SEVENTY-ONE years ago, the arrogance of the English Government brought on the war of 1812, and though it closed five years prior to the erection of Hardin County, this territory was so closely identified with some of the leading events in that second struggle against the same tyrannous power that we deem it appropriate to relate briefly its connection therewith. On the 4th of June, 1812, a resolution declaring war against England was passed by the House of Representatives; on the 17th of the same mouth. the bill received the sanction of the Senate, and two days afterward President James Madison issued his proclamation of war. Vigorous preparations for the impending conflict were made by Congress. 25,000 regular troops and 50,000 volunteers were ordered to be raised by the General Government, while at the same time the several States were requested to call out 100,000 militia for the defense of the coast and harbors. Ohio had been preparing for the coming struggle, and prior to the declaration of war, troops began to rendezvous at Dayton, Springfield, Urbana and other points, in obedience to the call of Gov. Meigs. Early in June, 1812, Col. Duncan McArthur, with a regiment of soldiers, was detached from Urbana to open a road in advance of Gen. Hull as far as the Scioto River. Having passed Manary's block-house, three miles north of Bellefontaine, built by Capt. James Manary's company, of Ross County, also Solomon's Town; a small Shawnee village north of the Greenville treaty line, the detachment commenced its labors through the dense forest. It entered what is now Hardin County in Survey 9,991, Taylor Creek Township, and, taking a northeast course, passed through Surveys 12,051 and 12,167; thence through the southeast corner of Survey 10,013 and northwest corner of Survey 10,014, striking the Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western Railroad near Silver Creek Station, continuing the same course through Surveys 12,093 and 9,935, Lynn Township, until it strikes the western boundary line of Buck Township, at Survey 11,067; thence through the northwest corner of the latter subdivision to the Scioto.

Having reached the river, they began erecting a fortification, for protection against the enemy, which was named " Fort McArthur, " in honor of their gallant commander. The site was a low, fiat place on the south bank of the Scioto, and had little communication with the settlements, as no person could go from one to the other but at the peril of his life, the forest. being alive with hostile Indians. The fort was a weak stockade, inclosing about half an acre. There were two block-louses, one in the northwest and the other in the southeast angle, constructed of round logs of from fifteen to eighteen inches in diameter. The lower stories were about twenty




feet square to the height of about eight feet, then the second story projected on all sides six or eight inches to enable the inmates to defend themselves more successfully against an assault. In addition to this, there were portholes through the log walls, above and below. The whole structure was covered with clapboards, and heavy-weight poles to hold them solid. There was one door in each building, made of heavy puncheons, four inches thick, hung on wooden hinges and fastened on the inside with strong wooden cross-bars. Seventy or eighty feet of the inclosure was composed of a row of log corn cribs, covered with a shed roof sloping toward the inside. A part of the pickets were of split timber, and lapped at the edges; others were round logs, set up endways, and touching each other. The rows of huts for the garrison were a few feet from the walls. It was a post of much danger, liable at any moment to be attacked.

The site of this old fort is in the northwest corner of Buck Township. about three miles west of Kenton. Several men died at Fort McArthur during the war, and the graves of sixteen gallant soldiers may be plainly seen on the north side of the river in Cessna Township. Their graves remain unmarked, and their names are, doubtless, " lost mid the rubbish of forgotten things." Here the brave fellows who went forth to defend the homes of their loved ones against the ruthless savage and his treacherous English ally, found rest from the hardships of the camp and the toils of military life.

On the evening of the 19th of June, 1812, Gen. Hull arrived with the residue of his army, and encamped on the north side of the river, and on the 21st, Col. James Findlay's regiment. was detached for the purpose of cutting the road to Blanchard's Fork of the Auglaize. On the next morning he moved forward, with the exception of part of Capt. Dill's company, which was left at Fort McArthur for the double purpose of protecting the sick and defending the fort in case of attack. The following was the formation of the army as announced in a general order: The Fourth United States Regiment on the right, Col. McArthur on the left; Col. Findlay on the left of the Fourth, and Col. Cass on the right of Col. McArthur; the cavalry on the right of the whole. In marching, the riflemen of the respective regiments formed the flank guards, and on the days the army marched they were excluded from other duty. From Fort McArthur to the rapids of the Maumee, the route of the army was through a thick and almost trackless forest. through a country where numerous creeks and rivers have their origin. The soil of the land was rich and moist. As there were a great many baggage wagons attached to the army, it became necessary to open a road the whole distance. The weather was rainy, and men and horses had to travel middle deep in mud; frequently the van had to halt for the rear, which was often detained in its march in relieving wagons and horses from the mire.

Crossing the southeast corner of what is now Cessna Township, the road passed north through the western portion of Pleasant Township and crossed Cessna Creek on the farm of A. Treager; thence taking a northwest course until it again crossed the line into Cessna Township; leaving that subdivision near its northeast corner, it turned into Blanchard; thence ran in a northerly direction until passing through the farm of Alonzo Lynch, when it deviated to the northeast and crossed the line into Washington Township on the land of P. P. Trump, leaving Dunkirk about half a mile to the east; thence continuing the same general course, and striking the county line near the center of Section 1, Washington Township. Just


across the line in Hancock County, the army encamped on a swampy piece of ground, where the mud was ankle-deep in the tents. Here a block-house was erected and named "Fort Necessity." While here, Gen. Hull received dispatches from Mr. Atwater, Acting Governor of Michigan Territory. In consequence of the muddy roads, the General detailed every man capable of making a pack-saddle, and ordered the baggage conveyed on horses instead of on wag(ins nut subsequently rescinded the order for reasons best known to himself. The army marched north from Fort Necessity, built Fort Findlay on Blanchard's Fork, and reached the Maumee on the 30th of June, 1812, which it crossed near the foot of the rapids. Our readers are, doubtless, well aware of the disastrous termination of that campaign, through the disgraceful surrender of his brave army by Gen. Hull at Detroit, on the 16th of August, 1812, without firing a shot against the enemy. Not a vestige of Fort McArthur now remains, but the line of the old military road is well remembered, while remnants of the corduroy can yet be traced through portions of the county.

In July, 1812, Gen. Edward W. Tupper, of Gallia County. Ohio. raised 1,000 men from his portion of the State, and at the head of this force marched north upon Hull's trail. He established his base of supplies at Fort McArthur, and then pushed forward to the Maumee. The Indians appeared on the opposite bank, and Tupper attempted to cross the river that night, but on account of the rapidity of the current, and the feeble, half-starved condition of his men and horses, the attempt failed. The enemy soon after took the offensive and attacked the American camp, but were defeated with considerable loss. They retired to Detroit, while Tupper returned to Fort McArthur.

The following incidents connected with this old fortification we have culled from Howe's Historical Collections. He says: " In January, 1813, Blackhoof, the celebrated Shawnee chief, visited Gen. Tupper's camp at Fort McArthur, and while there about. ten o'clock one night, when sitting by the fire in company with the General and several other officers, some one fired a pistol through a hole in the wall of the but and shot Blackhoof in the face. The ball entered the cheek, glanced against the bone, and finally lodged in his neck; he fell, and for some time was supposed to be dead, but revived and afterward recovered from this severe wound. The most prompt and diligent inquiry as to the author of this, cruel and dastardly act, failed to lead to his detection. No doubt was entertained that this attempt at assassination was made by a white man, stimulated, perhaps, by no better excuse than the memory of some actual or ideal wrong, inflicted on some of his own race by an unknown hand of kindred color with that of his intended victim.

" The fort was, at one time during the war of 1812, commanded by Capt. Robert McClelland, who subsequently died in Greene County, Ohio. He was a brave man and, when roused, brave to rashness. While he commanded at Fort McArthur, one of his man had gone a short distance from the walls for the purpose of peeling bark. Thus engaged at a tree, he was shot twice through the body, by a couple of Indians in ambush, whose rifles went off so near together that the reports were barely distinguishable. He uttered one piercing scream of agony, and ran with almost superhuman speed, but fell before he reached the fort. In an instant, alarm was spread through the garrison, as no doubt was entertained but that this was the commencement of a general attack, which had been long expected. Instead of shutting the gates to keep out danger, McClelland seized his rifle, and


calling on some of his men to follow, of which but few obeyed, he hastened to the place of ambush and made diligent search for the enemy, who, by an instant and rapid retreat., had effected their escape; nor did he return until he had scoured the woods all around in the vicinity of the fort.

"A short time prior to Perry's victory on Lake Erie. September 10, 1813, an incident occurred at this fort that is worthy of mention. Gen. Harrison was encamped at Fort Seneca, a military post nine miles north of the site of Tiffin. The friendly Indians of the Shawnee, Delaware and Seneca tribes had been over to join him, and on their way stopped at Fort McArthur for the purpose of obtaining provisions from Col. McPherson, the Deputy Indian Agent, who then resided there. Among the Shawnees was an Indian called Blue Jacket, but not the celebrated chief of that name. This wretch had joined the expedition with the avowed purpose of killing Gen. Harrison. He communicated his intention to another Shawnee, and requested his assistance, but the latter, who admired the General, tried to persuade him from carrying out his threat, telling him that. he would surely lose his life in the attempt. Blue Jacket replied that he would kill the General if he was sure that the guards would cut him to pieces not big. ;her than his thumb nail.

"During their stay at Fort Mcirthur, the friend of Blue Jacket told the story to Beaver, a young Delaware chief whom Gen. Harrison had greatly befriended; and one day. while Beaver was considering how to save the life of the General and prevent his intended murder, Blue Jacket came up to the Delaware camp, somewhat intoxicated, swearing vengeance on Col. McPherson, who had just turned him out of the fort, and whom he declared he would put to death for the insult he had received. The sight of the traitor aroused the indignation and resentment of Beaver to the highest pitch. Seizing his tomahawk, he advanced toward the culprit and said, 'You must be a great warrior, you will not only kill this white man for serving you as you deserve, but you will also murder our father, the American Chief, and bring disgrace and mischief upon us all; but you shall do neither, I will serve you as I would a mad dog.' A furious blow from the tomahawk of Beaver stretched Blue Jacket at his feet, and a second blow ended his life. 'There.' said he to some Shawnees, who had witnessed the affair, 'take him to the camp of his tribe, and tell them who has done the deed.' The Shawnees upheld the conduct of Beaver and rejoiced at their happy escape from the ignominy which the success of Blue Jacket's design would have brought upon them. Gen. Harrison always believed that Blue Jacket came from the English agents at Malden for the purpose of murdering him, but with his death died the knowledge of who were the instigators of the intended crime. At the treaty held at Greeneville, in 1815, Gen. Lewis Cass related the whole story, and while publicly thanking Beaver in behalf of the United States for saving Gen. Harrison's life, he caused a handsome present to be made him out of the goods which had been sent for the purpose of the treaty. "

The war was ended by the treaty of peace signed December 24, 1814, though the battle of New Orleans, and a few naval fights occurred early in the following year. In 1816, the Government abandoned Fort McArthur, and A. B. Johnson. in his address before the Pioneer Association of Hardin County, July 4, 1876, tells the following anecdote in connection with that event. He says: " At the time of its abandonment, two of the soldiers had a couple of gallons of whisky, which, being unable to carry, they concluded to bury. So, putting it carefully in a jug tightly corked, they


proceeded down the river a short distance and buried it on the river bank, intending to return at some future time and reclaim it. They never returned, however, and the people of that vicinity do say that many are the thirsty hunters of Kenton who have made anxious and careful searches after the lost and buried treasure, so that, like the treasures of Capt. Kidd, the story of the whisky has passed into history."

The old Shawnee trace. which passes through the southeast corner of Hardin County, was also utilized during the war of 1812; for we find that, in -September, 1813, Gov. Shelby, of Kentucky, at the head of 4,000 mounted volunteers, passed over that route to Fort Ferree, now Upper Sandusky, on his march to Lake Erie. Upon arriving at Sandusky Bay, he turned his horses out to graze, and there they were left in charge of a guard, while the army went forward on its expedition into Canada. Thus has the territory embraced in Hardin County become historic ground, and many of those brave men who fought in that second war against English aggression, came and made their homes upon its soil. In later times their sons and grandsons, upon many a well-contested battle-field, proved themselves worthy descendants of those noble. patriotic sires who offered their live= in defense of liberty.


The disputed territory between the rivers Neuces and Rio Grande was the direct cause of the war between the United States and Mexico. Texas, which had first won its independence, and subsequently been admitted into the Union, claimed the Rio Grande, as the boundary line, while Mexico said it was the Neuces River. The American Government proposed to settle the controversy by negotiation, but the authorities of Mexico scornfully refused. Gen. Taylor was then ordered to advance his army, and, in November, 1845, had established a camp of about 5,000 men at Corpus Christi, near the mouth of the Neuces River. In March, 1846, he advanced to the Rio Grande and erected Fort Brown. opposite Matamoras. On the 26th of April, Gen. Arista, the Mexican commander, notified Gen. Taylor that hostilities had begun, and on the wine day a company of American dragoons, commanded by Capt. Thornton, was attacked by a body of Mexicans, east of the Rio Grande, and here occurred the first bloodshed of the war.

It made no great stir among the people of Hardin County, though the progress of the victorious troops from the Rio Grande to the halls of the Montezumas was hailed with an. enthusiasm similar to that over the country generally. The Whig leaders claimed to see in the war a schema for the extension of slavery, and on this ground made many bitter speeches against it; but the patriotism of the nation was aroused, and all opposition was swept away before the grand outburst of indignation which it caused. Wa have been unable to find any record of the soldiers who enlisted from Hardin County, but have gathered, among the old settlers, the names of the following citizens who went from here and served in that war: Andrew Huff, David Spitzer, Henry Spitzer, George Harding, Jonas Butcher, Hiram Olden, Thomas Sutterfield, Albert Zugschwert, Frederick Traeger; a young lawyer, R. J. Allison, Phillip Russell, Dr. George W. Kishler and William Lester. Some of these never returned, but found graves in the land of the Aztecs, while of those who (lid come back none remain in Hardin County to tell of the fierce and bloody conflicts in which they participated.



On Tuesday evening, April 16, 1861, the citizens of Kenton convened a meeting at the court house, to counsel together and take action for the purpose of responding, in a substantial manner, to the call of President Lincoln for volunteers. Col. James Cantwell was elected Chairman, and David Thompson Secretary. On motion of J. S. Robinson, the following committee was appointed to prepare business for the meeting, viz. - A. S. Ramsey, James Bain, J. N. Absten, Edward Stillings, L. T. Hunt and David Thompson. Col. James Cantwell was subsequently appointed on this committee. B. R. Brunson and R. L. Chase were respectively elected Chairman and Secretary, pro ten., of the meeting. During the absence of the committee, H. G. Barris, David Snodgrass, Stilla Powell, Edward Stillings, A. S. Ramsev and others, being called for, responded in brief but patriotic speeches. The news from Fort Sumter obliterated party feeling, and the general tenor of the addresses was the sentiment uttered by Stephen Decatur: " My country: may she always be right; but right or wrong, My country."

The following resolutions were presented by the committee and unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That a meeting of the citizens of Hardin County be called at the court house, in Kenton. on the 18th day of April, at 1 o'clock P. M., to consider the perilous condition of the country; and. in pursuance of the proclamation of the Executive, to enlist volunteers to defend the Government: and.

Resolved, That we will stand by our Government. our country, and our country's flag - now and forever more.

On motion. a committee of five, consisting of Col. James Cantwell, J. S. Robinson. J. N. Absten, L. T. Hunt and Alonzo Bogardus. was appointed to prepare papers and make other necessary preparations for receiving Volunteers.

On motion. two more members were added to this committee.

On motion. three hearty cheers were given for the Stars and Stripes, and a committee of three appointed to raise our national banner on the courthouse every morning hereafter. Amid deafening cheers for the Union, the meeting adjourned. to meet again on Wednesday evening.

Pursuant to this understanding, the citizens came together at the court house on the evening designated, to perfect arrangements for receiving Volunteers.

A committee of five was appointed to raise funds by contribution, for the payment of the expenses of volunteers until they should leave Kenton; also to see that the families of volunteers were provided for during their absence. Benjamin Eglin, Edward Stillings, Hugh Letson, J. S. Robinson and William Cary constituted this committee. David Snodgrass, O. B. Happersett and Stilla Powell were appointed to procure quarters for volunteers, and reported Kinnear's hall as the place of rendezvous. Patriotic; speeches were made by Messrs. George Weaver, L. T. Hunt, Edward Stillings, H. G. Harris, J. S. Robinson, S. L. Hoge, David Snodgrass, G. A. Stewart and others, which aroused the audience to the highest pitch of enthusiasm.

On Thursday, April 18, a large and enthusiastic meeting filled the court house to overflowing. It was a gathering of the people from every section of the county, and served to convince every loyal heart that the people were for the Government, the enforcement of the laws and the preservation of the Union. The addresses by C. H. Gatch and A. S. Ramsey were eloquent, to the point, had the true ring in them, and the wildest enthusi-


asm prevailed among the large audience, in approbation of their patriotic sentiment.

On the previous day, the stars and stripes had been unfurled to the breeze from the flag-staff on the court house, amid the shouts of the people and the firing of cannon. The national banner also floated over many of the business houses, private residences and public buildings. Hardin County was thoroughly aroused; its citizens vied with each other in patriotic ardor, and volunteers were rapidly enrolling to uphold the Government.

The "Hardin County Guards," which subsequently became Company D, Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, was soon filled up. George Weaver was elected Captain; Gordon A. Stewart, First Lieutenant, and Daniel Timmons, Second Lieutenant. Then followed tile " Kenton Rangers," with James Cantwell as Captain, J. S. Robinson, First Lieutenant, and Peter Grubb, Second Lieutenant. This company, on the organization of the Fourth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, became Company G. Oil Sunday, April 21, divine services were held in front of the Union House and at the railroad depot. A beautiful flag leas presented to Capt. Weaver's com pany by the ladies of Kenton. while the ladies of the county presented a banner to Capt. Cantwell's company, besides furnishing each mall with a Bible. blanket and other necessary articles. the supply far exceeding the demand. On Monday, April 22, immense crowds thronged the streets of Kenton; the "ordnance department" reported freely and frequently; a new flag was raised on the court house; martial music was heard and the drilling of volunteers seen at all hours., while the stars and stripes proudly floated in every direction and cheers filled the air as the gallant boys marched past. Speeches were made at every available point, in halls as well as in the open air, and the thrilling scenes of those first days in that great struggle for national life will never be forgotten. About sixty men left Patterson on Monday, April 22, under the command of Caps. Weaver, and were subsequently joined at Crestline by the balance of his company under Lieut. Stewart, and thence proceeded to Camp Jackson, near Columbus. Ohio. Capt. Cantwell's company left Kenton for Columbus on Wednesday, April 24, making 195 men who had been forwarded from Hardin County inside of one week. In all of these demonstrations, the, women of Hardin County bore a conspicuous part, both with heart, band and voice. hl any a "God speed you" from these noble women cheered the sons, fathers and brothers who were going forth, perhaps never to return, and steeled their hearts with a firm resolve to do their duty and never forsake the old flag.

After the volunteers had left the county, the women were indefatigable in their efforts to send provisions, delicacies and clothing to the boys in camp. In every town and village of Hardin County, some one was designated to receive donations of such things as could be used, which were forwarded to the soldiers at the front. Many a sick and wavering soldier's heart was upheld and strengthened by these attentions from their loved ones at home; and who can say that many of the victories gained and heroic deeds performed were not the direct results of the material and spiritual assistance of these noble women throughout the nation whose prayers were ever ascending to the God of battles in behalf of the Union armies.

We have taken the pains to ascertain how many soldiers this county furnished for the war up to September 24, 1861, and our investigations show the following figures: Capt. Cantwell took from this county 124


men; Capt. Weaver, 104; Capt. Furney, 60; Capt. Henderson, 23; Capt. Gardner, 80; Mr. Asbury, 32; Col. Gibson, 22; A. Gardner, 30; Marion County. 8; C. H. Gatch, 90; Allen and Wyandot Counties, 50; total, 623, or about one volunteer to every four voters. Truly this is a grand showing of patriotism and devotion to the national cause.

October 11, 1861, the following Military Committee was appointed by the Governor for Hardin County: Henry G. Harris, Edward Stillings, Thomas Rough, Benjamin R. Brunson and William Schrader.

The following military table was officially prepared by the Auditor of Hardin County, August 29, 1862, for the use of the Military Committee of said county, and we here give it for the purpose of showing the relative standing of each township during those dark days in the nation's history:

Number liable to military duty-Round Head, 195; McDonald, 149; Lynn, 72; Taylor Creek, 145; Buck, 194; Hale, 244; Dudley, 173: Goshen, 191; Pleasant. 647; Cessna, 107; Marion, 122; Liberty, 292; Washington, 154; Blanchard, 166; Jackson, 226; total, 3,077.

Number in service on the 2d of July, 1862-Round Head. 45; McDonald 44; Lynn, 24; Taylor for Creek. 29; Buck, 35; Hale, 77: Dudley, 37; Goshen. 38; Pleasant, 161; Cessna, 25: Marion, 23; Liberty. 57; Washington, 31; Blanchard, 59; Jackson, 61; total, 746.

