, she died in 1874. Annie, the seventh child, married Solomon Cary, who died in June, 1882, and she is now a widow and resides in Plain City. James, the eighth child, married Rachael Cary in 1840. removed to Jefferson in 1879, where he is engaged in the hardware trade : they have six children. Andrew Milliken. the youngest child married Sarah A. Armstrong and now resides in Norwich Township, Franklin County, Ohio. He is in very prosperous circumstances, with his children all settled around him.

We have given above, most of the pioneers and early settlers of that portion of Madison County known as Canaan Township. Some of them settled here several years before the erection of Madison County, and more than twenty years before this township was organized. On the records at London we find the following: June 7, 1819. At a meeting of the Commissioners, present. Barton Blizzard. Ira Finch and Patrick McLene. on petition being presented. ordered that the following hounds compose a new township to be known and designated by the name of Phelps: Beginning at the northeast corner of Madison County. running south on the line between Franklin and Madison Counties five miles for a corner of Darby Township; and thence continue south five miles further and corner for said new township ; thence west to the east line of the townships west. and corner : thence north five miles and corner for Darby. and the new township : thence east between Darby and said new township to the place of beginning." In a very short time the came of Phelps was changed to Canada. Since the above erection of the township, the formation of Pike Township and Union County took place and a change in the boundary of Darby and of the line between Madison and Franklin Counties have brought Canaan Township to its present boundaries.


It is probable that there is no township in Madison County that presents a more beautiful aspect than Canaan Township. It has but one principal stream. the Big Darby. which enter, the township from the north about one


and a half miles west of its eastern boundary courses southward till it reaches the Franklin County line, and continues its southerly course forming the boundary line between Franklin County and this township till it reaches the southern limits of Canaan Township. In the north part of the township it receives a small tributary, known as Mammouth Run, which enters the northwest corner of the township. takes a general easterly course entirely through the township till it empties into the Big Darby. In the south part of the township it receives Three-Mile Run. which takes its rise in the southwest part of the township, courses almost directly east till it empties into Big Darby. There are a few very small creeks which empty into the Darby from the west, situated be tween the two mentioned above. but they are small and insignificant, and many of them have no names. The surface along the Big Darby is somewhat, uneven and broken. but almost the entire township west of the Big Darby is one extended plain, very level, and originally, as the settlers found it. consisted of oak openings and prairie, much of' which was covered with water several months of the year.

In early days the superabundance of water was the principal hindrance to the successful settlement and profitable cultivation of the "Big Plains." as they were then known ; so extremely wet were they that it produced great sickness. and some of the settlers moved away, considering them as almost uninhabitable. And of those who remained. many a one found an early and premature grave. But time, and the prolonged struggle of the settlers in ditching, draining and working out this surplus of water, has brought the greater portion of it into good grain-producing land. capable of being tilled and cultivated for all farming purposes: and in a few years more, with the rapid improvements being made, this section will he some of the finest fanning land that ever the sea shone upon. With a rich black loam from two to three feet deep, its productiveness is almost inexhaustible. and the subsoil of clay and disintegrated lime stone render it almost proof against an ordinary drought. Along the Darby and the creeks. where the surface is more uneven, the soil is more of a clay, yet very strong and productive. The timber consists of the same varieties as found in other townships. Through the plains' burr oak predominates. with some hickory and elm; along the creeks some walnut. white. black and red oak Maple. ash and hickory are the principal varieties. Much attention is given to the raising of stock and to the dairy business : these. with the cultivation of wheat and corn, constitute the main productions and business of' the inhabitants of this township.


As there is but one town in this township and as the business of merchandising commenced prior to the laying-out of the town, we will revert back to about 1826. At this time, the woolen factory of Uri Beach was in full operation, creating a concentration of the people from a large extent of the surrounding country, and Dr. Lorenzo Beach having decided to give up the practice of his profession, concluded that there was need of a store in which should be kept a general assortment of goods to supply the people of that community. Consequently, at about the above date, he opened a store and commenced in the mercantile trade. He did a very successful business for several years. and here gained his first financial foothold among the early settlers as a good financier. With the extensive business of the factory and Dr. Beach's store, a little village began to grow up around this business as a nucleus, and there was quite a demand for more houses.

In view of this demand. Uri and Dr. Lorenzo Beach purchased a tract of land of Dr. James Comstock, embracing that upon which the town of Amity now stands, and commenced to lay out a town. Abijah Cary surveyed and laid . out one tier of lots on each side of the road (now the pike), in all thirty-three


lots. The plat was made and the same recorded at London on April 11, 1831, under the name of New Canaan. In November, 1834, was recorded an addition to the town made by Dr. Lorenzo Beach and Luther Lane, the same being surveyed by James Millikin. and now we find the name of the town changed to Amity, by which name it has since been known. In 1831, the first hotel was kept by William J. White, and the first blacksmith, P. Strickland. The post office was established about 1830, prior to the laying out of the town, and was kept by Horatio Adams, on the Finch farm, and called New Canaan Post Office. The office was next kept by A. S. Stone, on the farm now owned by Henry Converse; then it was kept on the Nugent farm, and from there located in Amity , where it has since remained. In 1835 Luther Lane erected a distillery. which was in operation about four or five years. About 1833, a Mr. Willey erected a comb factory, in which he employed several persons. and did a large business for four or five years.

Probably about 1832, Dr. Beach was succeeded in the mercantile trade by Rev. Henderson Crabb, father of Judge O. P. Crabb, of London. In 1834, Dr. Beach and Luther Lane purchased a stock of goods and opened a store in another part of the town. At this period Amity was one of the most flourishing towns in the northern part of Madison County. Here were two good stores. a flourishing woolen factory a saw-mill, a distillery and a comb factory, besides a blacksmith and minor mechanical trades. Plain City then did very little business compared with Amity. But alas ! her days of prosperity were limited. As given elsewhere in the history of the Beach family and of the woolen factory. the factory dam was declared a nuisance, and was torn out and a quietus put upon all manufacturing interests in Amity. Subsequently the railroad was built through Plain City and it received a great impetus to its growth and prosperity, and became the leading trading and business town of this section; since which, Amity has remained a quiet country village, doing a small hut steady country trade; its mechanics stores and post office being a convenience to the community Amity now contains a population of perhaps 100. and embracing the following business: One general store by David Martin; one grocery by William Thompson; two blacksmiths and wagon-makers (John McGuigon and Augustus Frazell), and one physician, Dr. William II. -Jewett. In addition to the above business. about one and one-half miles below Amity is quite a flourishing general store kept by M. Worthington, who has a good brick building situated on the corner, on the pike and the road leading to Fuller's mill.


Among the early teachers was one Phelps. who figured here quite prominently prior to 1820. Somewhat later. Dr. McCloud was a teacher at Amity. But as the subject and character of the primitive schools and schoolhouses have been fully treated upon in the general history of the county. and as the description of them there is equally a description of their character here, we will not repeat the matter in the history of Canaan Township. This township is now divided into seven school districts with as many good schoolhouses. The present Board of Education are: Subdistrict No. 1. C. M. Butt; No. 2. Lemuel Marshall; No. 3. M. Worthington, President; No. 4. John S. Wilson; No. 5. A. J. Greenbaum; No. 6, J. F. Kilbury: No. 7. Daniel Anderson, with G. E. Spring, Clerk.

Last enumeration: Subdistrict No. 1., males. 28: females. 30: total, 58. No. 2.. males, 11: females, 6; total 17. No. 3, males. 23; females, 21: total. 44. No. 4, males. 20; females, 28; total, 48; No. 5, males. 9. females. 10; total. 19. No. 6. males, 9; females. 11: total. 20. No. 7. males. 21; females. 20: total. 41. Total males. 121; females. 126; total. 247. Total receipts: Bal-


ance on hand September 1, 1881, $3,303.10: State tax, $333.; irreducible school funds. $21.88; township tax for school and schoolhouse purposes, $1,682.06; total, $5,340.04. Expenditures: Amount paid teachers. $1,908.90: interest and contingent funds. $1.050.01. Total. $2,958.91. Total value of school property, ;8.000.