Number who have volunteered since July 2, 1862-Round Head, 29, McDonald. 26; Lynn, 3; Taylor Creek. 21; Buck, 43; Hale, 46; Dudley, 36, Goshen , 18; Pleasant. 78; Cessna 4; Marion, 13; Liberty, 47; Washington 3; Blanchard, 7; Jackson, 67: total, 451.

Total number in service August 29, 1862-Round Head, 74; McDonald, 80; Lynn. 27; Taylor Creek, 50; Buck, 78; Hale, 123; Dudley, 73; Goshen, 56; Pleasant, 239; Cessna. 29; Marion, 36; Liberty, 104: Washington, 34; Blanchard, 66; Jackson, 128; total, 1,197.

In 1864, 173 soldiers from Hardin County veteranized, assigned among the different townships as follows: Pleasant, 56; Round Head, 11; McDonald, 15; Dudley, 7; Hale, 16; Goshen, 12; Buck, 5; Lynn, 2; Blanchard, 8; Washington. 5; Cessna, 7; Liberty, 9; Jackson, 18; Taylor Creek, 2; and Marion, 3.

The first draft in this county occurred May 23, 1864, at which time 37 men were drafted, viz., 11 from Buck Township, 10 from Dudley, 4 from Taylor Creek, 4 from Goshen, 2 from Washington, 2 from Marion, 2 from Round Head and 2 from Hale. All the other townships were clear of the draft., having supplied their full quota, with some to spare. Of those taken in this draft, some were exempt from service, and ere the quota was filled two more drafts became necessary, one on the 13th and the other on the 24th of June. In September, 1864, another draft took place, on the call for 500,000 men. After deducting credits, the quotas from the several townships areas follows: Goshen, 26; Cessna, 19; Washington, 23; Marion, 19; Jackson, 29; Blanchard, 24; Liberty, 43; Pleasant, 72; Roundhead, 22; McDonald, 20; Dudley, 29; Taylor Creek, 17; Hale, 32; Buck, 23, and Lynn, 10; total, 408. Thus, we find that the total number of drafted men from Hardin County in the Union army was 445; and that the total number of volunteers, up to the close of 1862, was 1,197; which makes a grand total of 1,642. It is safe to infer that throughout the years 1863-64, a goodly number of volunteers from Hardin County went into the army, and that, therefore, the figures are something larger than here given. There are no reliable means of knowing the exact number of soldiers who went from any county in Ohio, as many enlisted in other counties and States, to which their services and valorous deeds are duly accredited.


Hardin County always responded bravely to every call for troops, and her soldiers, whether officers or privates, always did their duty. Manyoh, how many!-went forth never to return. They went down to death in the midst of fierce conflict, where individuality was lost, or passed away in far off hospitals, half attended or wholly neglected, unsolaced, save by the fevered dreams of far away homes, bringing the images of cool hands and loving faces, whom they shall meet only in the silent land. The proudest, the noblest, the best fell in the struggle, and naught now remains of them but their memories, cherished in the aflections of a grateful people; and all over this broad land, that people have piled up the storied marble, to which the thronging generations of the future shall come and learn lessons of heroism and self-sacrifice.


Under the first call of President Lincoln, for 75,000 volunteer,, Hardin County responded by presenting two full companies, which were assigned to the Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Capt. George Weaver, an old veteran of the Mexican war, was Captain of Company D; G. A. Stewart. First. Lieutenant; Daniel Timmons. Second Lieutenant. James S. Robinson was Captain of Company G. Peter Grubb, First Lieutenant and William Surgeson. Second Lieutenant. James Uantwell, who was first elected Captain was appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment.

In August, 1861, Capt. C. H. Gatch, assisted by First Lieut. W. W. Nixon and Second Lieut. David McConnell, recruited a full company for the service, which was assigned, as Company K, to the Thirty-third Ohio Regiment. The regiment joined the Army of the Cumberland. IL participated in the campaigns of that army, and finally accompanied Sherman in his march to the sea.

In July and August, of 1861, Capt. Luther Furney, assisted by Lieut. Asa Carter, recruited Company D for the Thirty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. The regiment was assigned to duty with Gen. J. D. Cog, on the Gauley, W. Va. It formed a part of Gen. Hayes' brigade. The regiment performed much hard service in West Virginia and in the Shenandoah Valley. Capt. Furney was subsequently promoted to the Lieutenant Colonelcy of the regiment.

Capt. Daniel Ammerman, Lieut. Nelson G. Franklin, and Capt. Comfort H. Stanley and Lieut, A. K. Rarey, assisted by Lieut. Col. A. S. Ramsey, recruited two full companies for the Forty-fifth Ohio Regiment in August, 1862. The regiment was assigned to duty in Kentucky, and afterward, in August, 1863, joined Gen. Burnside's command. The regiment was in the famous campaign against Knoxville, Tenn. In May, 1863, the regiment was transferred tothe Second Brigade, Second Division, Twenty-third Army Corps, thus enabling it to participate in the campaign against Atlanta. In June following, the regiment was transferred to the Second Brigade, First Division. Fourth Army Corps. It concluded its services in the battles of Franklin and Nashville.

In the winter of 1862, a company was recruited by Lieut. David Snodgrass and Lieut. P. W. Stumm, which was assigned, as Company H, to the Seventy-fourth Ohio Regiment. Lieut. Snodgrass was appointed Captain of the company. The regiment was ordered to Nashville, Tenn., and was assigned to the Fourteenth Corps. It was in the campaign against Atlanta, and accompanied Sherman in the campaign to Richmond and Washington, via Savannah.




The Eighty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment was recruited in November and December, 1861, and rendezvoused at Camp Simon Kenton, Kenton, Ohio. It was organized by Col. James Cantwell, Lieut. Col. B. R. Durfee and Maj. James S. Robinson, all officers of the Fourth Ohio Regiment, with Dr. A. W. Munson as Assistant Surgeon. Four full companies were recruited from Hardin County, and a portion of Company E, Capt, Main's company, was recruited from Roundhead, Taylor Creek and McDonald Townships.

Capt. David Thomson, First Lieut. S. L. Hoge and Second Lieut. James B. McConnell recruited the first company for the regiment, which was assigned as Company A. Capt. Thomson was appointed Major, April 9, 1862, and Lieutenant Colonel, August 29, 1862. After Col. Robinson was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, the command of the regiment devolved upon Lieut. Col. Thomson. He continued in command until a few weeks before the close of the war, when he was disabled by a wound at Averysboro, N. C., March 16, 1865. He was breveted a Brigadier General, for gallant and meritorious service, to rank from the 13th of March, 1865.

L. S. Powell was appointed Captain of Company B, which company he recruited, assisted by First Lieut. David J. Mentzer and Second Lieut. W. J. Dickson. The latter officer was killed at Resaca May 14, 1864, while acting as Major of the regiment.

Company C was recruited by Capt. P. C. Boslow, First Lieut. John Campbell and Second Lieut. Morgan Simonson. The company was principally recruited in the vicinity of Patterson and Forest. It was assigned as the color company of the regiment, and nobly did it defend its standard.

Company G was commanded by Capt. James Ewing; First Lieutenant, William Porterfield; Second Lieutenant, Preston Faught. The company was principally recruited in the vicinity of Kenton, and in Blanchard and Liberty Townships.

After the organization of the Eighty-second Regiment, it was assigned to West Virginia. It served in the Fremont campaign against Jackson, joining the Army of the Potomac at the second Bull Run, where Col. James Cantwell was killed, at the head of his regiment, on the 29th of August, 1862. Upon the death of Col. Cantwell, Lieut, Col. James S. Robinson was appointed Colonel of the regiment. On the 1st of May, 1864, he was assigned to the command of the Third Brigade, First Division, Second Army Corps. He was breveted a Brigadier General December 12, 1864, and appointed a Brigadier General January 12, 1865, and breveted a Major General March 13, 1865. He was mustered out of the service at the close of the war, August 31, 1865. He was severely wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. The regiment continued to serve in the Army of the Potomac until after the battle of Gettysburg, when it accompanied the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps to the West, where it was assigned to the Army of the Cumberland. It remained in that army until the close of the war. It passed through the Atlanta campaign, and accompanied Sherman's excursion through the Carolinas, finally participating in the grand review at Washington. The regiment saw much hard service. It was particularly unfortunate in the loss of its officers. It had 16 officers killed or mortally wounded on the field. From the date of its organization until its final muster out, it numbered over 2,300 names on its rolls.

The One Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment was organized at Lima, Ohio, in August, 1862. Capt. Solomon Kraner, First Lieut. Thomas Axtell and Second Lieut. A. A. Bishop recruited Company B from the vicin-


ity of Round Head. Lieut Sidney Moore recruited thirty men for the regiment from Liberty Township, which were assigned to Company H. Dr. W. H. Philips, of Kenton, was appointed Surgeon of the regiment. The regiment first served in Kentucky, and afterward participated in the Knoxville campaign, where it saw much hard service and suffered many deprivations. It was assigned to the Twenty-third Army Corps, and afterward participated in the Atlanta campaign and in the battles at Franklin and Nashville. It was transferred by rail and water to Goldsboro, N. C.; thence to Washington, D. C., and mustered out at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1865.

The county furnished a company for the Second Ohio Heavy Artillery, commanded by Capt. L. S. Powell. Also three companies in the One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Ohio National Guard, under Lieut. Col. C. H. Gatch, which served from May 10, 1864, until September 1, of the same year. Four companies left the county, but upon reaching Camp Jackson, near Columbus, Ohio, a re-organization took place and these companies were consolidated, thus becoming Companies G, H and I. One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Regiment Ohio National Guard. This regiment did Guard service in the vicinity of Martinsburg and Harper's Ferry, and participated in a few light skirmishes.



Brev. Maj. Gen. James S. Robinson, e. April 17, 1861; m. o. Aug. 30, 1865.

Brev. Brig. Gen. David Thomson, e. April, 1861; dis. Aug. 30, 1865.

Col. James Cantwell, 82d O. V. I., e. April 17, 1861; killed Aug. 29, 1862, at Second Bull Run. Col. Horace Park, 43d O. V. I., e. Feb. 7, 1862; dis. July. 1865.

Lieut. Col. George W. Emmerson, 54th U. S. I., e. May, 1863; dis. Aug. 26, 1866.

Lieut. Col. Luther Furney, 34th O. V. I., e. July, 1861; dis. Feb. 26, 1865.

Lieut. Col. Conduce H. Gatch, 135th O. N. G., e. May 10, 186: dis. Sept. 1, 1864.

Lieut. Col. J. F. Jennings, 45th O. V. I., e. Aug. 19, 1862; dis. June 15, 1865.

Lieut. Col. Moses B. Walker, U. S. A., e. Aug. 4, 1861; retired.

Lieut. Col. Alex S. Ramsey, 45th O. V. I., e. Aug. - -; res. Nov. 16, 1862.

Lieut. Col. Luther M. Strong, 49th O. V. I., e. Aug. 18, 1861: dis. March 12, 1865.

Maj. George Weaver, 4th O. V. I., e. Nov.. 1831; res. Nov. 6, 1862.

Brev. Maj. Solomon L. Hoge, U. S. A.

Quartermaster M. S Woodward 5th Div. Miss. Fleet, Ft. Hindman, e. June 15, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Surg. Augustus W. Munson, 188th O. V . I., e. March 6, 1865; dis. Sept. 28, 1865.

Surg. W. H. Philips, 118th O. V. I., e. Dec. 23, 1862; res. May 7, 1864.

Surg. M. M. Stimmel, 135th O. N. G., e. May 10, 1861; dis. Sept. 1, 1864.

Asst. Surg. Augustus W. Munson, 82d O. V. I., e. Dec. 26, 1861: res. April 4, 1863.

Asst. Burg. William Watt. 48th O. V. I., e. April 16, 1363; dis. June, 1865.

Asst. Surg. C. H. Schmidt, 168th O. V. I., e. March, 1865; dis. July, 1865.

Asst. Surg. Jesse Snodgrass, 8th Tenn. V. I., e. Aug. 10, 1863; dis. July, 1865.

Asst. Surg Joshua B. Young 15th O. V. I., e. Sept., 1863; dis. Dec., 1865.

Chaplain Jacob V. Kost, 45th O. V. I., e. Oct. 9, 1862; res. May 25, 1863.

Capt. Daniel Ammerman, 45th O. V. I., e. July 9, 18622; res. Nov. 27, 1862.

Capt. Peter C. Boslow, Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 28, 1861; res. May 6, 1862.

Capt. George Brown, Co. K, 11th Mich. V. I., e. Feb., 1862; pro. Oct., 1864.

Capt Rufus M. Brayton, Co. B, 120th O. V. I., e. Aug.. 1863; res. Jan. 14, 1863.

Capt. Jesse Bowsher, Co. F, 55th O. V. I., e. Oct. 10. 1861; dis. July 19, 1865.

Capt. William Ballentine, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861; killed in action.

Capt. John Campbell. Co. C, 82d O. V. L, e. Nov. 16, 1861; dis. Dec. 9, 1864.

Capt. E. B. Crow, Co. I, 45th O. V. I., e. Nov. 30, 1861; res. Jan. 28, 1865.

Capt. J. E. Criswell. 82d O. V. I., dis. April 4, 1865.

Capt. Alanson P. Cutting, Co. K, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 16, 1861; dis. April 4, 1865.

Capt. William J. Dickson, Co. A, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov.. 1831; killed at Resaca.

Capt. E. A. Dunson, Co. H, 135th O. N. G., e. May 9. 1864: dis. Sept. 1, 1864.

Capt. Adam R. Eglin, Co. H, 45th O. V. I., c. July, 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Capt. James Ewing, Co. G, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861; res. May 18, 1862.


Capt. Peter Grubb, 4th O. V. L, e. Jan. 9, 1862; m. o. 1862.

Capt. Seth V. Henkle, Co. A. 183d O. V. I., e. Aug. 17, 1864; dis. July 27, 1865.

Capt. Cyrus Herrick, Co. C, 8'2d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. .July 25, 1865.

Capt. C. C. Hueston, Co. C. 41st O. V. I., e. Sept., 1861; dis. .July, 1865.

Capt. S, L. Hoge, Co. G. 82d O. V. L, e. Nov., 1861.

Capt. Solomon Kraner, Co. B, 118th O. V. I., e. July, 186'2; dis. Aug., 1864.

Capt. J. W. Louthan, Co. I, 17th Ind. V. I, e. April, 1861; dis. Sept., 1865.

Capt. Daniel Lewis, Co. C. 21st Ind. V. I, e. Sept., 1861; killed at Atlanta, Ga., July 21, 1864. Capt. Milton Marsh, Co. G, 82d Ind. V. I.,. e. Nov., 1861; dis. Nov. 29, 1861.

Capt. David J. Mentzer Co. B, 8'2d Ind. V. I., e. Nov., 1861: res. Nov. 6, 1862.

Capt. James B. McConnell, Co. A, 82d Ind. V. I, Nov., 1861; dis. July 25, 1865.

Capt. Michael Melhorn, Co. I, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Capt. John W. Manning, Co. D. 20th O. V. I, e. Sept.. 1861; dis. July 18, 1865.

Capt. Sidney F. Moore Co. H, 118th O. V. I, e. Aug., 20, 1862; dis. .June, 1865.

Capt. Charles Mains, Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; res. July 23, 1862.

Capt. W. W. Nixon, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May 8. 1864: dis. Sept. 1, 1864.

Capt. Charles Norton, Co. E. 4th Ark. V. I, e. July 1, 1833; dis. March 29, 1865.

Capt. Lemon S. Powell, Co. B, 82d Ark. V. I., e. Nov., 1861: dis. July 30, 1862.

Capt. John C. Patterson, Co D. 1st O. M., e. July 4, 1863; dis. Sept., 1864.

Capt. Wilber F. Pierre, Co. K. .8th O. V. I., e. April 22, 1831; dis. .July, 1864; m. o.

Capt. Alfred K. Rarey, Co. I. 45th O. V. I, e. July 28 1862: dis. June, 1865.

Capt. Comfort Stanley, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 19, 1862; died of wounds received at Philadelphia. Penn., Nov., 1863.

Capt. William Siferd, Co. A. 13th U. S. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. Aug., 1865.

Capt. Ham Smith. Co. K, 1st U. S. E., e. Oct. 13, 1861: dis. Oct., 1865.

Capt. David Snodgrass, Co. H. 74th O. V. I. e. Feb. 20, 1862; res. April 26, 1864.

Capt. Daniel R. Timmons, Co. E. 4th O. V. I., e. Nov.. 1867; dis. Aug. 1861.

Capt. Luther B. Tyson. Co. H, 168th. O. V. L, e. May 3, 1864; dis. Oct. 11, 1864.

Capt. Robert C. Wiley, 8'2d O. V. I, e. Nov. 11, 1861: dis. Nov. 11, 1864.

Capt. Robert Warnicks, 12th U. S. I., e. May 11. 1812; dis. May 11, 1817.

Capt. Ira Williams, Co. I. 135th O. N. G., e. May 8, 1864; dis. Sept. 1, 1864.

First Lieut. Andrew J. Barlow, Co. B, 101st Ind. V. I, e. Aug. 1862; died, Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. 17, 1864.

Adjt. John H. Ballard. Co. E, 82d O. V. L, e. Nov. 1861; res. July 19, 1864.

First Lieut. David C. Baldwin, 135th O. N. G., e. May 1864; dis. Sept. 1, 1864.

First Lieut. John Breese, Co. G, 156th O. N. G., e. May 15. 1864; dis. Sept. 1, 1864.

First Lieut. John T. Carlin, Co. F. 82d O. V. L, e. Nov. 1861; res. Jan. 20, 1863.

First Lieut. Nelson M. Carroll, Co. B. 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 1861; killed in action.

First Lieut. A. B. Carter. Co. D. 34th O. V. I.: killed at Opequan.

First Lieut. and Adjt. William T. Cessna, Co. A, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 1861; res. May 13, 1863. First Lieut. J. L. Clark, Co. C. 132d O. N. G., e. May 14. 1864; dis. Sept. 1, 1864.

First Lieut. Jefferson P. Davis, Co. I. 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 1861; dis. July, 1865.

First Lieut. A. H. Davis. Co. K, 66th Ill, V. L. e. Sept. 1864: dis. July, 1865.

First Lieut. Isaac N. Dille, 135th O. N. G., e. May 8, 1864; dis. Sept. 1, 1864.

First Lieut. Abraham Dille, Squirrel Hunters.

First Lieut. Preston Faught, Co. G. 82d O. V. L, e. Nov. 1861; res. October 30, 1862.

First Lieut. George B. Fry, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 1861; dis. June 1865.

First Lieut. Asa H. Gary, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 1861; killed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864.

First Lieut. Alfred Goodin, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 1861; dis. March 12, 1865.

First Lieut. G. D. Howe. Co. I, 66th Ill. V. I, e. Sept. 1864; dis. .July 1865.

First Lieut. John Kanel, Co. K, 65th O. V. I., e. April 14, 1861; dis. Nov. 23, 1865.

First Lieut. James O. Lacy, Co. B, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 1861; dis. .June 18, 1865.

First Lieut. William W. Lester, Co. C, 21st Mo. V. I., e. July 14, 1868; died at Pittsburg Landing. March 28, 1862.

First Lieut. Robert L. McKane, 45th O. V. I, e. Oct.; res. May 22, 1865.

First Lieut. Warren P. Murdick, Co. C, 82d O. V. I. e. Nov, 20, 1861; died at Chattanooga, Tenn., June 30, 1864.

First Lieut. and Adj. James McWilliams, 95th O. V. I, e. March 26, 1863; dis. Nov. 20, 1863. First Lieut. William Porterfield, Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 1861; res. May 16. 1862.

First Lieut. Nathan B. Phillips, Co. G. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 1861; dis. July, 1865.

First Lieut. A. A. Piper. Co. C. Mervill's Horse, Mo. e. Aug. 1861; dig. Feb. 15, 1863.

First Lieut. James B. Pumphrey, Co. A, 123d O. V. I., e. Sept. 24, 1862; dis. June 12, 1865. Prisoner in Charleston, Libby, and at Danville, Ga.

First Lieut. William Serguson, Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 1861; died at Chattanooga, Ga., Jan., 1864.


First Lieut. James L. Stevenson, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept. 1, 1864.

Adj. .Jasper S. Snow, Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 186,1; dis. July, 1865.

First Lieut. P. W. Stumm, Co. H, 74th O. V. I, e. Jan. 15, 1862; dis. July, 1865.

First Lieut. Henry W. Smith. Co. C, 18th U. S. I., e. Oct. 1861; dis. Oct. 1864.

First Lieut. Benjamin S. Reilly, Co. C, 82d U. S. I., e. Nov. 1861; dis. June, 1864.

First Lieut. Joseph A. Walker, 45th O. V. I., e. Aug. 1862; dis. .June 15, 1865.