The first church organization in Canaan Township, and one of the earliest in Madison County, was the Big Darby Baptist Church. This was constituted in the year 1810, by Elder John Thomas. of Champaign County. Ohio. who was a traveling minister through this then almost unbroken wilderness. He collected together a little band of seven brothers and sisters. who first constituted the Big Darby Church. and Elder Thomas preached on the occasion. In 1812, the Mad River Baptist Association was organized at the house of Abijah Ward. on Buck Creek. near Springfield. where the following churches were represented: Kings Creek. Little Beaver. Nettle Creek. Antioch and Biz Darby. Ministers present. Elders John Thomas. James Johnson and Lemuel Cottrel. There is no doubt but that Elder John Thomas was the first pastor of this church. The church at this time had no regular settled place of meeting: sometimes they would hold their meeting at the house of one of the brethren. and at other times when two or more ministers met together. they would hold a meeting in the barn of some brother. Brother Jehu Guthridge. an Elder of the Baptist denomination in that early day, was the second pastor of this church. and the Successor of Elder John Thomas. In 1813. we find his name among the list of Ministers added to the association. only one year after its organization. Elder Jehu Guthridge was succeeded by Elder Thomas Casto. who preached for the church as pastor ur supply. In 1828-29,. Elder Miller served the church as pastor, and was succeeded by Elder Hess, who served the church one year. Some time subsequent to this, the church was served by Elder Peters. During the early history of the church, among the ministers who frequently visited and ministered to them were the following brethren: Elders William Sutton, Chandler Tuttle. T. J. Price and William Fuson. About 1834-35. Elder Isaac Jones was called to take the pastoral care of the church. He was a faithful minister and highly esteemed. He served the church until removed by death. In 1841. before the death of Elder Jones. Elder William Fuson visited this church and commenced to labor with them in a protracted effort. The meeting continued for several weeks and fifty confessed faith in Christ and were added to the church.

After the death of brother Jones. Elder V. E. Bunker was called as a pastor of the church. He was from New Hampshire a mail much esteemed for his excellent qualities of heart. During his pastorate, a period of trial was passed over by the church. The new members became dissatisfied with the old declaration of faith. and what was known as the declaration of faith of the Baptists of New Hampshire was introduced and adopted by them. which caused dissatisfaction among the old members. The difficulty was finally adjusted by both parties agreeing to refer the matter to two brethren-Elders Enos French and T. J. Price-with a request that these brethren would pay them a visit and furnish them a declaration of faith in which they could unite. Brother French not being in good health did not visit the church. but he and Brother Price met and agreeing upon a declaration of faith. Brother Price visited the church in December, 1844. and induced the church to lay aside tine two sets of articles upon which they could not agree. and adopt those he and Brother French had agreed to recommend. These were unanimously adopted by the church. Thus through tile wise and prudent advise of these brethren, discord. and division that threatened the life of tile church were removed and peace and harmony restored. Elder V. E. Bunker resigned the pastoral care of' the church July,




1845. In September, 1845. Elder Martin. from near Dublin, Franklin County, was called to the church and served as pastor one year. During his pastorate, Brother J. B. Sutton was called to serve the church as supply once a month. He was then a licentiate and served them a short time, and resigned that he might attend school at Granville. In December, 1847. Brother James Simpson, of the Mechanicsburg church. who was serving that church half the time, paid the church a visit. and in February, 1848, was called by the church to preach for them twice a month, and to take change of the church. In June following, a council was called by the Mechanicsburg church. and Brother Simpson was more fully set apart to the work of the Gospel ministry. Elder Enos French being Moderator, and Elder V. E. Bunker Clerk of the Council. Brother Simpson served the church as pastor for over quarter of a century. During this long period, the church generally prospered and continued in peace and harmony, but sometimes had its disturbing elements. then again Grace would calm the spirits and all would move in unison. In 1S66. thirty-two were dismissed from the church fbr the purpose of constituting the Bethesda Church. In November 1869 a meeting was commenced by the pastor, assisted by Brothers T. J. Price and W. R. Thomas. This was the most remarkable in its progress and the results of any meeting that was held with the church during its entire history. The meeting was continued seventeen days, and seventy added to the church. In January, 1873, Brother Simpson resigned his charge, to take effect the June following. Elder W. R. Thomas was called to serve the church as pastor one-half the time. He accepted, and served three years, closing his labors with them June 4, 1876. From that time to January, 1877, the church was without a pastor, and was visited by the following brethren : Elders John Kyle and E. B. Smith. Brothers Turner and W. S. Kent, when the church extended a call to Brother Kent, who accepted and entered upon the labors as pastor. March 3, 1877, and he has been their pastor to the present tine (1882).