First Lieut. Amos Wheeler, Co. G. 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 1861; dis. .June, 1865.

First Lieut. David Woods. Co. H, 4th Wis. V. I, e. Sept. 1864; dis. June, 1865.

First Lieut. Jasper N. Welch, Co. G, 15th O. V. I., e. Sept. 11, 1861: dis. July, 1865.

First Lieut. Andrew Whigham. Co. A, 82d O. V. I., e, Feb. 8, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Second Lieut. W. H. Baldwin, Co. H, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept. 1864.

Second Lieut. Thomas H. Bushong, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 1861.

Second Lieut. William F. Bain, Co. A, 16th Ill. V. I., e. May 9, 1861; dis. July 8, 1865.

Second Lieut. James Eaton, Co. I, 130th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept. 1864.

Second Lieut. Ezra S. Kimber, 45th O. V. I,: res. April 8, 1864.

Second Lieut. J. H. Linton. 1834 O. V. I., e. Jan. 24, 1865; res. May 18, 1865.

Second Lieut. Conrad Lue, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 1861; res. Aug. 5, 1863.

Second Lieut. C. S. Myers, 45th O. V. L. e. Aug. 1862; dis. Feb. 12, 1864.

Second Lieut. J. D. Mathews. 135th O. N. G., e. May 8, 1864; dis. Sept. 1, 1864.

Second Lieut. William W. McFadden, Co. H, 192d O. N. G., c. March 10, 1865; dis. Sept. 2, 1865.

Second Lieut. Jacob Parrntt, Co. K., 33d O. V. I., e. Sept. 161: dis. Dec. 1864.

Second Lieut. N. R. Park, Co. H. 66th Ill. V. I., e. Oct. 11. 1861: dis. Sept., 1864.

Second Lieut. W. L. Rummel, Co. I, 192d O. V. I., e. Feb. 22,, 1865: dis. Sept. 1865.

____ Samuel Strawbridge. Co. I. 133d O. N. G., e. May 8, 1864; dis. Sept. 1, 1864.

____ Morgan Simonson, Co. C. 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 24, 1861: res. July 17, 1862.

Second Lieut. Joseph Timmons, Co. D, 2d Hancock Vet. Corps, e, Nov. 1861: dis. March 1865.

_____Daniel Timmons, Co. D, 4th O. V. I., e. April 19, 1861.

Second Lieut. John E. Ward, Co. G. 135th O. N. G., e. May 1864, dis. Sept. 1864.

Second Lieut. Horace N.. Wheeler, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864: dis. Sept. 1864.

Second Lieut. Henry H. Woods, Co. H, 115th O. V. I., e. Aug. 1862; dis. Aug. 11, 1864.

Second Lieut. W. Ray Williams, Co. 1, 82d O. V. I., e. Dec. 1862; dis. Feb. 1865.


Atwood, H. W., Co. B, 87th O. V. I.

Sergt. W. J. Althauser, Co. G, 135th O. N. G.. e. May 2, 1864: dis. Sept. 6, 1864.

Sergt. Charles T. Almy, Co. I. 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 8, 1862, dis. May 12, 1865.

Sergt. John Ashby, Co. A, 82d O. V. I.

Sergt. Martin Albert, Co. G, 4th O. V. I.. e. .June, 1861: wounded at Chancellorsville, and dis. June. 1864.

Sergt. Nicholas Archer, Co. H. 179th O. V. I.. e. Sept. 16. 1861: dis. .June 24, 1865.

Corp. E. H. Allen, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864, dis. Sept. 1864.

Atkinson, .T. A., Co. D. 81st O. V. I., c. Aug. 28, 1861; dis. Sept. 1864.

Atkinson. J. A., Co. B, 4th O. V. I, e. April 19, 1861; dis. Aug, 1861.

Argo, Emanuel, Co. F, :31st O. V. I., e. June 6, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Agin, S. B., Co. H, 66th Ill. V. W. S. S., e. Oct. 7, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Ansley, James R., Co. H. 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept. 1864.

Alexander, .Joseph B.. Co. F, 176th O. V. I., e. Sept. 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Corp Samuel Andrews, Cos. G and I, 4th and 135th O. V. I., e. May 1861 and 1864; dis. .July. 1861 and Sept. 1864.

Allyn, Abram W., 36th O. V. I., e. .July, 1861 and 1863: dis. Sept. 1862 and June, 1865.

Allyn, Homer T., Co. B, 174th O. V. I., c. Sept. 1864; dis. Sept. 1865, wounded at Kingston, NC. Allen, Charles W., Co. H, e. March, 1864; dis. Sept. 1864.

Corp. G. W. Ansley, Co. H, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept. 1864.

Allyn, N. H., Co. A, 11th Ill. V. I., e. _____1862; dis.____1864.

Alexander, F. J., Co. A, 82d O. V . I., e. Nov. 1861.

Alpers, Christopher, Co. B. 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 1861.

Ash, Thomas, Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 1861.

Atha, John, Co. G, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 1861.

Arahood, John, Co. E, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 1861.

Adams, William, Co. E. 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 1861.

Axtell, John, Co. E, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 1861.

Amon, Fred, Co. B, 82d O. V. L. e. Nov. 1861.

Adams. Robert, Co. D, 34th O. V . I., e. ; dis. June, 1865.

Andrews, Peter, Co. A, 82d O. V. I.; wounded at Gettysburg.

Anselman, Charles, Co. B, 136th 0. N. G., e. May 2, 1864; dis. Sept. 1864.


Bolenbaugh, Isaac, Co. G, 4th O. V. I., e. April 7, 1862; dis. Jan. 1865.

Bolenbaugh, Isaac, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May 2 1864; dis. Sept. 6, 1864.

Quartermaster Sergt. J. W., Binckley, 114th O. V. I., e.______1862; dis. ______1863

Born, S. H., Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May 2, 1864; dis. Sept. 6, 1864.

Bingham, Charles, Co. E, 13th Mich. V. I, e. Sept. 22, 1861; dis. Jan. 17, 1865.

Bogardus, Alonzo, Co. I, 135th O. N. G., e. May 2, 1864; dis. Sept. 6, 1864

Corp. Emanuel Born, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 11, 1861; dis. July, 1865

Bushong, S. L., Co. I. 49th O. V. I, e. Aug. 23, 1861; dis. Aug. 23, 1864

Batter, Edmund L., Co. G, 187th O. V. I, e. Feb. 1865; dis. Jan. 1866.

Berlien, Peter Z., Co. K, 180th O. V. I, e. Aug. 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Briggs, Robert P., 99th Ind. V. I, e.____1862; dis. July, 1865.

Corp. Amos D. Briggs, Co. D. 4th O. V. I., e. June 4, 1861; dis. June 21, 1865.

Briggs, Matthew, Co. D, 4th O. V. I, e. June 4, 1861; dis. Jan. 1864.

Brigs, J. M., Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 16, 1861; dis. June, 1865.

Barlett, J. N., Co. I, 192d O. V. I., e. March 4, 1865; dis. Sept. 2, 1865.

Balis, Cyrus, Co. D, 42d O. V. I., e. Sept. 17, 1861; dis. Sept. 30, 1864.

Corp. John Burdett, Co. D, 4th O. V. I., e. April 18, 1861; dis. June, 1864.

Beeler, John J., Co. F, 23d O. V. I, e. July 1861; dis. ------ -1864.

Barrett, J. F., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Oct. 29, 1861; dis. Dec. 31, 1863.

Barrett, George L., Co. G.

Baker, Thomas S., Co. G, 183d O. V. I, e. Oct. 3, 1864; dis. July 17, 1865.

Baker, E. O., Co. G, 183d O. V. I., e. Oct. 3. 1864; died -May 4, 1865, at Smithville, N. C. .

Brown, Thomas B., Co. D, 43d O. V. I., c. Dec. 31, 1861; dis. July 17, 1865,

Bailey, James, Co. B, 179th O. V. I., e. Sept. 19, 1863; dis. June 17, 1864.

Sergt. Abraham Baker, Co. B, 8''d O. V. I., e. Sept. 6, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Baker, .James, Co. B, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 20, 1861; dis. July 24, 1865

Baker, John, drowned in the Mississippi River.

Baker, Emanuel, Co. B, 14th O. V. I., e. April. 1861; dis. Dec. 1862

Bruce, W. S., Co. B, 6th Va. Cav., e. April. 1861: dis. April, 1865.

Bowman, B. F., Co. K, 16th O. V. I., e. Nov. 1861; dis, 1865

Byrne, Lawrence, Co. A, 39th N. J. V., e. June, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Byrne, A. .J., Co. C, 9th N. J. V., e. Oct., 1863; dis. Feb. 28, 1864.

Bippus, .John, Co. A, 107th O. V. I, e. Aug. 7, 1862; dis. June, 10, 1865.

Burns, S. P., Co. G, 95th O. V. I. e. Aug. 6, 1862; dis. June 13, 1865.

Bowman, .J. W., Co. A, 47th O. V. I. e. Oct. 1864: dis. Dec., 1865.

Bailey, .John C., Co. D, 4th and 74th O. V. I., June 4, 1861; wounded al Fredercsburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862, and April 22, 1863.

Bailey, Silas, Co. A, 11th O. V. I., e. June, 1863; died at Ft. Laramie Dec. 27, 1863,

Brobeck, Israel, Co. K, 178th O. V. I., e. May 24, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Barr, Jacob, Co. A, 19th O. V . I., e. Oct., 1864 ; dis. June 9, 1865.

Bailey, Silas, Co. B, 179th O. V. I., e. Sept. 19, 1864; dis. June 23, 1865.

Corp. George Baum, Co. G, 82d O. V. I., e. Dec.. 1861; dis. July, 1965.

Baily, John C., Co. A, 74th O. V. I., e. Oct. 9, 1861.

Basil, Adam, Co. D, 136th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Beltz, Daniel, Co. D, 66th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1861; dis. June, 1865.

Black, J. H., Co. C, 62d O. V. I., e: Oct. 8, 1861; dis. May 25, 1865.

Baker, F. B., Co. E, 25th O. V. I., e. Aug. 15, 1862; dis. June 14, 1865.

Boyd, J. M., Co. H, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; killed at Maryland Height, July 1, 1864.

Sergt. .J. W. Baldwin, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 1, 1861: dis. July, 1865

Burton, Edward, Co. E, 5th U. S. C. I., e. June '2'4, 1863; dis. May 18, 1865.

Bowman, Peter, Co. B, 128th O. V. I., e. July, 1863; dis. Aug., 1865.

Sergt. Thomas . Bushong, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 9, 1861; dis. April 14, 1865.

Burchfield, Thomas, Co. B, 118th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862; dis. July 8, 1865.

Beck, Hiram, Co. C, 126th O. V. I, e. May, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Bowdle, Joseph A., Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Jan., 1861; dis. Sept., 1864.

Bowdle, R. W., Co. H. 47th O. V. I., c. Sept. 29, 1864; dis. May, 1865.

Sergt. W. B. Bowdle, Co. B, 118th O. V. I, e. Aug. 8, 1862; dis. April, 1865.

Baily, S. S., Co. G, 9th O. V. C., c. July, 1863; dis. Aug., 1865.

Corp. T. C. Bonham, Co. B, 43d O. V. I, e. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Black, Edward, Co. A, 183d O. V . I, Sept. 30, 1864; dis. .July, 1865.

Bowers, N. H., Co. A. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. Feb., 1863.

Beck, Frederick, Co. B, 13th V. R. C., e. June 4, 1861; dis. June, 1864.

Black, Samuel, Co. G, 4th O. V. I., e. Sept., 1861; died at Camp Chase.

Black, George, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. 1863.

Bridenstine, M. L., Co. I, 3d O. C., e. Sept. 17, 1861; dis. Aug. 16, 1865.

Bridenstine, Joshua, 55th O. V. I, e. Jan., 186.3; killed .June 15.

Black, R. F., Co. C, 62d O. V. I,. e. Oct. 8, 1861; dis. Dec. 7, 1865.

Bowers. R. T., Co. C, 49th O. V. I, e. March, 1864; dis. Dec., 1864.


Ballard, Fred, Co. F, 176th O. V. I., e. Sept., 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Bowers, D., Co. I, 1st Mich. C., e. , 1863; dis. Sept., 1865.

Bartsche, Jacob, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Bates, Solomon, Co. F, 176th O. V. I., e. Sept. 2, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Bradford, William S., Co. F, 176th O. V. I., e. Sept. 2, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Corp. James W. Beams, Co. A, 126th O. V. I., e. May 26, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Beams, Wesley, , Co. C. 12th O. V. I. e. Sept. 17, 1863; killed Oct. 3, 1864.

Sergt. W. T. Brown. Co. B, A, 133d O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Bish, William, Co. K, 180th O. V . I., e. , _____1864 dis. July, 1865.

Born, Frederick, Co. B. 82d O. V I., e. June, 1863; killed at Ft. Sumner.

Black, T. J., Co. C, 62d O. V. I., e. Oct., 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Black, William R., Co. C, 62d O. V. I., e. Oct., 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Black, Avery. Co. C, 62d O. V. I., e. March, 1863; died July 21, 1863.

Black. Henry, Co. C, 62d O. V . I., e. Oct., 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Bratton, Henry, 85th Ind. V. I., e. Feb. 22, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Barker, W. H., 4th O. V. I., e. April, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Borden, A. C., Co. G, 13d O. V. I., e. Sept., 1861; dis. July. 1865.

Bradley, Jeremiah, Co. I, 45th O. V . I., e. Dec., 1863: dis. Nov., 1865.

Bradley, William D., Co. B. 82d O. V. I., e. Dec., 1863; dis. Dec., 1864.

Bradley, James L., Co. B. 82d O. V. I.. e. March 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Bacon William B., Co. C, 113th O. V. I. e. July, 1862: dis. July, 1865.

Corp. George W. Brelsford. Co. E, 133d O. N. G., e. May, 1864: dis. Sept.. 1864.

Bostwick. Peter, Co. H, 74th O. V. I., e. .Jan. 15, 1862: died.

Bodell, S. .J.. Co. K, 33d O. V. I., e. Sept. 19, 1861: dis. July, 1863.

Bodge, J. M., Co. H, 66th Ill. W. S. S., e. Feb. 26, 1863: dis. July, 1865.

Bybee, W., Co. D. 175th O. V. I.. e. Aug. 9, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

1st, Sergt. S. L. Burnham, Co. A. 82d O. V. I.. e. Nov., 1861.

Blue, Reuben R., Co. A. 82d O. V. I.

Black. George W., Co. A. 82d O. V. I.

Black, Calvin, Co. B, 82d O. V. I.

Bryan, George, Co. B, 82d O. V. I.

Bryan. Isaac M., Co. B, 82'd O. V. I.

Burris, John, Co. B. 82d O. V .

I. Butcher. Edward, Co. B, 82d O. V. I.

Brockerman, Hiram, Co. B. 82d O. V . I.

Benson, Francis, Co. B, 82d O. V. I.

Beeler, Michael, Sr., Co. G. 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861; killed at Second Bull Run.

Beeler, David, Co. G, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861; killed art Second Bull Run.

Beeler, Saul, Co. D, 34th O. V. I.; killed at Beverly.

Beeler, Jacob, 23d O. V. I., e. July, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Beeler, Michael, Jr., 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861; died at Alexandria, Va.

Brown, John A., Co. I, 45th O. V. I., e. Aug. 10, 1862: dis. 1865.

Bushong, Lewis, Co. 1, 45th O. V. I., e. Aug. 8, 1862; died March 22, 1863. at Lexington, Ky. Brookhart, William, Co. I, 45th O. V. I., e. Aug. 19, 1862; died June 11, 1864. tit Andersonville, Ga.

Bowers, M., Co. I, 45th O. V. l., e. Aug. 5, 1862; died at Camp Lew Wallace, Sept., 1862.

Corp. Jeremiah Bradley, Co. I. 45th O. V. I., e. Nov. 20, 1863; dis. June, 1865.

Becox, Leonard, Co. D. 34th O. V. I., e. .June. 1861: dis. June, 1865.

Bodley, Matthew, Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 8, 1861.

Baker, L. P., Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 18, 1861.

Boon. John, Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861.

Baughman, Joseph, Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861.

Baker, Dowling, Co. C. 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861.

Berry, R. A., Co. E, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861.

Corp. Hiram Borland, Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861.

Corp. Jefferson Baum, Co. G. 82d O. V. I.

Corp. William Bain, Co. G, 82d O. V. I.

Banks, William, Co. G, 82d O. V. I.

Batson, J. W., Co. G, 82d O. V . I.

Brigham, Horace, Co. G, 82d O. V. I.

Boone, Daniel, Co. G. 82d O. V. I.

Berkholder, M. G., Co. G. 82d O. V. I.

Burgess, Joseph E., Co. E. 82d O. V. I.

Bain, Finley, Co. G, 4th 0. V. I.

Born, S., Co. E, 198th O. V. I., e. March 1865: dis. May, 1865.

Brisley, Albert, Co. D, 110th O. V. I., e. May, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Brumm, Charles, Co. G, 123d O. V. I., e. Aug. 9, 1862; wounded March 20, 1865.


Sergt. ,J. W. Binckley, Co. A, 114th O. V. I., e. Sept. 21, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Corp. Jacob Born, Co. B, 24th O. V. I., e. April, 1861; died at Louisville, Ky.. Nov. 17, 1863. Brown, Amos H., Co. C, 59th O. V. I., e. Sept. 15, 1861; dis. Jan., 1865; prisoner in Andersonville, eight months.

Burris, William, 82d O. V. I.

Basore, David F., Co. K, 126th O. V. I., e. Aug., 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Bogardus, Gus, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Barnett, Lew, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Batchey, John, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Brown, Scott, Co. I, 45th O. V. I., e. Aug, 1862; missing at Knoxville, Tenn.

Barlow, Thomas J., Co. G, 12th Ind. V. I. e. April 21, 1861; dis. May 15, 1862.

Bird, John, Co. E, 121st O. V. I., e. Aug., 1863; dis. Jan., 1864.

Sergt. Stephen A. Balliett, Co. L, 10th O. V. C., e. Oct., 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Brant, William, Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 2, 1861.

Breck, Franklin, Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 2, 1861.

Breckenridge, G. A., Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 2, 1861.

Borland, Daniel L., Co. C. 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 2, 1861.

Blough, F. H., Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 2, 1861.

Baker, Morris, Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 2, 1861.

Bradford, George S., Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Jan. 1, 1862.

Brown, Amos H, Co. C, 59th O. V. I., e. Sept., 1861: dis. June, 1865: eight months in Andersonville Prison.

Sergt. William S. Clark, Co. I, 45th O. V. I., e. .June 10, 1862 ; dis. August, 1865.

Collier, Charles, Co. G, 4th O. V. I., e. April, 1861.

Cox, Myron R., Co. E, 34th O. V. I. e. June 15, 1861; dis. Jan. 10, 1863.

Cook, Harlow E., Co. I, 192d O. V. I., e. Feb. 22, 1565; dis. Sept. 1, 1865.

Cellar, Thomas J., Co. E. 145th O. N. G., e. May 2, 1864; dis. Aug. 23, 1864.

Carson, C. M., Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Jan. 6, 18114; dis. Aug., 1865.

Caverly, S. A., Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Jan., 1864; dis. Aug., 1865.

Coats, Robert, Co. B, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 22, 1861; dis. Dec. 21, 1863.

Clark, John H., 144th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Cameron, William, Co. H, 26th O. V. I., e. April, 1861; died Oct. 22 from wounds received at the battle of Chickamauga.

Cameron, Elza, Co. I, 45th O. V I., e. June, 1862.

Carter, George B., Co. I, 45th O. V. I., e. April 16, 1862; dis. Oct. 16, 1862.

Close, John, Co. H, 74th O. V. I., e. March, 1862; dis. May, 1865.

Charlton, Thomas, Co. I, 45th O. V. I., e. June 10, 1862; dis. Aug., 1865.

Clemmons, William M., Co. C. 1st Ohio Heavy Artillery, e. May 24, 1863; dis. Aug. 5, 1865. Corp. Jacob B. Castor, Co. I, 64th O. V. I., e. 1861 ; died at Lexington, Ky.

Connor, Henry C., Co. B, 45th Mounted Infantry, e. Aug., 1862 ; dis. June, 1865; wounded. Connor, E. J., Co. A, 180th O. V. I., e. Sept., 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Cuppler, William, Co. B, 76th O. V. I., e. 1865; dis. July, 1866.

Christ, David, Co. B, 66th O. V. I., e. Sept., 1861; dis. July, 1864.

Crabill, J. M., Co. I, 48th Ind. V. I., e. Dec.. 1861 ; dis. July, 1865.

Corp. George Cessna, Co. C, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Cessna, Jack, Co. C, 135th O N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Cable, J. A., Co. H, 34th O. V. I., e. June 30, 1861; dis. July 21, 1865.

Chesney, J. B., Co. D, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Chesney, J. B., 61st O. V. I., e. Sept., 1864; dis. May, 1865.

First Sergt. David Case, Co. I, 175th O. V. I., e. Oct., 1864; dis. June 25, 1865.