The first regular place of holding meetings of the church was an old log schoolhouse with paper windows The next was a small frame erected on the same lot where the present house now stands. This was used several years. when by the increase of the congregation the house was found too small to accommodate the people. And in the summer time when the weather was pleasant, it was quite common to hold their meetings in the grove near the meeting-house. and the minister would address the people from a wagon. At last the pastor and people resolved to build a suitable house for church purposes and the building was erected. On Saturday. February 1, 1862. the first sermon was preached in the new house by the pastor. from Psalms. 27th chapter, 4th verse. Brothers Elder David E. Thomas and S. J. Price, who were present. refused positively to preach in the house till after he had preached : giving as a reason that he had labored and travailed to see the thing accomplished, and now he must be the first man to preach in the new house. Elder D. E. Thomas preached that evening ; on the next day Sabbath. Elder T. J. Price preached the dedicatory sermon from 2 Chronicles. pith chapter. 15th verse. The house was dedicated free of all debt. The meetings were continued several days and a number added to the church.

Methodist Episcopal Church, Amity.-About 1833-35. a few persons. under the leadership of John Mann. organized a class, embracing it is believed. the following persons: Henry Downing and family. Eli Douglass and family, John Finch and family. Obil Beach, Benjamin Willey, Lorenzo Beach, Theron Eastman and wife, and Rev. Henderson Crabb, and perhaps a flew others. with John Mann as Class Leader. About 1837-38, they erected a brick church, which was duly dedicated to service. and the society continued in a very prosperous condition for several years. and at one time was quite large in membership. About 1849-50. Mr. Mann sold out all his effects. having carried on a large


business in an ashery and became quite wealthy, and started for California under the prevailing gold excitement there. and from the time of his departure the church began to wane and finally became extinct.

Union Church. Amity.-About 1866-67. by the combined efforts of the citizens of the community, led by Rev. George Hathaway. who labored diligently, a sufficient sum of money was raised. and a good comfortable frame building was erected for church purposes. This was dedicated to service the same year it was built. The edifice has remained as a union church in which various denominations have held services. The Christian denomination at present is the principal one that has service here.


Among the old family burying-grounds we mention one on the Joseph Atkinson farm; one on the Nugent firm, just below Amity: one on the banks of Darby further down the stream. near Henry Converses farm. and one still lower down the Darby. on James Millikin's farm. These contain the mortal remains of many a worthy pioneer. who, after a long and earnest struggle with the hardships of the new settlement. and battling with the malaria and epidemics to which this country was then subjected. with their physical powers worn out, "quietly laid down and wrapped the drapery of their couch about them, as one who lays down to pleasant dreams." And here they will rest till the last final trump shall sound to cull both the dead and the living to the final judgment. Peace to their ashes'

About the year 1860 ground for a cemetery was purchased by the Trustees of the Township of Luther Lane. situated just in the rear of the Baptist Church, and. which was dedicated to use by the reception of the body of Thurza Reece the same year. They have fenced in and laid it off into lots, and fitted it up as a permanent ground for the use of the township. It has already received a large concourse of the dead. and has some fine monuments erected among which is a very large and fine monument erected to the memory of William D. Wilson. In 1882, a fine brick vault was erected and is in charge of a board of trustees who regulate its use. and who have placed it in charge of Malancthon Worthington.


In 1849, soon after removing the mill-dam by order of the courty spoken of in the history of Rosswell. Obil and Oren Beach. Asiatic cholera broke out in all its virulence and horrors, sweeping away many of its inhabitants iii the space of a few days. striking terror to the entire inhabitants of Amity and vicinity. Among the prominent and promising that were ruthlessly torn away was Dr. Burr Carpenter. a very able and learned young physician, who was actively engaged among the cholera patients in rendering all the aid that science could command. Again, a tew years later, this place was visited with small-pox, which carried its loathsome terrors and death to its inhabitants, and to-day its footprints may be seen on many a fair face throughout the surrounding country. We are indebted to the articles written by Dr. Jeremiah Converse for the facts relating to the cholera epidemic in this locality, as well as for much of the pioneer data embraced in the history of Canaan Township.


The first saw mill in Canaan Township was erected by Uri Beach about 1820, on what was then known as "Finch Run." It was situated on the south bank, west of the Plain City pike. on the brow of the hill ; and traces of the old mill race are still visible. although the mill itself has long since passed away. and is now one of the things of the past. The building of this mill


was one of the great enterprises of that day, and it took the courage and energy of such a man as Mr. Beach to accomplish such an undertaking. To erect a saw mill on such a stream as this at the present day, would be considered unpractical; but when we consider the vast amount of territory drained into this run, which in those days (in consequence of the imperfect drainage) required months to drain land as perfectly as the same number of days would at the present time, one can readily see that this large amount of territory acted as a feeder, which gave him power sufficient to run his mill for many months in the year. Mr. Beach did a vast amount of sawing at this mill, for which the people were very grateful, and many a good house wife was wade to feel a little prowl when the old puncheon was exchanged for sawed board boor, and with quite as cheerful a feeling, perhaps as the lady of the present day with her Brussels carpet. This mill sawed all the lumber for the first frame buildings erected in that part of the county and for the National road bridges across the Big and Little Darby and we may safely say that tew persons of today. without mature reflection can have any idea or appreciation of the value of this mill in producing, convenience and comfort by the lumber it sawed for the various uses for which it was needed in this then new settlement. This saw mill, with one subsequently erected further below on the Darby at the grist mill by Isaac Fuller, have been the principal water-power saw mills of the township ; since their day, there have been several portable steam mills located here and there over the township. as occasion required. and transported from point to point as the timber was found and lumber desired.

About 1814-15, Isaac Fuller having located on the east bank of Big Darby. about two miles south of Amity, and right opposite on the west bank, he erected a grist mill which was one of the first in this part of the country Although it was roughly constructed. and of course did not perform work like the fine mills of the present day, yet this was to the people of that day as a grist mill what Mr. Beach's mill was as a saw mill. a great convenience, awl saved the people of this community from the necessity of traveling long distances over almost impassable mud roads to distant mills to get their grinding clone. Mr. Fuller ran this mill for thirty years, when he was succeeded by Mr. Byers: he died and was succeeded by John Acton in the ownership of the mill, and he by Mr. J. Carter who died. and Isaac Francis. his son-in-law became owner, and is its proprietor at the present time.

A little below Mr. Beach's saw mill above spoken of. the same enterprising man. Uri Beach. soon after erecting his saw mill. built a large two-story tram building with a basement which was quite an imposing structure for that day The basement was where the power was placed for driving the machinery. Time power made use of was unique and the wonder of' the age ; cumbersome, yet efficient. and fully met his expectations. It consisted of what was called "tread-power." A large tread-wheel was placed in a horizontal position, or rather at an angle or incline of about ten degrees, and this by its revolutions which communicated motion to a smaller cog-wheel fitting into it. which by an upright shaft communicated the motion to machinery above. Then upon this inclined tread-wheel was placed a yoke of oxen, which were tied in position and the wheel tended to move downward by the weight of the oxen, to the lowest. point of the wheel, the oxen were made to keep walking up the incline of the wheel,. which kept it in motion; and thus the machinery of the factory was kept in constant motion. The stopping of the machinery, at the will of the operator, was done by means of a heavy friction brake, let down by lever power upon the tread wheel. The entire arrangement was a curious device, but nevertheless effectual and powerful, propelling a large amount of machinery. This factory was in use for fifteen years or more, employed about forty hands, and was a great benefit to the people of the new settlement. It was succeeded by one


built just below Amity. by his three brothers-Roswell. Obil and Oren Beach who purchased the machinery of the old factory added some new machinery, and made various improvements preparatory to carrying on business on a much larger scale, and the whole to be run by water-power ; also a pair of buhrs were put in for grinding corn. This mill. after being run a few years. was declared a nuisance, the factory dam torn away and the mill became useless.

About 1833. Mr. Willey erected a large building in Amity for the manufacture of combs. This it appears was quite an extensive business, as he employed several hands to work in the factory. This ran about four or five years, then ceased.


Like Monroe Township. the. principal roads and pikes run through this township from north to south. Through the west part of the township running northeast and southwest. is the Wilson pike. which is the direct pike from London to Plain City. The next running through the center of the township nearly north and south is the Middle pike. Then further east, running north and south through the township just west of Big Darby, is the Jefferson & Plain City pike. The cross roads running east and west are principally mud roads ; although the Columbus road running east and west. through the center of the township, is now, we understand. being made a pike. The "Pan Handle Railroad." runs about half a mile in this township. crossing the northeast corner.