Callahan, J. N. B., Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861; dis. Dec. 23, 1863.

Cutting, John A., Co. G, 179th O. V. I.

Cutting, James R., Co. G, 4th O. V. I., e. April 20, 1861; dis. April, 1865.

Cutting, A. G., Berden Sharpshooters.

Sergt. . E. Cunningham, Co. I, 45th O. V. I., e. Aug. 20, 1862; dis. Feb., 1865.

Sergt. A. P. Cutting, Co. A, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 16, 1861: promoted to Captain.

Sergt. Engineer J. L. Clark, 66th O. V. I., e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. Oct., 1862.

Chamberlain, C., Co. B, 176th O. V. I., e. Aug., 1864; dis. May, 1865.

Crawford. J. W., Co. F, 50th O. V. I., e. July, 1862; dis. June, 1863.

Curl, A. R., Co. H, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Canaan, Charles, Co. B, 118th O. V. I., e. Sept., 1862 ; dis. July 11, 1865.

Chamberlain, J., Co. B, 176th O. V. I., e. Sept., 1863 ; dis. June, 1865.

Corp. John Campbell, Co. 1, 96th O. V. I., e. Aug. 1, 1862 ; dis. April, 1864.

Collins, Benjamin, Co. I, 180th O. V. I., e. Sept., 1864; dis. July 3, 1865.

Sergt. William S. Carson, Co. I, 180th O. V. I., e. Sept. 20, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Cabel, James A., Co. D, 34th O. V. I., e. July 4, 1861; dis. July 8, 1865.


Collins, James, Co. 1, 180th O. V. I., e. Sept. 18, 1864; dis. May 24, 1865.

Carson, A. P., 99th O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861; dis. Sept., 1865.

Carson, J. J., Co. G, 4th O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861; dis. Sept., 1865.

Carson, Thomas, Co. G, 4th O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861; dis. Sept., 1865.

Cox, J. E., Co. D, 180th O. V. I., e. Sept. 24, 1864; dis. July 24, 1865.

Corp. George Cary, Co. A, 180th O. V. I., e. Sept., 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Corp. Milton S. Charles, Co. D, 102d O. V. I., e. July 7, 1862; dis. 1865.

Collins, Samuel, Co. I, 80th O. V. I., c. Sept. 19, 1864; dis. June 12, 1865.

Collins, Daniel, Co. I, 180th O. V. I., e. Sept. 19, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Cottrell, Lewis C., Co. E, 94th O. V. I., e. Aug. 24, 1862; dis. Dec. 17, 1864.

Canaan, Samuel, Co. E, 34th O. V. I., e. Feb. 14, 1864; dis. May 15, 1865.

Crumrine, John, Co. K, 44th O. V. I., e. Oct. 14, 1861; dis. July 30, 1865.

Cook, Nelson W., Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Cummins, David, Co. A, 133d O. V. I., e. May 2, 1864; dis. Aug., 1865.

Corp. E. S. Clark, Co. H, 66th O. V. I., e. Oct. 12, 1861; dis. July 12, 1865.

Carman, Alex., Co. I, 51st O. V. I., e. Jan. 22, 1863; dis. Oct. 4, 1865.

Calvin, L. T., Co. K, 33d O. V. I., e. Nov. 17, 1861; dis. July 19, 1865.

Cross, A., Co. E,13th O. V. I., e. July. 1861; dis. July, 1864.

Sergeant E. A. Chapin, Co. M., 3d O. V. Cav., e. Jan. 4, 1864: dis. July, 1865.

Sergeant Joseph Cameron. Co. H, 176th O. V. I., e. Oct., 1864; dis. June 20, 1865.

Cameron, Elza, Co. I, 45th U. S. Inf., e. July 10, 1862.

Callahan, William, Co. I, 175th O. V. I., e. Sept. 19, 1864: dis. May 11, 1865.

Conrad, G. W., Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Feb., 1864; dis. July, 1864.

Curran, Matthew, Co. F, 176th O. V. I., e. Sept., 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Crum, L. C., Co. . 192d O. V. I., e. March 22, 1864: dis. Aug., 1864.

Curtis, E. R., Co. E. 81st O. V . I.

Clapham, Robert, Co. D, 131st O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Carter, J. M., Co. I, 174th O. V . I., e. Sept., 1864: dis. July, 1865.

Collins, James, Co. G, 34th O. V. I., e. Feb. 22, 1864: dis. July 31, 1865.

Sergt. William Collins, Co. D, 45th O, V. I., e. June 8, 1862: dis. June 12, 1865.

Corporal W. H. Christopher, Co. G, 54th O. V. I., e. Feb., 1863; wounded at Atlanta, Ga.; discharged April, 1865.

Sergt. Samuel Carman, Co. K, 33d O. V. I., e. 1861; died Aug. 31, 1862, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Carman, Harrison, Co. I, 135th O. N. G., e. May 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Clark, L. H., Co. G, A, 129th and 180th O. V. I., e. Sept., 1861 and 1864; dis. June, 1862, and July, 1865.

Conner, J. P., Co. B, 45th O. V. I., e. Aug., 1862; dis. May, 1865; sick.

Sergt. William Conner, Co. B, 45th O. V. I., e. Aug., 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Conner, Jacob, Co. E, 13th O. V. I., e. June 11, 1861; wounded at Chickamauga June 14, 1864. Corp. Samuel Conner, Co. B, 82d O. V. I., e. Sept., 1861; killed at Gettysburg, Penn.

Conner, Daniel, Co. K, 33d O. V . I., e. May, 1862: died at Camp Dennison May 9, 1864. Cessna, J. D., Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Corp, F., Co. H, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 184; dis. Sept., 1864.

Color-Sergt. E. Callahan, Co. I, 45th O. V. I., e. Aug. 14, 1862: dis. June, 1864.

Corwin, Alex., 42d O. V. I., e. Sept., 1861; dis. June, 1864.

Corwin, James, 42d O. V. I., e. 1862; dis. June, 1863.

Curl, William, 16th O. V. I., died. Crabill, J. H., Co. I, 48th Ind. V. I., e. Dec., 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Culbertson, J. W., Co. B, 88th O. V. I., e. July 10, 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Cole, W. T., Co. K, 178th O. V. I., e. Sept., 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Collins, O. E., Co. C, 1st Ky. I., e. April, 1861; dis. July, 1861.

Collins, O. E., Co. G, 114th O. V. I., e. Jan., 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Carder, J. H., Co. K, 133d O. .N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Collins, O. E., Co. K, 33d O. V. I., Sept. 19, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Collins, J. B., Co. G, 36th O. V. I., e. July 25, 1861; dis. June, 1865.

Corp John W. Craig, Co. D, 34th O. V. I., e. July 25, 1861; died at Point Pleasant, Va., Nov. 7, 1862.

Clappan, Robert, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Clappan, George, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Set., 1864.

Clark, Jacob, Co. I, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov. 5, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Close, John, Co. H, 74th O. V. I., e. .tan. 15, 1862; dis. Jan. 15, 1865.

Sergt. Zurah Colckgloser, Co. F, 176th O. V. I., e. Sept., 1864; dis. June 20, 1865.

Corp. S. R. Calvin, Co. B, 82d O. V. I., e. Dec., 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Campbell, Daniel, Co. G, 13th U. S. A., died Jan. 11, 1863.

Sergt. Abner Collins, Co. I, 45th O. V. I., e. Aug. 5, 1862; dis. 1865.

Childs, R. C., Co. I, 45th O. V. L. e. July 4, 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Collins, Elijah, Co. I, 45th O. V. I., killed in battle near Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 10, 1864.




Calhoun, Joseph, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, died at Chattanooga, Tenn., May, 1864.

Cummings. Jacob, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Feb. 17, 1864; died at Nashville, Tenn., Oct., 1864. Cummins, J., Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Feb. 17, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Colwell, William B., Co. D, 34th O. V. I. Corp.

Daniel Carnahan, Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. July, 1861.

Campion, James C... Co. D, 34th O. V. i, e. June, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Sergt. J. F. Creswell, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Sergt. William T. Cessna, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Sergt. John T. Carlin, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Corp. George W. Caussan, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Claypool, William D., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. March, 1865.

Cole, Peter D., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Cole, W. S., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Cole, Benj. S., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Cooper, William, Co. A. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Cummins, John, Co. A. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov.. 1861.

Canaan, Levi, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Crabill, George, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Crabill, Sigmon. Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Cook. John P., Co. B, 82d O. Y. L, e. Nov., 1861: dis. Nov., 1863.

Carroll, Nelson M., Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Cheeseman, Samuel. Co. B. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Camper, John H. Co. E. 2d N. T. Cav., e. Aug. 3, 1861; dis. Sept. 19, 1864.

Crum, L. C'., Co. E, 192d O. V. I. e. Feb., 1864; dis. Aug., 1865.

Couples, Robert. Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861.

Carven, A. C., Co. C, 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Campbell, George. Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Sergt. Samuel Collins, Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Cullin, Thomas, Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Cooper, Samuel, Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Crumpacker, Z.. Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Church, Oliver P., Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Cooper, John L., Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Canfield, Amos, Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Coover, William, Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Carroll, Elliott, Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Cahill, D. S., Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Cooper, William H., Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Callahan, J. N. B., Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Cranston, Edwin, Co. D, 58th O. V. I, e. Oct. 17. 1861; dis. Sept. 16, 1862.

Culley, J. G. Co. F, 145th O. N. G., e May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Curl, Charles H., 5th Ind. V. Artillery, e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. Sept. 27, 1864.

Collins, I. M., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Feb., 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Camper, J. H., Co. I, 2d N. Y. Cav., e. Aug. 3, 1861 dis. Sept., 1864.

Charlton, Alex., Foraging Department, e. arch, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Sergt. W. H. Conner, Co. B, 45th O. V. I, e. August 5, 1862; dis. June 19, 1865.

Cessna, Zack, Co. G. 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Cessna, John, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Clara, George, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Clara , Robert, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Cawit, Francis, Co. C, 82d O. N. G., e. Nov., 1861.

Corp. John Cropin, Co. C, 82d O. N. G., e. Nov., 1861.

Demarest, Lucas J., Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Dean, Arthur, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Corp. Lorenzo Dulin, Co. A, 20th O. N. G., e. May, 1861; dis. Aug., 1861.

Dulin, Lorenzo, Co. H, 28th Penn. V . L, e. Feb., 1865; dis. Aug., 1865.

Darst, George W., Co. A, 82d O. V. I.

Sergt. John B. Dean, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, re-enlisted Nov. 25, 1881; dis. July 24, 1865.

Devore, Robert, Co. D, 4th O. V. I. e. Oct. 4 1861; dis. Jan. 17, 1863.

Devore, Joseph B., Co. H, 191st O. V. I, e. Feb., 1865; dis. Aug., 1865.

Drum, Charles B., Co. A, 123d O. V. I, e. Au g. 22, 1862; dis. July 7, 1865.

Quartermaster Sergt. John W. Dirst, 17th U. S. A. C., e. June 1863; dis. Dec., 1864.

Davis, Asa O., Co. G, 4th O. V. I, e. April, 1861; killed at Gettysburg July 3, 1864.

Druesdell, George, Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Sept., 1861; dis. Aug., 1865.

Corp. S. C. Doll. Co. K, 33d O. V. I, e. Sept., 1862; dis. April, 1865.

Delp, Alfred, Co. B, 82d O. V. I.

De Witt, William H., Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 30, 1861; died at Fort Schuyler, N. Y.

Sergt. Calvin C. De Witt, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 30, 1861; dis. July 24, 1865


Dodd, Joseph O., Co. K, 33d O. V. I, e. Oct. 16, 1861; dis. July 30, 1865.

Dunson, Lewis, Co. F, 13th O. V. I, e. Aug. 20, 1861; dis. Feb. 25, 1863.

Dine, Cyrus, Co. K, 121st O. V. I, e. Sept. 11, 1862; dis. March, 1864.

Dulin, L., Co. H, 113th O. V. I, e. April, 1861; dis. June, 1865,

Dulin, G., Co. H, 113th O. V. I, e. July, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Dulin, Freeman, Co. H, 113th O. V. I, e. Dec. 12, 1863; killed at Kenesaw Mountain June 27, 1864.

Duff, Abram, Co. H, 128th O. V. I, e. 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Dickson, W. H., Co. H, 179th O. V. I, e. Sept. 17, 1564; dis. June, 1865.

Devore, Jacob, Co. D, 4th O. V. I, e. 1861; died in 1862.

Devore, George, Co. D, 4th O. V. I, e. 1861; killed at the battle of the Wilderness, Va., May, 1864.

Dirry, John, Co. G, 57th O. V. I, e. Nov. 1, 1861; dis. Nov. 25, 1864.

Dirry, Enoch, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 1. 1862; died March, 1865.

Dearth, Noah, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 19, 1861; dis. Jan. 18, 1863.

Dearth, C. M., Co. K, 33d O. V. I, e. Sept. 19, 1831; died at Andersonville Prison, Dec. 5, 1864. Dearth, John V., Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. Dec. 22. 1863; dis. .July 27, 1865.

Corp. Noah Dearth, 54th O. V. I, e. March. 1861; wounded at Atlanta, Ga., and died Oct. 30, 1864.

Dickins, Edward, Co. I, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Davis, W. H., Co. I, 192d O. V. I, e. March 6, 1865; dis. Aug., 1865.

Deerwester, John, Co. E, 13th O. V. I, e. June 8, 1861; dis. July 36, 1864.

Dilldine, William, 180th O. V. I., e. Oct. 6. 1864.

Daniels, Jacob, Co. G, 4th O. V. I, e. June 8, 1861; dis. May 3. 1862.

Davinport, John. Co. C, 145th O. N. G., e. May. 1864; dis. Sept.. 1864.

Sergt. Joseph Dennis, Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 5, 1864; dis. June 20. 1865.

Daly, Jacob, Co. F, 176th O. V. I. e. Sept. 5, 1864: dis. June 20, 1865.

Decker, Joseph, Co. D, 83d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Downing, William, Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Decker, J. G., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 22, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Dennis, J. W., Co. H, 96th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862; dis. Jan., 1863.

Davis, James, Co. B, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862; dis. Dec., 1863.

Dempster, R. A., Co. K, 33d O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862: dis. June, 1865.

Dempster, Jacob, Co. B, 45th O. V. I, e. Jan. 4, 1864: dis. June, 1865.

Sergt. Joseph A. Dunlap, 13th O. V. I, e. 1862; died of wounds received in service.

Davis, Samuel, Co. C, 13th O. V. I, e. June, 1861: dis. 1862.

Davis, James M., Co. C, 13th O. V. I, e. June. 1861; wounded and discharged in 1864.

Davis, Thomas F., 180th O. V. I, e. 1863: dis. June, 1865.

Davis, Isaac, 180th O. V. I, e. 1863; dis. June. 1865.

Dunson, Joseph, 4th O. V. I, e. April, 1861; died in the fall of 1862.

Dille, J. M.. Co. H, 135th O. N. G., e. May. 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Davis, Eli, Co. B, 122d O. V. I, e. June 17, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Sergt. S. B. Davis, Co. D, 9th Ill. V. I, e. June. 1861; dis. Dec., 1865.

Downing, Hugh, Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 2, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Darst, John R., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 20, 1861; dis. Aug., 1865.

Sergt. Randolph Damon, Co. B, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 19, 1862; died in Andersonville Prison. Dougherty, Joseph, Co. H, 74th O. V. I, e. Jan. 15, 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Dodge, Reuben, Co. K, 55th O. V. I, e. Dec. 1, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Sergt. George Dougherty, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. July, 1865.

De Groot, J. C., 22d O. V. I, e. April, 1862; dis. July, 1862.

Davis, Samuel, Co. E, 13th O. V. I, e. June 11, 1861; dis. July, 1864.

Derniger, Jacob, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Sept., 1861 dis. 1862.

Diefenderfer, J., Co. I, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Corp. Samuel Detwiller, Co. I, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Devers, William A., Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. July, 186; dis. July, 1864.

Donnley, David, Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. July, 1861.

First Sergt. Calvin C. Dewitt, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Dougherty, Jackson, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Dickson, John, Co. A, 83d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Corp. George Dougherty, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Delamater, J. W., Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Corp. George Drusdell, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Dove, William, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Dixon, Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Davis, Charles M, Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Duffy, Franklin, Co. E, 82d O. V. I.

Doster, W. W., Co. I, H, 73d and 128th O. N. I, e. May, 1861; dis. Sept., 1865.


Dean. George W., Co. A. 82d O. V. I, e.. Sept. 17, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Quartermaster Sergt. Henry De Catur, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Dec. 16, 1861; dis. March 30, 1865. Darby, J. M., Co. K, 95th O. V. I, e. Aug. 9, 1862; dis. Feb., 1864.

Davis, Asa O., Co. G, 4th O. V. I, c. April, 1861; killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863.

Dow, C., Co. G. 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864 dis. Sept., 1864.

Decker, Sylvester, Co. I. 45th O. V. I, e. Feb. 1864.

Dunson. Levi, Co., H, 128th O. V. I, e. Dec. 17, 1863; dis. July 17, 1865.

Decus, James T.. Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 16, 1861.

Dougherty, Caleb. Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 27, 1861.

Dye, Joseph, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 27, 1861.

Deringer, Jacob, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 27, 1861.

Ellis, William M., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Aug. 12, 1862; dis. May 13, 1865.

Elks, John H., Co. A. 23d O. V. I.

Exline, Adam, Co. I. 161st O. V. I, e. May, 1864; dis. Sept.. 1864.

Sergt. William J. Emmons, Co. A. 82d O. V. I, e. Oct. 29, 1861; dis. Dec., 29, 1864.

Evans, Thomas. Co. B, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. June. 1865.

Elsasser, Louis. Co. B. 82d O. V. I, e. Dec.. 1863; dis. Aug. 3, 1865.

Everhart, Jacob, 11th O. Bat., e. Sept. 17, 1861; dis. Jan. 17, 1863.

Eckenrhood, 7th O. V. Bat., e. Jan., 1862; dis. May. 1864.

Enox, R. S., Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Feb. 10, 1861; dis. .July, 1865.

Ewing, James M., Co. D, l5th O V. I, e. Sept. 12, 1861; dis. Sept. 19, 1864.

Corp. George W. Emerson, Co. K, 33d Mo. V. I, e. Aug.,. 18, 1862: appointed Captain May. 1863.

Emerson, Wesley, Co. K. 33d O. V. I. e Sept., 1861: dis. Oct., 1862.

Ellis, J. S., Co. K. 133d and 30th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1861; dis. 1862.

Ellis, D. W., Co. E. 30th O. V. I, e. Aug. 1861: died March 6 in Virginia.

Ewing, Robert, Co. G, 18th Mo. V. I, e. Dec. 28, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Edgar, D. W., Co. G, 4th O. V. I. e. March, 1864; dis. July. 1865.

Eaton, James, 7th Independent Ohio Battery, e. Dec., 7, 1861: dis. July, 1863.

Elliott, A. K., Co. I. 82d O V. I, e. Dec., 1862; dis. Feb., 1865.

Corp. C. Edney, Co. F, 41st O. V. I, e. Oct., 1861; dis. Jan. 6, 1965; wounded.

Edney, Andrew, Co. F, 41st O. V. I, e. 1861; killed at Mission Ridge Nov. 25, 1862.

Edney, Henry, Co. F, 41st O. V. I, e. 1861; dis. June, 1865; wounded at Stone River.

Eshelman, Abram, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Nov. 30, 1863; died Oct., 1864, at Knoxville, Term. Evans, James, Co. 7, 45th O. V. I; died Oct., 1864, at Lexington, Ky.

Corp. William J. Emmons, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Emmons, Lewis, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Elliott, F. J., Co. A. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Elder, R. W., Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Edger, S. B., Co. G.. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Espy, Isaac N., Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Elsworth, .John Y., Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Ebensing, Charles. Co. I, 175th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864: dis. July, 1865.

Ewing, James, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Jan. 29, 1864.

Sergt. Charles Farmer. Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 30, 1861; dis. Nov. 30, 1864.

Fogle, Hiram, Co. G, 78th O. V. I, e. Dec. 14, 1861; dis. July 11, 1865.

Sergt. George Fisher, Co. B, 64th O. V. I, e. Oct., 1861; dis. Jan., 1866.

Corp. Chester Farnum, Co. F. 32d O. V. I, e. March, 1864; dis. May 27, 1865.

Fults, Jacob, Co. A, 183d O. V. I, e. Aug 1864; dis. Aug., 1865.

Fisher, Ray, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. 1861: dis. June, 1862.

Fisher, Edwin B., Co. B, 45th O. V. I. e. Aug., 1862; killed at Lost Mountain, Ga.

Fry, David H.. Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Oct., 1861; dis. Feb., 1863.

Foster, F. D.. Co. D, 51st Ind. V. I, e. Oct., 1863; dis. Feb., 1865.

Ferguson, E. W., Co. E, 78th O. V. I, e. Oct. 8, 1864; dis. July. 1865.

Ford, C. R., Co. A, 183d O. V. I, e. Aug. 17, 1864: killed Nov., 1864.

Ford, W. A., 188th O. V. I, e. March, 1865; dis. July, 1865.

Fulton, E. A.. Co. A, 13th O. V. I, e. June, 1861; dis. July, 1862.

Fent, P. M., Co. C, 90th O. V. I, e. Aug. 18, 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Ford, Levi, Co. A, 180th O. V. I, e. Aug. 2, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Fleming, William H., Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Foster, Francis D., Co. D, .51st Ind. V. I, e. Aug. 11, 1863; dis. June, 1865.

Fulz, John H., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Fitz, E., Co. A, 151st O. V. I, e. May 1863; dis. June. 1865.

Fleck, W. H. H., Co. D. 88th O. V. I, e. March 14. 1863; dis. July, 1885.

Frost. A., Co. D., 189th O. V. I, e. Feb., 1865; dis. July, 1865

Fry, C. L., Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 9, 1861; dis. April 4, 1865.

Fry, John, Co. K, 178th O. V. I, e. Sept. 20, 1864; dis. July, 1865.


French, G. B., Co. A, 21st O. V. I. e. Aug., 1861; dis. March 15, 1863.

Ferriter, Patrick, Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. June, 1864.

Files, Jacob, Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Dec. 9, 1861; dis. Aug., 1865.

Fouracker, William, Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 1, 1861; dis. June, 1865.

Fisher, S., Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. July 1, 1862; prisoner and discharged.

Fuls, Simon F., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Fry, D. H., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Fry, George, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Sergt. Charles Farmer, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Flinn, John W., Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Ford, William, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Fry, John W., Co. B, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861.

Files, Jacob, Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Fultz, Samuel, Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Sergt. Jacob Forbing Co. E, 30th Ind. V. I, e. Sept., 1861; dis. Sept., 1864.

Corp. N. Faulkner, Co. H, 66th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1861: promoted.

Fillmore, Conrad, Co. G, 123d O. V. I, e. Aug. 2, 1862; dis. May 13, 1865.

Fitzpatrick, George, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Jan., 1861.

Fuss, Joshua B., C o. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862: missing at Knoxville. Tenn.

Faruum, William H., Co. F, 13th O. V. I, e. June 4. 1861; dis. Dec. 4. 1865.

Gerlach, John, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Sergt. Peter Geisel. Co. G, 24th O. V. I, e. April 17, 1861; dis. June 20, 1864.

Grifmaller, Rudolphus, Co. G, 191st O. V. I, c. Feb. 21, 1865; dis. Aug., 1865.

Corp. George W. Gilmore, Co. D, 15th O. V. I, e. February: dis. .July 1865.

Sergt. John Gumm, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 16, 1862; died at Lexington. Ky., Oct., 1862

Guttermuth, Godfrey, Co. K, 33d O. V. I, e. Sept., 1861: dis. July, 1865.

Musician M. W. Gage, Co. G, 93d Ind. V. I, e. Aug 28, 1863: dis. Aug. 10, 1865.

Griffin, Justus S., Co. C, 17th Ill. Cav., e. Oct. 3, 1864; dis. Oct. 4, 1865.

Gardner, Elias, Co. E, 198th O. V. I, e. April 12, 1865; dis. May, 1865.

Garberson, H. S., Co. D, 4th O. V. I, e. April 1861.

Gunn, Eleanna, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. Aug., 1865.

Goodin, David E., Co. B, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 13, 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Garrett, W. L., Co. G, 33d O. V. I, e. Sept. 12,. 1861: dis. July, 1865.

Musician Freeman Garderner, Co. A, 18th Penn. V. C., e. April, 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Gilbert, C. W., Co. I, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864: dis. Oct., 1864.

Garwood, Isaac, Co. D, 87th O. V. I, e. June 8, 1862: dis. Oct. 3, 1862.

Sergt. Isaac Garwood, Co. A, 180th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1864: dis. July 1, 1865.

Graham, J., Co. F, 7th O. V. I, e. Sept. 2, 1861; dis. Sept. 26, 1864.

Gibson, Andrew J., Co. E, 16th O. V. I, e. April 23, 1861; dis. Aug. 18, 1861.

Gibson, Andrew J., Co. K, 31st O. V. I, e. Feb. 18, 1864: dis. July 20, 1865.

Gallagher, Charles, Co. H, 45th O. V. I, e. Sept. 25, 1861; dis. Nov. 21, 1864.

Garwood, J., Co. A, 33d and 135th O. V. I, c. Sept., 1861; May, 1864; dis. June, 1862; Sept., 1864.

Gordon, J. O., Co. K, 180th O. V. I, e. 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Gordon, D., died at Atlanta, Ga.

Gould. R., Co. A, 192d O. V. I, e. Feb., 1865; dis. Sept., 1865.

Glenn, John A., Co. B, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862; died in hospital.

Sergt. C. C. Garrett, Co. G, 33d O. V. I, e. Aug., 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Gilbert, E. W., Co. K, 33d O. V. I, e. Sept., 1861; dis. Oct., 1864.

Gilbert, M. V., Co. D, 54th O. V. I, e. Oct. 21, 1861; dis. Nov. 9, 1864.

George, W. J., Co. K, 36th O. V. I, e. March, 1863; dis. Aug., 1865.

George, J. P., Co. K.

Gilbert, R. P., Co. D, 54th O. V. I, e. Oct. 21, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Garrett, George H.,Co. E,50th O. V. I, e. April,1862; killed at Big Shanty,Ga.,July3, 1864.

Sergt. Charles C. Garrett, Co. G, 33d O. V. I, e. April, 1861: dis. July, 1865.

Garrett, William L., Co. G, 33d O. V. I, e. April, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Corp. J. M. Gilbert, Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. July, 1861; dis. July, 1864.

Gilbert, Dexter D., Co. B, 20th O. V. I, e. April, 1861; dis. died at Zanesville, June, 1861.

Griner, D., Co. G, 4th O. V. I. e., June 5, 1861; dis. June, 1864.

Gilbert, Harlow, Co. B, 118th O. V. I.

Golden, E., Co. D, 46th O. V. I, e. Feb., 1862; dis. April, 1865.

Gilmore, Reason, Co. M, 4th O. V. Cav., e. June, 1861; dis. 1864.

Sergt. J. W. Gregg, Co. H. 26th O. V. I, e. July, 1861; dis. October 25, 1862.

Graeter, H. A., Co. B. First U. S. Engineers, e. April 18, 1861; dis. Sept., 1865.

Gormley, L. A., Co. F, 9th O. V. C., e. May, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Gardner. John H., Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 3, 1864; dis. .June, 1865.

Greenfield, R. G., Co. D, 102d O. V. I, e. Aug., 1861; dis. April, 1865.

Good, George E., Co. G, 114th O. V. I, e. 1862; dis. June, 1865.


Gowder, Jacob, Co. F, 80th O. V. I, e. Nov. 8, 1861; dis. Oct. 1, 1862.

Griner, L, Co. L, 175th O. V. I, e. Dec. 19, 1864: dis. Jan. 5, 1865.

Grimes, W. H., Co. H, 82d O. V. I, e. June, 1862; dis. 1862.

Grimes, W. H., 7th Sharpshooters. e. 1863; dis. June, 1865.

Guider, W. H., Co. A, 2d and 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861, and Sept. 1864; dis. Jan. 1863 and Aug., 1865.

Gordon, Wilson V, Co. G, 1st O. V. I, e. Aug. 1, 1861; died at Andersonville Prison, Aug. 4, 1864.

Gilmore, R., Co. G, 4th O. V. I, e. 1861; died July 31, 1878.

Gould, Robert, Co. A, 129th Penn. V. I, died Jan. 1, 1869.

Gale, O. G. Co. A., 110th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862; dis. May 17, 1865.

Grafton. Luke, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Nov. 22, 1862; died Nov., 1863, Lexington, Ky.

Guider, W. H., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Gordon, Edmund, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Griffin, Benjamin, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Goodin, Alfred, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Gary, Asa H., Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Gillett, A., Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Gray, Isaac L., Co. B, 82d O. V. I, a Nov., 1861.

Garwood, John F., Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Grubbs, Perry, Co. E. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Garber, E.. Co. E, 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Grafton, William H.. Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 1861.

Gillard, John, Co. C'. 82d O. V. e. Nov., 1861,

Graner. John, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Corp. F. C. Gastinger, Co. F. 32d O. V. I, e. Feb. 22, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Garber, .James, Co. I, 45th O. V. I. e. Aug. 7, 1862.

Sergt. R. K. Graven, Co. I, 192d O. V. I., e. Feb., 1864; dis. Sept., 1865.

Gipe, Levi E., Co. I. 21st P. C., e. Aug., 1864; dis. Jan., 1865.

Orderly Sergt. William H. Co. I, 57th O. V. I, e. Sept. 19, 1861; dis. Oct. 9, 1865

Gelona, Valentine. Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Dec. 3, 1861.

Hart, Philip J., V. Bat., e. April. 1861; dis. July 1861.

Hales, James S., Co. B. 57th O. V. I., e. Sept. 1, 1862; dis. .July, 1863.

Hanna, Alex., Co. K. 180th O. V. I, e. Aug. 14, 1864; dis. July 13, 1865.

Harner, A. G., Co. C, 94th O. V. I., e. ,July 28, 1862; dis. June 5, 1865.

Harris, Calvin C., Co. C. 32d O. V. I, e. July 20, 1861; dis. July 27, 1865.

HOOD, Allen Scott.

Higgins, James M., Co. I, 192d O. V. I, e. Feb., 1865; dis. Sept., 1865.

Hanks, Isaac H., Co. L.. 10th O. V. C., e, Oct.. 20, 1862; dis. July 25, 1865.

Herrick, Cyrus. Co. D, 4th O. V. I e. April, 1861; dis. Sept., 1861.

Hunter. H. J., Co. A. 123d O. V. I, e Aug. 11, 1862; dis. April 3, 1865.

Hunter, William R., Co. M. 3d O. V. I., e. Feb. 18, 1864; dis. Aug. 4, 1865.

Hueston, James E., Co. I, 49th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1861; dis. Sept. 10, 1864.

Sergt. James E. Hueston. Co. K, 180th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. July 12, 1865 wounded at Stone River, from the effect of which he died.

Hamilton, George. Co. B, 136th O. V. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Hail. John, Co. K. 128th O. V. I, e. Oct., 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Corp. John T. Harman. Co. E, 12th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1861; dis. March, 1863.

Harman, William H., Co. B, 76th O. V. I, e. Oct. 9, 1861; dis. Feb. 26, 1863.

Corp. William H. Harman, Co. D, 113th O. V. I, e. Feb. 1, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Holland, Richard

Helverson, Moses C., Co. K, :33d O. V. I, e. Sept., 1861; killed Sept. 22, 1863, at Chickamauga Helverson, M. M, Co. G, 4th O. V. I, e. Oct., 1863; died after his discharge from disease. Harman, James B., Co. G, l5th U. S. C. T. e. Oct., 1864; dis. Oct. 2, 1865.

Hall, Calvin. Co. C, 176th O. V. I.

Hyde. R. B.. Co. B, 32d O. V. I, e. Aug. 9, 1861; dis. Aug. 20, 1864.

Hankinson. W . H., 14th Kenw'd U. S. N., e. April, 1863.

Hamilton. George W., Co. G. 21st Ill. V. I, e. June 10, 1861; dis. May 31, 1863.

Holmes, Wesley, Co. G. 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Harding. George.

Harshe J. R., Co. A, 151st O. V. I, e. May 2, 1864; dis. Aug. 28, 1864.

Hyndman, John, Co. G. 34th O. V. I.

Hardwick, William R., Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Feb. 24, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Hagerman, Silas C., Co. K, 33d O. V. I, e. Sept., 1863; dis. June, 1865.

Corp. Joshua Harriman, Co. F. 31st O. V. I, e. Aug. 17, 1861; dis. July, 1865; wounded at Atlanta. Ga., Aug. 24, 1864.

Herman. Phillip, Co. H. 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.


Hill, Nicholas, Co. H, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Holt, Benjamin, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. Aug. 9, 1862.

Sergt. Benjamin Holt, Co. A, 183d O. V. I, e. Sept. 5, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Hinds, William, Co. A, 136th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Hathaway, Nicholas, Co. K, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Hill, Thomas, Co. G, 20th Ill. V. I, e. Oct. 21, 1861; dis. Dec. 11, 1864.

Hubbell, G. R., Co. L, First Colo. Cav., e. Oct. 2, 1861; dis. Dec., 1864.

Huff, G. W., Co. F, 54th O. V. I, e. Oct. 28, 1861; dis. Au,. 11, 1862.

Hurlbert C. W., Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Feb. 10, 1864; dis. Aug. 1865.

Harrod, S., Co. F., 32d O. V. I, e. March 7, 1864: dis. July, 1865.

Corp. E. Hatfield, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Dec., 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Hues, B. M., Co. A, 183d O. V. I. e. Sept. 6, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Hindman, John, Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Dec., 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Henkle, I. N., Co. B, 118th O. V. I, e. Aug. 6, 1862; dis, play, 1865.

Corp. S. Humphrey, Co. H, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Howard, S., Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1862: killed at Second Bull Run.

Wagon Master Charles H. Hill, Co. D, 8th O. V. I, e. Oct., 1861.

Hill, Oscar, 19th Wis. V. I, e. 1862; killed at Stone River. 1863.

Hall, G. H., Co. H, 191d O. V. I, e. Feb., 1865; dis. Aug., 1865.

Howe, M. F., Co. A, 18th U. S. A.

Holverstott, .J. L., Co. B, 118th O. V. I., e. Sept. 12, 1862; dis. June 7, 1865.

Sergt. J. A. Hullinger Co. B. 82d O. V. I, e. Sept. 2, 1861; dis. Aug 9, 1865.

Hommel, John S., Co. D. 34th O. V. I, e. July 28, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

First Sergt. John Hove, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Oct.. 1861 ; dis. Aug. 7, 1862.

Hutchinson, J. M., Co. E. 66th Ill. V. I. e. Aug. 22, 1862; dis. June 29, 1865.

Hustin, Hugh, Co. A, 33d O. V. I.

Corp. E. V. Hustler, Co. L, First O. H. A., e. .June l2, 1863; dis. Aug., 1865.

Holders, Isaac, Co. D, 15th O. V. I, e. Sept. 11, 1861: dis. Dec., 1865.

Musician R. F. Holmes. Cu. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Dec. 4, 1861: dis. Dec., 1864.

Huntley, William, Co. F, 116th O. V. I., e. Sept. 5. 1864; died at Nashville, Tenn.. March 26, 1865.

Hughes. R. M., Co. H, 118th O. V. I, e., 1862; dis., 1865.

Helms, Daniel, Co. D, 180th O. V. I, e. Sept. 26, 1864; dis. June 8, 1865.

Holden, Albert L, Co. E, 125th O. V. I, e. Oct., 1862; died at Nashville, Tenn., from wounds received June 21. 1864.

Hatfield, Henry, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 20, 1861; killed.

Hatfield, E., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 20, 1861; died.

Hedges, O. N., Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; died Sept., 1864.

Hodge, Isaac, Co. K, 159th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Hueston, William H., Co. L, First O. V. H. A., c. Nov. 26, 1863; dis. July, 1865.

Hufford, W. F., Co. G, 114th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862; dis. Aug., 1865.

Corp. A. C. Harris. Co. E. 1st O. V . H. A., e. Aug. 18, 1862: dis. June, 1865.

Carp. James Heffelfinger, Co. E, 88th Ind. V. I, e. Sept.; 1863: dis. May, 1865.

Hall, William, 22d Bat. O. L. A., e. Feb. 22, 1864: dis. July, 1865.

Harrott, E.. Co. B, 45th O. V. I, died at Annapolis. Md

Hyndman, John. Co. G. 34th O. V. I, e. March, 1864: dis. Aug. 1865.

Hubbell, R. G., Co. I. 131st O. N. G., e. May, 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Hinebaugh, S., Co. D. G, 4th and 82d O. V. I, e. June 6, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Higgins, M. H., Co. K, 115 th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864: dis. July, 1865.

Quartermaster Sergt. J. B. Haldeman, Co. H. 66th Ill. W. S. S., e. Sept. 28, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Hinebaugh, D. R., Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 2, 1864: dis. June, 1865.

Housman, John, Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 2, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Harvey, E., Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 5, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Howe, G. D., Co. F, 2d O. V. I, e. April 16, 1861; dis. Aug. 16, 1861.

Hoffman, John, 1st O. V. S. S., e. 1863; dis. June, 1865.

Hatcher, N. O., Co. E. 121st O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Haines, Lemuel, Co. K, 121st O. V. I, e. Sept. 12, 18632 dis. June, 1864.

Hughes, W. R., Co. I, 192d O. V. I, e. March, 1865; dis. Sept., 1865.

Corp. James Hatch, Co. K, 33d O. V. I, e. Oct., 1861; died in Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 2,1864.

Human. Ira, Co. K, 96th O. V. I, e. Aug. G, 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Hague, John H., Co. D, 25th O. V. I, e. Oct. G, 1863; died in South Carolina Aug. 30, 1861.

Homan, W. N., Co. A, 76th O. V. I, e. May. 1862; dis. Sept., 1862.

Hunter, John, Co. L, 1st O. V. I, e. Feb. 27, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Hyland, Dennis, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Oct., 1863; dis. Nov. 2, 1865.

Holders, John, Co. E, 110th O. V. I, e. March, 1863; dis. Aug., 1865.

Hodge, A. V., Co. G, 160th O. V. I, e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Hagerman, S. C., Co. H, 33d O. V. I, e. June, 1864; died July, 1865.


Corp. Henry Hughes, Co. K, 33d O. V. I, e. 1861; died at Libby Prison June, 1865.

Hughes, Perry. Co. K, 33d O. V. I e. 1861; dis. June, 1865.

Hughes. S.. Co. K. 33d O. V. I, e. 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Corp. Day. O. Hagerman, 4th O. V. I, e. June 3, 1861; dis. Oct. 3, 1863.

Hubbell, H. B., Co. B, 45th O. V. I, e. .Jan. 28, 1863: dis. Oct.. 1865.

Hitchcock, M. K., Co. E. 83d O. V. I, e. 1862; dis., wounded 1865.

Hainey, J.. Co. H, 135th O. V. G., e. May, 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Hitchcock. Isaac, O. V. L, e. in war of 1812; buried in Cessna Township.

Hunt. Thomas, Co. E. 42d O. V. I, died Feb. 6. 1870.

First Sergt. H. L. Holmes, Co. I, 45th O V. I, e. July 9, 1862: dis. Feb., 1865.

Corp. John A. Holland, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. July 12, 1862; dis. April, 1864.

Corp. Dyer S. Hamlin Co. I. 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 8, 1862: died at Lexington, Ky., Oct., 1862.

Highland, Dennis. Co. I. 45th O. V. I, e. Nov. 20, 1863; dis. June, 1865.

Hueston, James E.. Co. I. 49th O. V. I.

Herbert. John, Co. H, 26th O. V. I, e. .July, 1861; died at home June 8, 1863.

Hoon, A. S., Co. G. 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Hunt. James. Co. A. 183d O. V. I, e. Sept. 21, 1864: dis. June. 1865.

Corp. John H. Harbison, Co. K. 33d O. V. I, e. Sept. 1861; died at Elizabethtown, March 19, 1 1864.

Harbison, James H.. Co. G. 79th O. V. I, e. Nov., 1864: died at Nashville. Tenn., Jan 12, 1865.

Holmes, Jacob E.. Co. K, 82d O. V. I, died at St. Louis, Mo.

Harbison, William. e. in the Mexican war.

Hufnagle, Co. G 4th O. V. I., e. .June, 1861; dis. June 24, 1864.

Sergt. Seth V. Henkle. Co. A. 82d O. V. I, a Nov. 1861.

Howe, C. S.. Co. A, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861.

Holton. Joseph P., Co. A. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Hibbets, John B.. Co. A, 82d O. V I. e. Nov., 1861.

Hemphill. C. S.. Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 1861.

First Sergt. John Howe. Co. B. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Hursey, B. T.. Co. B. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Hawk, Jacob W. Co. B, 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Hanifan. Simon, Co. B. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Hendershot, E.. Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Horner. John H.. Co. E. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov. 1861.

Hiatt, William V., Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Hisel. Benjamin. Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Hattery, Lewis, Co. E, 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Herbert. George, Co. C, 82d O. V. I. u. Nov., 1861.

Hondenshield, John, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Sergt. G. W. Horn. Co. G. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Hindman, John, Co. G. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov.. 1861.

Holmes, B. F.. Co. G. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Hatcher. N. Co. G, 82d O. V. I. e. Nov.. 1861.

Hodge. Henry L.. Co. G. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Hitchcock, M. R.. Co. G. 82d O. V. I, c. Nov., 1861.

Hubbard, R. B., Co. G;. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Sergt. Edward C. Humphreys, Co. A, 134th O. N. G., e. May 2, 1864; dis. Oct., 1864

Hannold, James, Co. C. 68th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1861; dis. Aug. 1865.