Below we give the officers of the township from its organization to the present time:

Trustees-1819, James Moore. David Garton and Richard Kilbury: 1820, David Garton, Alford Nichols and Joseph Bidwell: 1821-22, David Garton, Alford -Nichols and Abijah Cary; 1823. David Harris. Alford Nichols and Abijah Cary; 1824, Abijah Cary. Isaac Fuller and Paul Alder: 1825. Henry H. Gaudy, Nahum King and James Moore: 1826. Thomas Kilgore. David Garton and Ambrose Beach: 1827, Nahum King and David Garton: 1828. Charles Beebe, James Kilgore and Samuel B. Stone: 1829. Samuel B. Stone, Charles Beebe and Nahum King; 1830 James Calhoun. Ambrose Beach and William Harris; 1831, Charles Beebe, James Milliken and Samuel B. Stone; 1832. Nahum King, Paul Smith and James Perkins; 1833. Nahem King. Isaac Fuller :ind William Wilson; 1834. James Millikin. James Guy and Charles McCloud: 1835, Isaac Fuller, Elihu Knapp and James Calhoun; 1836. Elihu Knapp. James Calhoun and Nahum King; 1837. Thomas Kilgore. James Calhoun and Nahum King; 1838, James Millikin, Ira Finch and James Guy, 1839. Elihu Knapp, Paul Smith and Thomas Kilgore: 1840. John Mann. William D. Wilson and A. S. Stone; 1841, Ira Finch. Luther Lane and Mathias Slyh: 1843. Samuel Flint, Asa Kilbury and Luther Lane; 1843. James M. Hunter. Samuel Flint and Thomas Kilgore; 1844. A: Harrington. J. M. Hunter and Thomas Kilgore: 1845. A. Harrington. James Calhoun and Luther Lane; 1846. Paul Smith. Luther Lane and James Calhoun; 1847. Paul Smith. Asa Kilbury and James Calhoun: 1848, James L. Bradley. Asa Kilbury and Israel Worthington: 1849. Eli Perkins. Albertus Knapp and A. S. Stone: 1850. James Calhoun. Elisha B. Cutler and Albertus Knapp: 1851-52. James CalHoun. Elisha B. Knapp and Henry Dominy ; 1853. Robert Boyd. Elihu Knapp and James Converse: 1854. Asa Kilbury, Jotham Taylor and Silas Dominy: 1855. Asa Kilbury. Peter Paugh and S. C. Doming; 1856. Thomas Kilbury. Alvin Doming and James Converse: 1857. Thomas Kilbury. James Millikin and Alvin Dominy: 1858. Asa Kilbury. James Millikin and John McCullough: 1859. Thomas Kilbury. Henry Alder and John McCullough; 1860. Thomas Kilbury. Henry Alder and John Stevenson: 1861.


James Millikin. Joseph Atkisnson and John Stevenson: 1862. James Millikin. Joseph Atkinson and Alvin Dominy: 1863. Thomas Kilbury, Jotham Taylor and J. A. Henderson: 1864-65. Henry Alder. Alvin Dominy and Harvey Kilgore: 1866. Henry Alder. Alvin Dominy and Thomas Kilbury; 1867. Luther Lane. Alvin Doming and Thomas Kilbury: 1868. W. M. Atkinson. Isaac Bidwell and Christopher Humphrey: 1869. W. M. Atkinson. Thomas Kilbury and Joseph Carr: 1870-71. James Millikin. John Price and Joseph Carr; 1872; W. M. Atkinson. Christopher Humphrey and J. Taylor: 1873. W. M. Atkinson. Wesley Carpenter and Jotham Taylor: 1874. Henry Alder. Wesley Carpenter and Alvin Doming: 1875. James Millikin. John Price and John T. Doming: 1876-77 W. It. Atkinson. Wesley Carpenter and John T. Dominy: 1875. Isaac Alder. Wesley Carpenter and John T. Dominy: 1879. Isaac Alder. W. M. Atkinson. and Cristopher Humphrey: 1550. Isaac Alder. John W. Morris and John S. Millkin: 1851. Isaac Alder, J. T. Doming and Ira F. Kilbury.