Herford, ______ Co. B, 118th O. V. I. e. June. 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Harley, Erwin M., Co. G, 25th O. V. I, e. April 21, 1861; dis. April 16, 1863.

First Sergt. William C. Ingman. Co. K, 33rd O V. I, e. Sept. 23, 1861; dis. Oct. 11, 1864.

Irion. John A., Co. H, 179th O. V. I, e. Aug. 7, 1862 dis. July 10, 1865.

Idle. Jacob, Co. A. 13th O. V. I, e. May, 1861: dis. July, 1861.

Isham, Martin.

Isenbarger, .John, Co. A, 133d O. N. G., e. May 4, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Sergt. John A. Irvin, Co. 33d O. V. I, e. Oct. 14, 1861; killed at Chattanooga, Ga., Sept. 9, 1863.

First Sergt. William S. Irvin, Co. B, 88th O. V. I, e. Aug. 19, 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Jacobs, Stephen. Co. H. 2d c. 1862: dis., 1865.

Jackson, Edward. Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 12, 1862; died at Lexington, Ky., Nov. 11, 1862.

Jones, James, Co. G, 183d O. V. I, e. Oct. 3, 1864; dis. July 1, 1865.

Jones, Richard. Co. C. 140th Penn. V. I, c. Aug. 5, 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Orderly Sergt. Allen S. Johnson, Co. I, 45th O. Mt. I, e. June 20, 1862; died at Andersonville Prison.

Jones, Charles P., Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 5, 1864: dis. June, 1865.

Johnson, John C., Co. A. 82d O. V. I, e. Feb., 1864; dis. July 11, 1865.


Sergt. A. Simon Johnson. Co. I. 45th O. V. I, e. June 10, 1862; died at Andersonville, Ga., Nov., 1864.

Jackson, Hartwell, Co. F, 4th U. S. C. T., e. Sept., 1864; dis. Sept., 1865.

Johnson, Jacob R., Co. G, 4th O. V. I, e. April, 1861.

Johnson, Samuel, Co. D, 180th O. V. I, e. Oct., 1864; dis. July 5, 1865.

Jeffers, George W., Co. G, 4th O. V. I, e. April 19, 1861; dis. Jan. 15, 1863.

Jeffers, C. A., Co. B, 176th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1864; dis. April, 1865.

Jarvet, Samuel, Co. C, 83d O. V. I, e. Nov. 30, 1861.

Johnson, Andrew, 54th O. V. I.

Johnson, John S., 118th O. V. I.

Corp. Austin T. Johnson, Co. D, 34th O. V. I.

Jones, John E., Co. D, 64th O. V. I, e. Nov. 7, 1861; dis. Sept. 20, 1862.

.Johnson, J. R., Co. C, 162d O. V. I, e. May 2, 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Corp. John Jackson, Co. B, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 19, 18G°; dis. June, 1865.

Johnson, M., 31st O. V. L, e. .July, 1861; dis. -----------, 1864.

Jones, C. H., Co. C, 18th O. V. I, e. Sept. 7. 1864; dis. May, 1865.

Corp. Milton Johnson, Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Jenkins, L, Co. E, 86th O. V. I, e. May, 1861; dis. Sept., 1861.

Corp. J. V. Jones, Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 3, 1861: dis. Aug., 1865.

Corp. John Jenkins, Co. B, 72d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Johnson, Hueston, Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Jones. P.. Co. H, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Jones. A. B., Co. G. 34th O. V. I, e. Feb., 1864: taken prisoner and exchanged, and died at Annapolis. Md.

Sergt. C. T. Jones. Co. H, 66th Ill. W. S. S., e. Oct. 7, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Jackson. L, Co. C. 12th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1864: dis. June, 1865.

Corp. G. W. Jones, Co. I, 175th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Jackson. Heaton, Co. K, 180th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Sergt. John Jenkins, Co. C.. 9th H. A., e. Sept., 1863: dis. Sept., 1865.

Johnson, James B.. Co. B, 86th O. V. I, e. June, 1863; dis. June, 1865.

Johnson. George W., Co. H, 179th O. V. I, e. Sept.. 1864; dis. May, 1865.

Jacobs. S., Co. H., 132d O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

James, James M., Co. A. 121st O. V. I, e. April, 1865; dis. Sept., 1865.

Sergt. Wilson Jagger, 4th O. V. I. e.1861; dis. 1864.

Jackson, Oliver, Co. I. 45th O. V. I, e. Nov. 26, 1863; died at Nashville, Tenn., June 8, 1864.

Jones, Hiram, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Jones, John A., Co. A. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov.. 1861.

.Jones, James. Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Jones, Thomas, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Jones. Edward, Co. B. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Joy, Amos, Co. G. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Jones, .John W., Co. G, 182d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Johnson, Horace. Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Dec. 5, ____

Jones. James, Co. G, 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., _____.

Justice, Martin, Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., _____.

Jones, William H., Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., ____

Johnson, John, e. in the war of 1812, e. Nov., ____;under Gen. Harrison.

Johnson, James K.. Co. K, 33d O. V. I, e. Oct., 1863; killed at Chattanooga, Ga., Sept. 20, 1863.

Janes, Fred, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Jenkins, Conard. Co. I, 45th O. V. I.

Corp. Leander King, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Kellogg, Hiram C., Co. K, 188th N. Y. V . I.

King. William, Co. C, 132d O. V. I, e. May 2, 1864; dis. Sept. 20, 1864.

Knicely, John, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 10, 1861; dis. Jan., 1865.

Chief Bugler Alonzo J. Kress, 35th Ill. V. I, e. May 12, 1861; dis. Oct. 24, 1864.

Kremblebine, J. F., Co. B. 82d O. V. I, e. Dee. 3, 1863; dis. Aug., 1865.

Kennedy, Aaron, Co. A, 123d O. V. I, e. April 12, 1862; dis. April 1, 1863.

First Sergt. Aaron Kennedy, Co. G, 144th O. N. G., e. May. 1864; dis. Sept. 4, 1864.

Kinnear, F. D., Co. K, 33d O. V. I, e. Aug. 29, 1862; dis. June 29, 1863.

Kennedy, Sylvester, Co. E, 82d O. V. I, dis. Aug, 3, 1865.

Kindle, Joshua, Co. I, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Oct. 15, 1864.

Kindle. William, Co. G, 57th O. V. I, e. Nov. 10, 1861; died July, 1863.

Orderly Sergt. John B. King, Co. B, 64th O. V. I, e. Oct. 21, 1861 dis. Dee. 11, 1864.

Sergt. John B. King, Co. H, 4th O. V. I, e. April 18, 1861; dis. Aug. 18, 1861.

Keenan, William, 17th U. S. I, e. .July 12,_______ dis._____, 1815.

Corp. Andrew S. Killy, Co. F, 21st O. V. I, e. Nov. 8, 1882; dis. July, 1865.

Klingler, George M, Co. B, 118th O. V. I, e. Sept. 7, 1862; dis. July, 1865.




Corp. Alex Kerr. Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 12, 1861: dis. Aug. 8, 1365.

Sergt. Jacob Keuser, Co. B. 25th O. V. I, e. 1864; dis. 1865.

Kennard. A. G., Co. E, 159th O. V. I, e. 1863; dis. 1863.

Keith, Silas M.. Co. E, 63d O. V. I, e. May 2. 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Orderly Sergt. James H. Keith. 63d O. V. I. ; died.

Kindle, James L., Co. I, 27th O. V. I, e. Feb. 2, 1863; dis. July, 1865.

Kelley. A. .T.. Co. F, 21st O. V. I.

Krabill. S.. Co. B. 82d O. V. I, e. Dec., 1861 : dis. Sept., 1862.

Kemper. John. Co. H. 135th O. V. G., e. May. 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Keefer. William. Co. F, 176th, O. V. I, e. Sept. 1, 1864; dis. May 1865.

Keefer. Whitney. Co. G. 82d O. V. I. e. Jan.. 1862; died, Stafford Court House, 1866.

Sergt. A. Keller, Co. D. 25th O. V. I, e. Oct. 1864; dis. Jan. 1, 1865.

Kelley. .John. Co. A. 96th O. V. I, e. Aug, 8,. 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Krisher. .T.. 6th O. V. Bat., e. Sept., 1864,: dis. May, 1865.

Keiper, Solomon, Co. B, 19th O. V. I., e. April, 1864; dis. June. 1865.

Kontz. William. Co. F. 176th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864: dis. June 20, 1865.

Kummer. .John W.. Co. B. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov.. 1861: killed at battle Bull Run, 1862.

Sergt. Aaron Koplin. Co. F. 23d O. V. I.. e. .June. 1861: dis. July. 1864; wounded at South Mountain and Antietam.

Kraft. Charles. Co. E, 82d O. V. I.. e. Nov. 4, 1861: dis. July. 1865.

Keible. R. H.. Co. A. 82d O. V. I.. c. March, 1865; died April. 1865.

Commissary Sergt.. L. King, Co. D. 82d O. V. I.. e. Nov., 1861.

Kyler. .J.. Co. D. 34th O. V. I. e. June. 1861.

Kiblie, A. D. Co. G. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov. 1861.

Kirkpatrick. James. Co. G. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Kirkpatrick. Elijah. Co. G.. 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861.

Kellog, Robert. Co. G. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Kelley. Benjamin, Co. A. 82d O. V. I.. c. Nov., 1861.

Kumly, Jacob. Co. B. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov.. 1861.

Kennedy, George. Co. H, 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Koller, H. C.. Co. H, 101st. O. V. I. e. Aug., 1862: dis. June. 1865.

Kaiser, John. Co. C. 135th O. N. G.. e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Kerns, William. Co. I. 45th O. V. I. e. Aug. 5, 1862.

Kyle, W. H. H.. Co. I. 45th O. V. I.. e. July 12, 1862.

Kelley, William. Co. I. 45th O. V. I. e. Oct., 1863.

Lewis, Orlando E.. 4th O. V. I.. e. April, 1861.

Lewis, Alvin, 4th O. V. I. e. April. 1861: killed at battle of Wilderness.

Longbaugh, Joseph. Co. H. 144th O. N. G.. e. May. 1864: dis. Sept. 1864.

Sergt. Longbaugh, Co. H. 192 O. V. I. e. Feb. 14, 1865; dis. Sept.. 1865.

Laws, .Jacob. Co. C. 34th O. V. I. e. Feb. 1863; dis. July 1865.

Corp. Aaron Lambert, Co. B. 82d O. V. I.. e. Dec. 1861: died .July 3, 1863, at Winchester, Va. Lewis, Robert F. 33d O. V. I. e. Sept. 1862; dis. Feb. 1863.

Sergt. George W. Lewis. Co. K. 82d O. V. l., e. April 16, 1861; dis. April 21, 1865.

Latimore, Horace, Co. H, 46th O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861; dis. Aug. 3, 1865.

Leedom, George. 34th O. V. I.. e. March 1, l864: died March 15. 1864.

Lilly, Joseph, Co. B. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov. 11, 1861 dis. Jan. 2, 1865.

Lease, William H. N.. Co. A. 183d O. V. I, e. Sept. 17, 1861; dis. July 6, 1865.

Law, R. K.. Co. B. 118th O. V. L, e. July 1, 1862; dis. July 13, 1865.

Lease, .Joseph M. Co. D. 66th O. V. I, e. Oct. 8, 1861; dis. Sept. 26, 1862.

Lyle, Robert. Co. H. 161st O. V. I.. e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1865.

Sergt. David A. Lawrence. Co. B. 18th O. V. I. e. Aug. 12, 1862; dis. Nov. 8, 1865.

Long, Jacob. Co. D. 34th O. V. I, e. May. 1861: dis. --, 1865.

Long, John. 8th O. V. I e. __, dis. -__, 1861.

Long, Tobias, e. Sept. 1864: dis. July, 1865.

Lappin, John U.. Co. G. 34th O. V. I.. e. Feb. 29, 1864: dis. July 27, 1865.

Lambert, Aaron. 82d O. V. I. e. Dec., 1861; died.

Loudenslager, George. 135th O. N. G., e. May 1864; dis. Sept.. 1864.

Liles, McFadden. Co. G, 4th O. V. I, e. April 19, 1861: dis. Aug. 18, 1861.

Liles. Lemuel S., Co. D, 87th O. V. L, e. May 30, 1862; dis. Oct. 3, 1862.

Liles, Jeremiah, Co. A. 82d O. V. I, e. Oct. 3, 1861; dis. Aug. 9, 1862.

Latimore. John S.. Co. B. 82d O. V. I, e. Jan. 1, 1864; dis. Sept. 28, 1864.

Latimore. John. Co. B, e. Nov 21, 1861; dis. Dec. 31, 1863.

Lash, George, Co. B. 32d O. V. I, e. Feb. 8, 1863; dis. June, 1865.

Lawrence, J. A.. Co. G. 88th O. V. I, e. Aug. 5, 1863: dis. July, 1865.

Liggitt. A. C., Co. C, 132d O. N. G.. e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Leighton, George Co. B, 135th O. N. G., a May, 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Leedom, Henry, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Corp. William Lloyd, Co. A. 118th O. V. I. e. Aug. 11, 1862: dis. .June, 1865.


Lehr, H. S., Co. K, 86th O. V. I, e. May, 1862; dis. Oct., 1862.

Hospital Steward H. S. Lehr, 176th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1864: dis. June, 1865.

Corp. Jacob Leinard, Co. I, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.,

Wagon Master John F. Linderman, Co. F, 37th O. V. I, e. Sept. 9, 1861; died in prison, Richmond, Va.

Lane, Robert K., Co. B, 118th O. V. I, e. July 22, 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Longabaugh, E. C., Co. D, 81st O. V. I, e. April, 1861; dis. Oct., 1864.

Longfellow, P., Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Lonthan, John, 7th --, e. Oct., 1862; dis. Sept., 1665; killed by cars at home, March 1872. Lonthan, Joseph, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 12, 1861: taken prisoner at Goldsboro. 1864.

Musician W. W. Latham, Co. F, 21st O. V. I, e. Sept. 26, 1861; dis. Aug., 1865.

Lehr, A., Co. B, 19th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. June. 1865.

Longabaugh, George, Co. F, 16th O. V. I., e. Sept. 2, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Losey, Amos J., Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. June. 1865.

Lydick, Samuel

Lesley. J. C., Co. H 66th Ill. W. S. S., e. Oct. 7. 1861; dis. July 7, 1865.

Lantz, George, Co. B. 118th O. V. I., e. ---, 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Lantz, William. Co. D. a: th O. V. I. e. June, 1862; died in Andersonville Prison.

Lantz, M., Co. C, 13th O. V. I, e. July. 1861; dis. July. 1864.

Lawrence. John, Co. F, 31st O. V. I., e. Aug. 2, 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Lininger, W. S., Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. March 6, 1863.

Sergt. Joseph Lawrence, Co. F. 31st O. V. I, e. Aug. 2, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Lake, Thomas, Co. C, 13th O. V. I, e. June, 1861: dis. June. 1864; wounded at Shiloh and Murfreesboro.

Sergt. James Lake. Co. C, 68th O. V. I, e. Nov. 6, 1861 ; dis. July, 1865.

Limes, M., Co. H, 4th and 128th O. V. I., e. April, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Limes, John, Co. I, 180th O. V. I., e. Aug. 23, 1864: dis. July, 1865.

Limes, H., 10th O. V. I.

Louthan. J. F., Co. G. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861: died May 3, 1869.

Lukins. Jesse, 16th O. V. Bat.. died Dec. 22, 1862.

Layton, W. C. Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Lambert, Adam, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. July 11, 1862; dis. June. 1865.

Lambert. Jesse, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. July 11, 1862: dis. June. 1865.

Looker, Moab Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 4, 1862; dis. June. 1865.

Lininger, Hiram, Co. D, 4th O. V. I., e. May, 1861; died Nov. 1861.

Orderly Sergt. A. K. Lewis, 4th O. V. I.. e. June. 1861; killed May 18, 1864, at Wilderness, Va. First Sergt. J. H. Linton, Co. A, 198th O. V. I., e. Sept., 1864; promoted.

Lee. Nicholas, Co. B. 82d O. V . I.

Lightner, John. Co. B, 82d O. V. L, e. Nov., 1861; dis. 1862.

Ludwig. J. B., Co. C. 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861.

Liles, Daniel, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Lowe, John, Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Lowe, James, Co. G. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Lynch, Patrick, Co. G, 83d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Locker. William, Co. G, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861.

Leatham, William, Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Corp. Lawrence Large, Co. A, 13th U. S. Inf., e. Aug. 24, 1861; dis. Feb. 5, 1864.

Lane, Peter W., Co. H, 179th O. V. I, e. Sept. 16, 1864: dis. June 17, 1865.

Lane, Isaac W., Co. I. 45th O. V. I, e. March, 1863.

Corp. Phillip L. McDowell, Co. H, 94th O. V. I, e. Aug. 7, 1862; dis. Feb. 7, 1863.

Sergt. Philip McDowell, Co. B, 154th O. V. I, e. May, 1964; dis. Sept., 1864.

McCloskey B. W., Co. A, 49th O. V. I, e. Aug. 23, 1861; dis. Aug. 23, 1864.

Drummer James W. Marshall. Co. E. 23d Heavy Artillery, e. 1861; dis. Oct., 1865.

Moore, Perry R., Co. C, 6th U. S. Cav., e. Oct. 20, 1861; dis. March 16, 1863.

Moore, Perry, R., Co. C, 20th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. June 9, 1865.

McMullen. William F., Co. K. 76th O. V. L, e. Dec. 2, 1861; dis. July 15, 1865.

Morey, Delano J., Co. B. 82d O. V. I, e. Dec. 29, 1861; dis. August, 1865.

Orderly Sergt. Austin W. Miller. Co. H, 101st O. V. I, e. Aug. 10, 1862; dis. June 20l, 1865. Miller, John C., Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Corp. Alfred T. Myers ere Co. C, 82d O. V. I.

Morrison. Robert,. U. S. I, e. Oct. 26, 1861; dis. Jan. 2, 1865.

McConnell, A.. Co. H, 179th O. V. L, e. Sept.. 1864; dis. June. 1865.

First Sergt. Walter G. Marmon, 4th Heavy Artillery, e. Sept., 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Moy. Benedick, Co. B. 82d O. V. I. e. Dec. 7, 1861: dis. May 24, 1862.


McFarland, Ellis, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. June 28, 1863; died at Annapolis, Md., April 2, 1864. Corp. I. W. McKittrick, Co. E, 182d O. V. I, e. Nov. 3, 1864; dis. June 8, 1865.

Sergt. E. H. Malian, Co. B, 118th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Myers. Andy, 4th O. V. I, died.

Sergt. Elias McClaid, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Oct., 1861; dis. March 4, 1863.

Sergt. Sylvanus P. Morey, Co. B, 82d O. V. I. e. April 20, 1861; dis. Nov. 16, 1864: lost an arm at Peach Tree Creek. Atlanta, Ga.

Mitchell, R. H., Co. I, 144th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Morison, Robert, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Oct, 26, 1861; dis. .Jan. 9, 1865.

Morrison, John A, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Feb. 12, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Matthews, W. D. F.. Co. D. 110th O. V. I, e. May 26,1864; dis. .June 28, 1865.

Corp. Andy Miller, Co. H, 179th O. V. I, e. Sept. 16, 1864: dis. Jan.. 1865.

Corp. James C. Marshall, Co. B, 86th O. V. I, e. June .1, 1862; dis. Feb., 1864.

Sergt. James C. Marshall, Co. U, 174th O. V. L, e. Aug. 11, 1864; dis. June 28, 1866.

Morison, James, Co. H, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

McCrary, Daniel, Co. I. 132d O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Miller, Andrew, Co. I. 62d O. V. I, e. Feb. 10, 1862; dis. June 23, 1865.

McElroy, Hugh G., Co. H. 60th O. V. I. e. Feb. 18, 1864: dis. .July 7, 1865.

Morrow W. H., Co. G. 4th O. V. I. e. April 18, 1861; dig. Sept. 1, 1863.

Miller. J. S., 7th Ohio Ind. Co. Sharpshooters, e. Oct. 5, 1864; dis. May 20, 1865.

Mustard, James. Co. I, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Matthew, George , Co. B, 15th O. V. I.

McGinnis, Moses, Co. A. 180th O. V. I, e. Sept. 5, 1864; dis. April. 1865

McGinnis, George L., Co. I. 135th O. V. I. e. May, 1861: dis. Sept., 1864.

Sergt. J. J. McElroy, Co. H, 16th Illinois Sharpshooter. e. Nov. 16, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Marsh, Lewis .J., Co. E, 151st O. V. I, e. May 2, 1864; dis. Sept. 25, 1864.

Mumea, .John T., Co. K, 4th O. V. I, e. June 8, 1861: dis. June 4, 1865.

Corp. James McWilliams, Co. C. 95th O. V. I, e. Aug. 11, 1862; dis. March 26,1863.