Clerks-1819. Knowlton Bailey: 1820. Zena Kellogg 1821. Thomas Kellogg : 1822. Henry H. Gandy: 1823-24. Samuel King: 1823-28. Stephen Moore. Jr.: 1829-31. Warren Frazell ; 1832-34. Stephen Moore : 1835, Charles McCloud: 1836-37, Benjamin F. Willey: 1838-39. Charles McCloud: 1840-42. -James Dort : 1843-46. A. S. Stone: 1847-48, Alvin Harrington ; 1849-1850. Roswell Beach: 1851. _Albertus Knapp: 1852. H. B. Gilbert: 1853-56. A. Harrrington 1857. Thompson Finch : 1858, A. Harrington : 1859, Thompson Finch : 1860. Lawson Bidwell : 1861. John W. Shaw: 1862-64. Joshua Finch: Harrison Predmore : 1867. Isaac Cary: 1868-69, Joshua Finch 1870-71. R. H. Andrews : 1872-74. -Joshua Finch : 1875. R. H. Andrews 1876-77. Joshua Finch: 1878. M. Worthington : 1879-80. S. D. Andrew ; 1881-82. G. E. Spring.

Treasurers -1819. Paul Alder, 1820-25, Ira Finch: 1826-29. Paul Alder: 1830, Samuel B. Stone : 1831-37. A. S. Stone: 1838-41. Abijah Cary: 1842-52. Charles McCloud : I853-74. John E. Ward: 1875-82. Henry Ward.

Justices of the Peace - 1819 James Moore and Ira Finch : 1823. David Ellis, Ira Finch and Thomas Kilgore : 1827. Thomas Kilgore : 1829-32, Nahum King 1833. Thomas Kilgore : 1834-37, James Guy: 1838. Charles T. Arthur 1839, Henry Alder and C. McCloud : 1841. Patrick Conner and Henry Alder: 1844. Elihu Knapp and T. Kilgore : 1845. James M. Hunter : 1846. Thomas Kilgore; 1847-49. Henry Alder: 1852. E. B. Cutler and Albertus Knapp; 1849. Luther Lane: 1855. A. Knapp and C. T. Arthur : 1857. I. N. Worthington and James Converse : 1860. I. N. Worthington and Eli Perkins : 1863. Eli Perkins and N. Worthington : 1864. C. T. Emmas : 1866. I. N. Worthington and Henry Alder: 1869-75. William Kilgore ;ind Henry Alder : 187.8. Joseph Carr and Henry Alder.

Overseers of the Poor 1819. Paul Alder and Ira Finch : 1820. Thomas Killgore and Samuel Beebe : 1821. Nahum King and Samuel Beebe : 1822. Samuel Sherwood and Thomas Kilgore: 1823. Samuel Beebe and John Burdick : 1824. Henry H. Gaudy :ind Samuel Beebe : 1825, Jonathan Harris and Ephraim Cary: 1826. Uri Beach and Abijah Cary: 1827. Henry H. Gandy and James Calhoun : 1828, Thomas Kilgore and Orin O. Beach : 1829. Abijah Carey and David Garten. 1830 Charles Beebe and Amos Harris : 1831. Abijah Cary and Stephen Moore : 1832. Mathias Slyh and Ambrose Beach ; 1833. Thomas Kilgore and Ira Finch : 1834. Nahum King and S. B. Stone: 1835. Abijah Cary and Thomas Kilgore : 1836. Abijah Cary and John Kilgore : 1837. Abijah Cary and Arnold Fuller: 1838. C. T. Arthur and Samuel B. Stone 1839 Thomas Kilgore and Elihu Knapp: 1840. Thomas Kilbury and Henry Alder : 1841. Charles McCloud and Abel W. Field : 1842. James Calhoun and Alvin Harrington : 1843. Ira Finch and I. M. Slater: 1844. Luther Lane and Abijah Cary. Here the office was abolished.


Fence Viewers -1819, Thomas Kilgore and David Harris; 1820, David Harris and Paul Alder ; 1821, David Garton and Levi Francis ; 1822, Henry H. Gandy and James Comstock ; 1823, Stephen Hallock and Abijah Cary ; 1824. William Harris and Samuel Sherwood; 1825, Christian Adams and Joseph Loyd ; 1826, Christian Adams and Samuel Owens ; 1828. Abijah Caryatid Jacob Francis ; 1829, John T. Acton and Joseph Loyd ; 1830, Uri Beach and Paul Alder ; 1831, John Kilgore and Mathias Slyh ; 1832. Elisha Bidwell and Samuel Hallock ; 1833, James Calhoun, Nahum King and Abijah Cary ; 1834, William Patterson, A. Herrington and Lorenzo Beach ; 1835, John Johnson, -Jacob Millikin and Absalom Cary; 1836. James Millikin. Luther Lane and Samuel Hallock ; 1837. David Harrington, Mathias Slyh and B. Stone ; 1838, -James Calhoun. Solomon Norton and Joseph Loyd; 1839. Alexander Finch, Gideon Bougher and B. T. Willey ;. 1840, Samuel Hallock, Samuel Harris and Luther Lane-, 1841, John M. Slater, John Saeger and Samuel Flint; 1842, .James -I. Finch and John Saeger: 1843, J. Ellis. William Walker and Jonathan Morrison; 1844, J. S. Skinner. Charles McCloud and Isaac Bidwell. when the office was abolished.

Assessors-1842-43. Mathias Slyh; 1844-46. A. S. Stone: 1847-48. Luther Lane : 1849-50, Roswell Beach : 1851-52. Albertus Knapp : 1853, Uri Bidwell, 1854--55, James Converse: 1856, C. T. Arthur: 1857-65. William Kilgore ; 1866. James M. Wilson : 1867-68. W. Kilgore : 1869, James Kilbury ; 1870, Royal Humphrey ; 1871, William Kilgore: 1872. Isaac Bidwell; 1873-75, Robert Millikin ; 1876-77, James \\'. Kilbury : 1878-So. Charles Styli ; 1881, Henry Bidwell.

Constables-1820. Jemmy Phelps and Knowlton Bailey: 1821, Patrick Johnson and Knowlton Bailey; 1822, Patrick Johnson and John Kilgore; 1823, .John Kilgore and Joseph Bidwell; 1824 25, Charles Beebe and John Kilgore; 1826, Amos Harris and Charles Beebe; 1827. Charles Beebe and Warren Frazell; 1828, James Perkins and Amos Harris: 1829. A. Eastman and James Perkins; 1830, Moses Moore and A. Eastman: 1831, Solomon Cary and Mathias Slyh: 1832. Henry Beebe and Jonathan Lock: 1833. Mathias Slyh and Henry Beebe: 1834. Henry McCumber and Lampson Stone: 1835. Willis Guy and Samuel Randall; 1836. Heman S. Hallock and Willis Guy: 1837-38. Willis Guy and Thomas Finch; 1839. John T. Clark and James M. Finch: 1840, 'Thomas M. Finch and .James M. Finch: 1841. James M. Finch and Herman Hallock: 1842. Mathias Slyh and Israel Worthington: 1843. Mathias Slyh and Elisha C. Stevens; 1844. Solomon Walker and Herman Hallock; 1845-46, Lampson Stone and John McNelly; 1847. -James Millikin and William Kilgore; 1848. William Kilgore and Solomon Walker: 1849, John Brough and Mathias Slyh: 1850, William Windell and James M. Finch; 1851. David Reese and Mathias Slyh: 1852. Josiah Fisher and A. T. Kilbury; 1853, William Thayer and Ira Kilbury: 1854. John Stephens and O. C. Kilbury: 1855-56. Pleasant Arthur and ,J. F. Kilbury; 1837. Isaac Cary anti Pleasant Arthur: 1858. Pleasant Arthur and William Kilgore: 1859. Isaac Cary and William .J. White: 1860, Isaac Cary and Ira F. Kilbury; 1861, Isaac Cary and ----------- : 1862, Isaac Cary and Isaac Perkins: 1863-64, Ira F. Kilbury and Isaac Cary: 1865, Philip Harris and Ira F. Kilbury; 1866-67, Isaac Cary and .J. W. Wells; 1868, Philip Harris and J. W. Wells: 1869-70, Ira F. Kilbury and J. W. Wells: 1871, R.. S. Jones and J. W. Wells: 1872, J. W. Wells and Mathias Slyh: 1873. Mathias Slyh and Samuel Patterson; 1874-75, Samuel Patterson and Isaac Cary; 1 876, Isaac Cary and .James Kutan; 1877. Orson C. Kilbury and Charles T. Arthur; 1878, Joel Cutler and Robert Cary: 1879. H. B. Converse and Stephen Cary; 1880. A. M. Case and H. B. Converse: 1881. William S. Arthur and L. C. Alder.