McDonald. S. C., Co. C. 12th O. V. Cav., e. Sept., 1863; dis. May, 1865.

Marvin, Thomas, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Feb. 7, 1864: dis. Oct., 1865.

Munsell, W. M, Co. H, 128th O. V. I, e. .Jun., 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Miller. Robert. Co. G, 135th U. N. G., e. May. 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

McFadden, W. W.

Musser, S., Co. K, 12th Ind. V. I. e. June 20, 1862; dis. June. 1865.

Martin, William, Co. K, 82d O. V. I, e. .Jan. 3, 1861; killed Aug. 31, 1862, in Second Bull Run.

McCann, Sylvester, Co. D. 4th O. V. I, e. Aug. 6, 1861; dis. Oct. 22, 1863.

McCann, Madison, Co. D, 4th O. V. I, e. April, 1861; killed at Petersburg, Va., in 1865.

McCann, David, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. July 23, 1862; died in Belle Island Prison in 1863.

McCann, S., Co. D, 4th O. V. I. e. 1864: died at home from injuries received.

Maynard, Henry, Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 1, 1864; dis. June 20, 1865.

Moore, Albert, Co. C, 25th O. V. I, e. Sept. 7, 1864: dis. Nov., 1865.

McDonald. T. J., Co. H, 17th Ill. V. I, e. May, 1861: dis. June 11, 1864.

Marlow, W. T., Co. H, 105th O. V. I, e. Aug. 9, 1862: dis. June 7, 1865.

Morten, A. F., Co. H, 12th O. V. I, e. Jan., 1862; dis. July, 1865.

McGinnis, S. W., Co. A. 82d O. V. I, e. Oct., 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Sergt. E. D. McIntire Co. A, 183d O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864: dis. July, 1865.

Mahan, John B., Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 12, 1861; died at Middletown, Va., July 1, 1862.

Musician I. H. Mahan, Co. L, 2d O. V. Heavy Artillery, e. June 23, 1863; dis. Sept., 1865.

Meneal, .John W., Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 20, 1861; dis. July 8, 1864.

Martin, W. A., Co. C, 142d O. V. I. e. Jan., 1865: dis. Dec., 1865.

March, S., Co. I, 42d O. V. I, e. Sept. 5, 1861; dis. Dec. 25, 1865.

Murphery. Alex., Co. A, 183d O. V. I, e. Sept. 5, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Corp. S. W. Messick, Co. B. 118th O. V. I, e. 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Moore, S., Co. E, I, 99th and 50th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862; dis. July, 1865.

McCoy, John, Co. H, 91st O. V. I, e. March, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Matthews, M., Co. I, 135th O. N. G., e. May. 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Corp. W. R. Matthews, Co. L, 135th O. N. G., e. May 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Maynard, Brice, Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. July, 1865.

McFadden, Co. G, 197th O. V. I, e. March, 1865; dis. Aug., 1865.

Sergt. J. F. Marmon Co. H, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Marmon, C.. Co. H, 135th O. N. G., e. May. 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

McClintock. J. H., Co. F, 82d O. V. I, e. Oct., 1861; dis. July, 1865.


McGinnis, G. A.. Co. H, 136th O. N. G., e. May 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Minchell, Richard, Co. C, 45th O. V. I., e. Aug. 11, 1862 died at Andensonville Prison. July 8. 1864.

McCullough, Philip, Co. D 13th O. V. I, e. Aug. 2, 1862: dis. .July, 1865.

Morrow, John A.. Co. G, 13th O. V. I., e. March, 1864; dis. July 1865.

McDonald, George, Co. C, 156th O. V. I, e. Oct. 18, 1864; dis. Oct. 18, 1865.

Corp. Jasper McDonald Co. F, 13th O. V. I, e. June. 1861; died Jan. 22, 1863. of wounds received at Murfreesboro, Term.

McDonald Alex, Co. P, 34th O. V. I., e. Aug. 16, 1861; died at home soon after discharge Aug., 1865.

Mahon. Lewis, Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Feb.. 1864: killed May 25, 1864, at Dallas, Ga.

Miller. Perry, Co. K. 128th O. V. I. e. Jan., 1863; dis. May, 1864.

Corp. Merritt Miller. Co. I, 54th O. V. I. e. Oct. 16, 1861; dis. Aug. 1865.

McGuigin, Co. K. 13th Iowa V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. April, 1865.

Miller. I. V.. Co. F. 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 3, 1864; dis. .June. 1865

Marquis. D. L.. Co. F. 116th O. V. I, a Sept. 3, 1864: dis. June. 1865.

Miller. James D.. Co. F. 176th O. V. I, c. Sept. 3, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Miller, .John C.. Co. K. 113th O. V. I., e. Dec., 1863: dis. June, 1865.

McCloud, N. S., Co. H. 10th O. V. I, e. June 12, 1863: dis. Aug., 1865.

Miller. William, Co. I. 45th O. V. I.. e. June. 1863: taken prisoner at Crab Orchard, Ky.; murdered by Molly Maguires March 1876.

Miller, Leander. Co. I, 13th O. V. I.. e. June, 1861; killed June 22, 1864, at Altoona Pass, Ga.

Miller, Albert. Co. I. 23d O. V. I.. e. Dec. 20, 1863; dis. .June. 1865.

Morgan. W. F.. Co. H. 144th O. N G. e.. May, 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Major, H. A.. Co. B. 82d O. V. I. e. Oct.. 1861; dis. Dec. 1864.

Miller. S. D., Co. K. 4th Ky. V. I.. e. Aug., 1863; dis. March. 1866.

McBride, C. Co. I. 175th O. V. I., e. Aug. 20, 1864: dis. July 14, 1865.

Miller. Dalis P., Co. E. 82d O. V. I. e. ____1862: killed at Gettysburg, July 1863

McAdams, A. O.. Co. B. 45th O. V. I.. e. .June. 1862: dis. June 1865.

McElhaney, John. Co. A. 180th O. V. I., e. Oct., 1864; dis. Aug. 1865.

Moore, John Q.. Co.. B. 45th O. V. I.. e. Aug., 1862; dis. sick.

Miller. Charles. Co. B. 45th O. V. I.., e. Aug 1862; dis. Jane 19, 1865.

Orderly Sergt. Robert L. McKean. Co.. B. 45th O. V. I., e. Aug., 1862; promoted.

Sergt. George M. McGregor, Co. F, 66th O. V. I.. e. Dec. 7, 1861: dis. May 1865.

Mustard, W. H., Co. K, 33d O. V. I., e. Sept. 19, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

McElroy, Hamilton. Co. E. 197th O. V. I. e. March. 1864: dis. Oct.., 1864.

Mitchell. Charles, Co. K. 133d O. N. G., e. May. 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Marsh, Benjamin. Co. C. 82d O. V. I.. e. Nov., 1861: dis. Dec. 28, 1862; wounded at Sulphur Springs, Va.

McClure. John. Co. D. 18th N. S. I., e. Aug. 1861; dis,.1863.

Maynard. E.. 82d O. V. I.. e. Nov.. 1861: died April 15, 1862.

McGinnis, .John. Co. A. 82d O. V. I.. e. Nov., 1861; died May 5, 1864.

Maria, James. Co. A. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1862.

Sergt. Richard Morrison. Co. B. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov. 1861.

Morey, William P.. Co. B. 82d O. V. I.. e. Nov. 1861.

Murphy. James. Co. B. 82d O. V. I. e Nov. 1861 killed Aug. 29, 1862. at Second Bull Run.

McKnight, William. Co. B. 82d O. V. I..e. Nov. 1861

Sergt. George W. McGary, Co. C. 82d O. V . I.. e. Nov. 1861.

Corp. John W. McGary, Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 1861.

Murdock. W. P., Co. C. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov.. 1861.

Morrow, John M.. Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Mabin, .John B.. Co. E. 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861.

McNeal, .John W., Co. E, 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

McKinley, .James. Co. E, 82d O. V. I.. e. Nov., 1861.

McGee, Michael, Co. G, 82d O. V. I.. e. Nov., 1861.

McGee. L. V.. Co. G. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Maxwell, William. Co. G, 82d O. V. I.. e. Nov., 1861.

Marsh, Benjamin. Co. G. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Marquis. Robert. Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

McGinnis, William, Co. G. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

McClain, Edward, Co. C. 82d O. V. I.

Sergt. William H. Mufford. Co. D, 15th O. V. I, e. Sept. 10, 1861: dis. Sept. 16, 1864.

Miller. John C., 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Miller. Peter, 179th O. V. I, died at Nashville. Tenn., Jan. 28. 1865.

Musgrove, Z. A., Co. H, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862; dis. June 1865.

Dispatch Bearer Anthony Mahon e. Aug., 1862; dis. Sept., 1869.

Sergt. P. L. McDowell. Co. B, 154th O. V. I, e. Aug 1862; dis. Sept., 1864.


Mahon, H. M., Co. C. 32d O. V. L, e. Nov., 1864: dis. June, 1865.

McConnell, William F.. 82d O. V. I.

Maple. T. N., 2d O. V. I, e. April, 1861; dis. Aug., 1861.

Maple, T. N., 16th Ind. B., e. Aug., 1861; dis. June, 1865.

McFarland, Hammon, Co. I. 45th O. V. I.

Moore, Charles N., Co. I, 45th O. V. I.

Morrison, George H.. Co. I, 45th O. V. I. e. Aug. 14I, 1862.

Mitchell, S. G., Co. I. 45th O. V. I, e. .June, 1862.

Sergt. J. V. B. Maine, Co. E. 64th O. V. I, e. Oct. 5, 1861; dis. June 12, 1865.

Maxwell. John, Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861.

Mahon, William P., Co. F, 55th O. V. I, e. Sept. 20, 1861: dis. March 18, 1863.

Noel, Sylvester D., Co. F. 21st. U. S. I, e. July 3, 1866; dis. July 3, 1869.

Naus, William Jr., Co. I, 192d O. V. I, e. Feb. 9, 1865; dis. Sept. 1, 1865.

Naus, .John P., Co. H, 118th O. V. I., e. Aug 20, 1862: dis. Sept. 6. 1865.

Naus, William H.. Co. I, 192d O. V. I, e. Feb. 9, 1865; dis. Sept. 1, 1865.

Commission Sergt. James E. Nelson, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 17, 1861; dis. Dec. 17, 1864.

First Sergt. Charles Norton, Co. B, 1st Balt. C. M. M. B., e. Jun. 20, 1863; dis. Jan. 25, 1864

by reason of promotion as Captain.

Norton, Charles. Co. I, 44th O. V. I, e. Aug. 20, 1861; dis. .Jan. 20, 1863.

Norman. Henry W.. Co. B, 119th O. V. I, e. Sept. 22'?, 1864: dis. .June 20, 1865.

Norman, William, Co. G. 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Nash, Samuel. Co. C. 126th O. V. I, c. .June. 1864: killed.

Nickison. Charles, Co. H. 176th O. V. I, e. .June, 1864; dis. Aug., 1865.

Norman, H. C.. Co. 45th O. V. I, e. Sept. 7, 1864; dis. Nov., 1865.

Neely, William, Co. A. 180th O. V. I, e. Oct., 1864: dis. July. 1865.

Newland. Matthew. Co. K. 13th O. V. L, e. July, 1861; died Nov. 28, 1862.

Newland. Edward K., Co. B. 118th O. V. I, e. .July 24,1862: dis. Oct.. 1863.

Norris, .John T.. Co. C, 13th O. V. I., e. , 1861; died at Evansville, Ind.

Morris, Nathaniel, Co. C, 180th O. V. I., e. --. 1863; dis. June, 1865.

Newland, Jerry S.. Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861: wounded and dis. in 1864.

Newland, Andrew, Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1862; dis. , 1863.

Neeley, John. Co. C. 57th O. V. I, e. Dec., 1861; dis. Feb., 1863.

Nicholas, L., Co. A, 192d O. V. I.. e. Feb.. 1865; dis. Sept.. 1865.

Nagle, John, Co. I, 9th Ind. V. I, e. April 17. 1861; dis. .July, 1861.

Nagle, Henry H.. Co. G, 4th O. V. I, died March 20, 1862.

Nagle, Charles, died Oct. 23, 1865.

Norman, William, Co. I, 45th O. V. L, e. Aug. 9, 1862: dis. April 14, 1865

Norris, Isaac, Co. C, 82'd O. V. I. e. Nov. 20, 1861.

Corp. William Newland. Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. --. 1864.

Corp. Isaiah Oglesbee, Co. H. 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Oglesbee, George. 45th O. V. I., e. Jan. 4, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Outland, S., Co. K, 121st O. V. I.

Orahood. Amos

Orr, John R.. Co. I, 49th O. V. I, e. April. 1863: dis. Dec. 31, 1865.

Obenour. E., Co. B, 61st O. V . I., e. June. 1862; killed at Gettysburg, Penn.

Obenour, Levi. Co. K, 33d O. V I, e. April, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Obenour. Frederick, e. .___1862; died at Nashville, Tenn., July, 1862.

Orth, J. A., 7th Ohio Sharpshooters, e. Sept., 1864: dis. .July, 1865

Obenour. Jacob, 7th Ohio Sharpshooters, e. Oct. 6, 1864: dis. June, 1865.

Ormsby. M. S. Co. D 8th U. S. I. e. Oct 1862.

Ormsby. M. S., Co. A, 11th Penn. C., e. March, 1865; dis. Aug., 1865.

O'Connell, Martin. Co. E:. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 1861.

Protzman. Silas, Co. F. 110th O. V. I, e. Jan.1862; dis. .July 1, 1865.

Teamster Martin Price. Co. B. 82d O. V. I, e. Jan., 1862; dis. July 24, 1865.

Corp. Henry Price Co. B, 82d O. V. L, e. Nov., 1861.

Peckinpaugh, J. W., Co. L 49th O. V. I, e. Oct. 3, 1862; dis. June, 1862.

Peckinpaugh, J. W., Co. K, 148th Ind. V. I, e. March, 1865; dis. Sept., 1865.

Pool, John J., 6th Ind. O. B., e. Sept. 23, 1864; dis. June 12, 1865.

Price, Robert E.. Co. F., 13th O. V. I, e..June 5, 1861; dis. June, 1864.

Pearson, .John H., Co. I 45th M. I., e. .June 10, 1862.

Pierson, Thomas, Co. D, 4th O. V. I, e. April, 1861; dis. Aug., 1865.

Park, George A., Co. A, 81st. O. V. I, e. Feb. 17, 1864; dis. May 5, 1865.

Sergt. R. A. Park, Co. F, 101st O. V. I, e. July 2, 1862; dis. July 25, 1865.

Pittington, William.

Pittington, Jackson, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 15, 1862: died at Lexington, Ky., Nov., 1862.

Peaver, Harvey, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Peaver, George, Co. G. 25th O. V. I, e. Oct. 2, 1864: dis. Oct. 14, 1865.

Phillips, William H., 14th L. A., Sept. 10, 1861; dis. .July, 1865.


Perm H. C., 16th O. B.. e. Sept. 1, 1861.

Palmer, John H., 1st O. Indt. B., e. Jan. 19, 1864; dis. June 2, 1865.

Potter, Harrison, Co. K, Toth N. H. V. I, e. Oct. 29, 1863; dis. June 29, 1865.

Pyers, O., Co. F, 13th and 121st O. V. I, e. June 20, 1861; dis. --, 1866.

Porter, J. F., Co. D, 80th O. V. I., c. Sept. 5, 1864: dis. July, 1865.

Corp. Freeman Porter, Co. A, 183d O. V. I, e. Oct., 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Patterson, J. C.. Co. B. 10th Ind. V. I. (183d O. V. I), e. April 23, 1861; dis. July 17, 1864.

Penrose, Louis, Co. B, 18th O. V. I., e. Oct., 1864; dis. Sept. 12, 1865.

Porter. Green, 198th O. V. I, e. March 28. 1865; dis. May l5, 1865.

Price, Elias P., Co. I. 135th O. N. G., e. May 1861; dis. Sept., 1864.

Palen, James O., Co. E, 116th O. V. I, e. Aug. 4, 1864; dis. May 30, 1865.

Potter, William A., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Price, O., Co. K, 33d O. V. I, e. Oct., 1861; dis. .July, 1865.

Poe, R. A., Go. D, 20th O. V. I, e. Dec. 21, 1862; dis. July 7, 1865.

Park, Horton, Co. A, 88th O. V. I., e. Aug. 28, 1862; dis. Sept. 24, 1865.

Porter, William, Co. B, 45th O. N. I, e. Aug. 5, 1862: dis. June. 1865.

Patterson, Samuel, Co. A. 180th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Preston, Robert, Co. I, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Pool, William B., Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864: dis. June, 1564.

Potter, S. S., Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. --, 1862.

Pagne, Samuel, Co. H, 3rd Penn. V. I, e. --. 1863: dis. June, 1865.

Patterson, Andrew. Co. B. 88th O. V. I, e. Aug, 1862; dis. July. 1865.

Phippin, Lot, Co. K, aid O. V. I, e. Feb., 1864; killed March 14, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga.

Pinkerton, John, Co. F. 31st O. V. I. e. Aug., 2, 1861: dis. July, 1865.

Pennock, S. E., 16th O. V. B. e. Aug.. 1861; dis. July 1865.

Pennock, L., Co. K, 121st O. V. I., e. Sept., 1862: dis. June 18, 1865.

Picel, J., 55th O. V. I, e. , 1861: dis. June l8, 1865

Picel, T., Co. I, 45th O. V. I. e. July 10, 1862; dis. April 17, 1865.

Pickle. Tobias, Co. I, 45th O. V. I., e. June, 1862; dis. June 1865.

Price, George, Co. K. 128th O. V. I., e. Sept.. 1864: dis. July. 1865.

Piper, J. M., Co. B, 179th O. V. I, e. Sept. 19, 1864: dis. June 16. 1865.

Poling, N., Co. G, 114th O. V. I, e. Aug. 18, 1862: dis. Aug.. 1865.

Pore, J. H., Co. K, 21st O. V. I., e. Sept., 1862; dis. Oct., 1863.

Pender, J. W., Co. H, 9th Penn. C., e. Feb. 22, 1862: dis. June. 1865.

Pealer, William, Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 5, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Pugh, James A., Co. A, 12th O. V. C., e. Sept., 1863: dis. Nov., 1865.

Philips, E., Co. F. 176th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864: dis. June. 1865.

Philips, D. W.. Co. F., 176th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864.

Packer, Samuel, Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864.

Peoples, John, Co. K, 33d O. V. I, e. Feb., 1864: dis. Feb., 18665.

Patch, O., Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. July 30, 1862; died July 22, 1865. At Andersonville, Ga.

Printz, Alonzo, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 7, 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Pickle, Robert, Co. D, 34th O. V. I., e. July, 1861.

Packer, J. T., Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. July, 1861.

Corp. Henry Price, Co. B, 82d O. V. I., e.Nov., 1861; dis. Oct., 1862.

Paver, Thomas, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Feb. 17, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Potter, William, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Price, Thompson, Co. G, 82d O V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Patch, Sherman, Co. A, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov.. 1861.

Packer, James, Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861.

Poorman, Michael, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Pope, Thomas J., Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Petticord, John. Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Predmore, Daniel, Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Corp. Robert Porterfield. Co. G, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861.

Pogue, Alfred, Co. D, 130th Penn. V., e. Aug. 4, 1864; dis. July 25, 1865.

Predmore, B.. Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Parlett, Phillip, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Quinby, Joseph, Co. H, 12th O. V. Cav., e. 1862: dis. Feb., 1865.

Russell, Travis S., Co. E, 60th O. V. I, e. Feb., 1864; dis. Aug., 1865.

Rummel, William L., Co. F, 21st O. V. I, e. April 17, 1861; dis. Aug. 7, 1861.

Corp. Mathias H. Reed, Co. B, 45th O. V. I., e. July 10, 1862: dis. June 19, 1865.

Robinson, James H., Co. A, 82d O. V. I., e.. Oct. 13, 1861: dis. July, 1865.

Robinson. Henry. Co. A. 82d O. V. I.

Ridgely, David, Co. I, 45th O. V. I., e. Aug. 11, 1862: died at Bell Island. Va. July, 1864.

Roby, H. M., Co. G, 135th O. N. G:., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Rice, Asher, killed at Cumberland Gap Dec., 1864.


Russell, Clinton, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Rice, Robert, Co. B, 176th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1864; dis. May, 1865.

Roby, Isaac, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. May, 1862; dis. June, 1864.

Robinson, S. W., Co. D, 40th O. V. I, e. .July 28, 1862: dis. July 14, 1865.

Robinson, D. N., Co. D, 40th O. V. I.

Rose, S. A.. Co. A, 18th and 2d Bat. U. S. A., e. Sept. 9, 1861; dis. Sept. 9, 1864.

Richey, Andrew J , Co H, 47th O. V. I., e. Sept., 1864: dis. July, 1865.

Rarey Nicholas, Co G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Corp. James Robinson, Co. G, 1st O. V. I, e. Aug., 1861: died May, 1863.

Reed, John, 2d Iowa V. I, e. Aug., 1861; dis. June, 1864.

Ransbottom, Thomas, enlisted in the war 1812, and is now in his 98th year.

Ransbottom, Henry, Co. A, 133d O. N. G., e. May, 1864; died .July 24, 1864.

Ransbottom, G. W.. Co. G. 82d O. V. I, e. Oct. 16, 1861; dis. Oct. 20, 1863.

Sergt. John Rice. Co. G, 4th O. V. I, e. June 3, 1861; dis. .June, 1865; was taken prisoner at the battle of the Wilderness, taken to Audersonville, and remained till March, 1865.

Hauser, R. W., Co. B, 45th O. V. I, e. Feb., 1863; dis. Oct. 4, 1865.

Ridgway, Joseph, Co. C. 113th O. V. I, e. Oct. 24. 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Richison, Leonidas, Co. H, 26th O. V. I, e. Feb. 19, 1864; dis. Nov. 23, 1865.

Reed, Joseph, Co. A, 183rd O. V. I, e. Aug. 17: 1864; died Feb. 10, 1864.

Richey, C. H., Co. H, 118th O. V. I, e. Aug. 6, 1863; dis. June, 1865.

Sergt. A. Ripley, Co. B, 118th O. V. I, e. Aug. 2, 1862 dis. June, 1865.

Rutledge, H. M., Co. E, 82d U. V. I. e. Oct., 1861; dis. Oct., 1864.

Rutledge, Lewis, Co. E, 82d O. V. I., e. Oct. 1861; dis. July, 1862: taken prisoner.

Reed, Samuel, Co. B, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862; died in Libby Prison.

Rex, William. Co. B. 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 5, 1862: dis. June 17, 1863.

Corp. A. I. Rayl, Co. I, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Rice, John, 96th O. V. L, e. 1862; died in 1864.

Reed, S. A., Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. Feb., 1863.

Reed, W. A., Co. I, 155th O. V. I, e. 1864; dis. 1864.

Recd, William M., Co. H, 136th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Roby, Nelson, Co. D. 176th O. V. I, e. :Jun., 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Sergt. H. W. Rodenberger, Co. G, 46th O. V. I, e. Jan. 1, 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Teamster P. Roger., Co. G. 34th and 36th O. V. I, e. April, 1863; dis. June, 1865.

Sergt. C. Ranalder, Co. B, 83d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. June, 1865.

Orderly Sergt. W. L. Reese, Co. I, 131st O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Reese, Jacob, Co. D, 134th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Rockhill, Alfred, Co. A, 118th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862: died at Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 20, 1863.

Rowles, George. Co. G, 1834 O. V. I, e. Oct. 15, 1864; dis. May, 1863.

Richeson, A. C.. Co. D. 156th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Rutledge, Richard, Co. I, 11th O. V. Cav., e. March 15, 1864; dis. March, 1866.

Ruhlen, William, Co. K, lst O. V. C., e. Oct., 1861; dis. Oct., 1864.

Redman, Robert, Co. F, 58th O. V. I, e. Dec. 9, 1861; died at home Oct. 29, 1862.

Reedy, Robert, Co. B, 31st O. V. I, e. Feb. 22, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Rice, J. G., Co. K, 33d O. V. I, e. Jan., 1863; dis. July, 1865.

Reams, P. W., Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. Dec. 23, 1863; dis. June, 1865.

Rusher, Philip, Co. I. 19th O. V. I, e. Oct., 1862; dis. Dec., 1865.

Richeson, L.. Co. H. 26th O. V. I, e. Feb. 19, 1864; dis. Oct., 1865.

Rush, J. P., Co. A, 12th O. V. C., e. Oct., 1863; dis. Nov. 22, 1865.

Corp. Samuel Rush, Co. F, 178th O. V. I, e. Oct., 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Robinson, D. N., Co. D, 40th O. V. I. e. Aug., 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Reed, Albert. Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1861; dis. June 20, 1865.

Reese, John E., Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 5, 1864: dis. June 20, 1865.

Bombarger, Leander, Co. F, .55th O. V. I, e. Oct., 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Ranier, Samuel, Co. F. 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 5, 1864; dis. June 20, 1865.

Ramer, John. Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 5, 1864: dis. June 20, 1865.

Richardson, J. W., Co. A. 82d O. V. I, e. Feb., 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Richardson, W., Co. H, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Richardson, B. .1., Co. E, 121st O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862. died near Columbia, Ky., in 1862.

Richardson, J., Co. H, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Rule, William, Co. H. 87th and 135th O. N. G., e. June, 1862; dis. Sept., 1864.

Corp. E. W. Riley, Co. F, 147th O. N. G., e. May. 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Rutledge, Nathan, Co. B. 26th O. V. I, e. 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Rutledge, T. J., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. 1862.

Corp. Isaac N. Roach, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. July 25, 1862; killed in battle at Knoxville, Tenn., Nov., 1863.

Richards, Ira C., Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 9, 1862; dis. June, 1865.


Ridgway, B. R., Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. July, 1861.

Rutledge, Thomas J., Co.E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Russell, William N.. Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Reese, Jesse D., Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Russell, Clinton, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Rogers, D. W., Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Roth, Jacob, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Reid, S. A., Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Roby, Henry H, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Robinson, Isaac, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Russell, William, Co. A. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Richards, Nathan, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov.. 1861.

Ritemire, Harrison, Co. A, 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Robinson, James H.. Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Roach, W. W., Co. C. 18th O. V. I, e. Feb., 1865: dis. Oct.. 1865.

Resch, John, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept,, 1864.

Rapp, Charles, Co. C, 145th O. V. I, e. Sept.. 1863; dis. June. 1865.

Rose, Henry. Co. C. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov.. 1861.

Rop, E. L.. Co. C, 82d O. V . L. e. Nov., 1861.

Ropp, Jackson, Co. C, O. V. I, e. Nov.. 1861.

Robinson. Winefield. Co. C. O. V. I. e. March, 1862.

Reeves, W. H.

Second Corp. C. H. Schmidt. Co. D. 87th O. V. I.. e. June 11, 1862; dis. Oct. 3, 1862.

Snodgrass, Jesse, Co. H. 74th O. V. I. e. Feb. 2l, 1862; dis. April 12, 1863.

Sergt. William W. Stevenson. Co. G, 66th Ill. Sharpshooters. e. Oct. 1861; dis. Sept., 14. 1864.

Stevenson, Preston. Co. G. 66th Ill. Sharpshooters. e. Oct.. 1861; died at Pittsburg Landing. April 28,. 1862.

Simmons, James W., Co. K, 38d O. V. I.. e. Oct.. 1861.

Sulliger, W. R. H.. Co. F. 55th O. V. I, e. Feb. 2, 1864; dis. Feb. 22, 1865.

Sergt. Zebediah Sherwood, Co. F. 13th O. V. I., e. April. 1861; dis. June, 1864.

Stanford, Isaac N.. Co. A, 2d Bat. and 18th U. S. Regulars, e. Sept. 16, 1861: dis. Sept. 16, 1864.

Smith, A. R., Co. G. 66th O. V. I., e. Oct. 28, 1861: dis. July. 1865.

Shoemaker, Levi, 101st O. V. I.

Stout, John, Co. D. 4th O. V. I.. e. Sept. 1861; dis. June. 1865.

Stout, Charles H.. Co. I. 45th Ohio Mounted Inf., e. Sept., 1861; dis. June, 1865.

Stout, Granville, Co. I. 45th Ohio Mounted 1nf., e. June 10, 1862: dis. June. 1865.

Orderly Sergt. C. E. Stanley Co. D. 4th O. V. I, e. June 3. 1861; promoted.

Sergt. John S. Scott. Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Dec. 2l, 1861; dis. July. 1865.

Sergt. Samuel Scott, Co. B, 118th O. V. I.. e. Aug. 11, 1862: dis. June, 1865.

Scott, Aaron, Co. D. 34th O. V. I. e. --, 1861; dis. --. 1865.

Sergt. Joseph Scott, Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. . 1861. dis. --. 1865.

Stout, Thomas J.. Co. D. 6th West Va. I.. e. Sept., 1861; dis. Oct. 21, 1864.

Smith, John L.. Co. B. 128th O. V. I. e. Feb. 10. 1862; dis. Feb. 28, 1865.

Corp. Thomas J. Smith. 138th O. N. G.. e. May, 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Steiner, F. R.. Co. G, 135th O. N. G., r. May. 1864: dis. Sept 1864.

Corp. Charles A. Stockton. Co. D, 4th O. V. I, e. April 17. 1861: dis. June 13, 1864

Smith, Charles F., Co. I. 175th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Orderly I. F. Shafer, Co. F. 15th O. V. I, e. March. 1861: dis. June, 1861.

Stanley, George W., Co. D. 4th O. V. I, e. June 3, 1861; died at Pittsburgh. Penn., Nov. 16, 1862.

Snow, B. W., Co. D, 4th O. V. I., e. April, 1861.

Snow, Pimbrook Z., Co. D, 4th O. V. I. e. April. 1861.

Smith, Isaac, Co. I, 43d O. V. I, e. Dec., 1861: dis. July, 1865.

Sutermeister, Jacob, Co. L, 2d Heavy Artillery. e. June 6. 1863; dis., Aug. 12, 1865.

Stevenson, Samuel; died at Annapolis, Md.

Stevenson, Robert: died in Libby Prison.

Stevenson, John B., 34th O. V. I., e. Dec.. 1864; dis. March, 1865.

Stevenson, Charles A., Co. H, 179th O. V. I, e. Sept. 5, 1864; dis. June. 1866.

Schindewolf, William. Co. G, 9th O. V. I, e. April, 1861; dis. June 25, 1865.

Stewart, Calvin L., Co. K. 33d O. V. I, e. Sept., 1861; died in Andersonvilie Prison, July 5, 1864.

Stewart, J. B., Co. I, 180th O. V. I, e. Sept.,. 1864; dis. July 24, 1865.

Stewart, William F., 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Stevenson, E.. 95th O. V. I, e. Aug. 7, 1863; died in Covington, Ky.. Aug. 27, 1863.

Summers, Perry, Co. A. 82d O. V. I.; died in Ga.

Summers, David, 118th O. V. I: died in Tenn.

Scott, Mark, Co. D, 4th O. V. I. e. April. 1861; died at Camp Bee. Md.




Sagebiel. Herman, Co. B, 115th Ill. V. I, e. Feb., 1862; dis. June 15, 1863.

Scott, W. J.. Co. B. 176th O. V. I, e. Aug. 27, 1864; dis. June 13, 1865.

Stanton, Isaac, Co. B, 18th U. S. I, e. Sept., 1861; dis. Dec., 1864.

Schrider. G. H.. Co. B, 135th O. N. G., e. Mary, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Strimpel, Benjamin, Co. F., 1 7th O. V. I, e. Sept.. 1861.

Smith. James, Co. B, 176th O. V. I, e. Aug. 3, 1864; dis. June 13, 1865.

Corp. George W. Smaller. 180th O. V. I, e. Oct. 6, 1864.

Shark, Jesse, Co. B. 4th O. V. I., e. May 24, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Smith. Samuel M., Co. G. 135th O. N. G.. e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Smith. Samuel S.. Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Oct. 11, 1861; dis. Aug., 1865.

Corp. E. E. Smith, Co. I, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Corp. Warner Scranton, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Corp. Calvin E. Stumm, Co. E, 197th O. V. I, e. March 21, 1865; dis. May, 11, 1865.

Sergt. John Shanks, Co. I, 135th O. N. G., May 2, 1864; dis. Sept. 2, 1864.

Strock, Calwell P., Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Feb. 15, 1864; dis. July, 24, 1865.

Souder, J. T., Co. K, 19th O. V. I, e. April 7, 1865; dis. Aug. 1, 1865.

Simiff, Thomas, Co. G, 90th O. V. I, e. Aug. 2, 1862; dis. Feb., 1865.

Scott, P. S., Co. B, 118th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1862; killed May 14, 1864, in Ga.

Sponsler, George M., 16th O. V. Bat., e. Sept. 4, 1861; died at Jefferson City Dec. 19. 1861.

Sponsler, O. J., Co. L, 11th O. V. Cav., e. 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Sponsler. Winfred M.. Co. I, 180th O. V. I, e. Sept. 20, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Shockey, Samuel. Co. B, 45th O. V. I, e. July 12, 1862: dis. June 12, 1865.

Corp. Lewis M. Stevenson, Co. B, 82d and 34th O. V. I, e. Nov. 21, 1861; dis. July 1865

Stevenson, Bart E.. Co. D. 34th O. V. I, e. July 31, 1861; killed Sept. 19, 1864.

Savage, Reuben G., 10th and 13th O. V. Bat.: Jan. 10, 1862; dis. Jan. 14, 1863.

Sergt. Reuben G. Savage, Co. 13th, O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Sloan, John, Co. G, 9th O. V . Cav., e. Sept., 1864; dis. Sept., 1865.

Spelman, William, Co. H, 35th O. V. I, e. July, 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Shannon. George S.. Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Jan., 1864; died at Chattanooga, Tenn., May 20. 1864.

Shannon, Thomas. Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 6, 1862; died at Andersonville, Ga., April 28, 1864.

Shannon, Enos, Co. D, 4th O. V. I, e. .June 9, 1861; dis. June 30, 1864.

Spaulding, N R Co. I, 118th N. Y. V. I. e. Dec. 23, 1863; dis. May 18, 1865.

Sergt. E. F. Shuee, Co. G. 4th O. V. I, e. April, 1861; dis. June, 1864.

Smith, Henry W. Co. F. 1st O. V. I e. May, 1861; dis. July, 1861.

Sweet. William. Co. F. 176th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. June 20, 1865.

Corp. Benedick Steven., Co. D, 15th O. V. I, e. Jan. 17, 1864; dis. Nov. 25, 1865.

Sutherland. Alex. Co. A, 183d O. V. I., e. Sept. 16, 1864; dis. March 24, 1865; taken prisoner Nov. 30, 1864.

Shun. Robert. Co. D, 105th Penn. V. I, e. Aug, 12, 1862; dis. May, 1865.

Slaybaugh, G. H.. Co. A. 197th O. V. I., e. Feb., 1865; dis. May, 1865.

Stimmel, G. T., Co. A, 183d O. V. I, e. Aug. 17, 1864; dis. Sept., 1865.

Spar. N.. Co. K. 14th L. A., e Dec. 10, 1861; dis. Aug., 1865.

Scott. J. N.. Co. F, 153d Ind. V. I, e. Feb. 2, 1865; dis. Sept. 20, 1865.

Corp. T. J. Spencer, Co. E, 82d O. V. I.. e. Nov. 1, 1861; dis. June, 1865.

Corp. H. Spar, Co. D, 66th O. V. I, e. Oct., 1861; dis. July, 1885.

Spurlock. Milton Co. C. 90th O. V. I, e. Aug. 6, 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Stuck, William. 64th O. V. I, e. Oct. 28, 1861; dis. Aug. 11, 1862.

Stewart, William, Co. D. 66th O. V. I, e. Oct. 14, 1861; dis. July 25, 1862.

Stewart, James, Co. D, 66th O. V. I, e. Oct. 14, 1861; dis. July 19, 1865.

Simpson, William. Co. I, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept. 15, 1864.

Seakins. Samuel. Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 5, 1864: dis. June 20, 1865.

Seigley. John, Co. H. 66th O. V. I. e. June, 1863; dis. July 7, 1865.

Smith. Milton. Co. D, 15th O. V. I, e. May, 1863; dis. July, 1865.

Corp. William Sweet, 55th Mass. V. I, e. Sept., 1862: dis. June. 1865.

Shane, John C., 160th O. V . I, e. May, 1864; died in prison in 1865.

Orderly Sergt. Thomas R. Sanner, Co. B, 6th Va., e. Aug. 12, 1861: dis. June 18, 1862.

Staadt. J. W., Co. F, 133d O N G., a May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Serg. Maj. Jerome Selleck, Co. B, 48th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1861; died Aug. 31, 1862, at Memphis, Tenn.

Sheppard, T. J., Co. I, 78th O. V. I, e. Sept. 29, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Sterling, A., Co. L, 2d O. V. A., e. June. 1863; dis. June, 1865.

Steiman, Peter. 18th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864: dis. June, 1865.

Serguson, .Jacob E.. Co. B, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Strahan, John. Co. B 82d O. V. I, e. Dec., 1861; dis. Aug., 1864.

Sherman, Jacob, Co. C. 4th O. V. I, e. April 18, 1861; dis. June 4, 1864.

Shadley, Washington. Co. A. 180th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1864; dis. July, 1865.


Corp. F. Sherman, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Nov., 1863; din. Oct., 1865.

Smith, John L., Co. K, 151st O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Corp. Simon Shertzer, Co. F, 31st O. V. I, e. Aug. 2, 1861; dis. July 28, 1865, at West Atlanta. Ga.

Strickland, Allyn, Co. F, 31st O. V. I, e. Aug. 2, 1861; din. July 28, 1865.

Simmons, John, Co. C, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Snell, E. R., Co. D, 192d O. V. I, e. March, 1864: dis. Sept., 1865.

Corp. E. L. Sebring, Co. E, 46th O. V. I, e. Sept. 27, 1861; dis. Sept. 30, 1864.

Shertzer, Silas, Co. H, 4th O. V. I, e. April 22, 1861: dis. .June 4, 1864.

Corp. N. F. Swank, Co. F, 31st O. V. I, e. Aug., 1861; dis. Aug., 1865.

Swank, Martin, 18th U. S. A., e. Dec., 1861; killed at stone River Jan., 1862.

Seedle, M., Co. A, 54th O. V. I, e. Sept. 8, 1861; dis. Aug. 15, 1865.

Seedle, J., Co. A, 54th O. V. I, e. Sept. 8, 1861; died at Memphis, Tenn., June, 1863.

Summers, W. H., Co. K, 183d O. V. I., e. Oct. 18, 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Summers, F. W., Co. K, 49th O. V. I, e. , 1863; dis. Sept., 1864.

Stewart, Samuel, Co. F, 13th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862; dis. Aug., 1865.

Slemmons, .John P., Co. H, 126th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Sagaser, .John, Co. B, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 19, 1862; died at Andersonville Prison.

Corp. David Snodgrass, Co. D, 4th O. V. I, e. April 24, 1861; promoted.

Snodgrass, Alfred P., Co. G. 1st O. V. B., e. March 4. 1862; dis. Oct. 15, 1864.

Orderly Sergt. E. C. Stanclift, Co. G. 50th O. V I, e. Aug. 11, 1862, dis. June 1865.

Smick, J. H. Co. C. 2nd O. V. C. e. Jan., 1865; dis. Sept., 1865.

Shuster, E. K., Co. G, 82d O. V. I.

Sales, P. K., Co. F, 34th O. V. I, e. July 25, 1861; dis. Sept. 23. 1864.

Corp. James Summerville, Co. G. 54th O. V. I, e. Sept., 1863; dis. .July 1865.

Steiner, John, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Steiner, Fred, Co. G, 135th O. N. G.. e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Shertzer, Goldsmith, Co. C, 45th O. V. I. e. Oct., 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Selders, John R., 23d O. V. I, e. Aug. 1861; dis. .July, 1865.

Shertzer, Isaac F., Co. F. 57th O. V. I.

Smith, Jacob, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov.. 1861: died. 1863.

Sheets, Jacob H., Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. July 28, 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Strickland, Josiah, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug,. 8, 1862; dis. .June, 1865.

Sexton, Eli, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Dec. 8, 1863; died at Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept., 1864.

Smith, R. W., Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Nov. 28, 1863; died at Lexington, Ky., April 14, 1864.

Steel, Wilson, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. July 15, 1863; killed Oct. 20, 1863, at Philadelphia, Tenn.

Hospital Steward A. R. Scott, 34th O. V. I, e. Aug, 1861 dis.1865.

Schuyler, Wilson, Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1861; dis. 1865.

Shaw, James M., Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1861.

Schwart, Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1861.

Starbuck, Joseph, Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1861: died at Flat Top Mountain June 21, 1862.

Corp. George Stillings, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Corp. D. C. Smith, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Sanford, Addison, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Sharp, William, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Smith, Jacob, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Corp. E. L. Sanford, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Stoddard, John, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Stanford, J. A., Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Shaffer, Nicholas, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Stark, John B., Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Streets, Thomas, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Sryock, B. F., Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Corp. A. D. Snyder, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Musician William Snider, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Snider, Joseph C., Co. C, 82d O. V. I; e. Nov., 1861.

Sterling, James, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Shultz, William, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Shurp, W. L., Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Sham, William B., Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Soule, Isaac N., Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Sibert, Nathaniel E., Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Shannon, Jacob, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Sergt. D. C. Sierer, Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1881.

Corp. J. K. Sierer, Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.


Smith, George. Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Stem, S. A., Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Snakenberger, Joseph, Co. G. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Stem, Charles, Co. G. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov.. 1861.

Spencer, Alex, Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Spencer, Thomas J.. Co. E. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Stimmel, Daniel. Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Stratton, M. F., Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Stokes, William, Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Stratton, William, Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Sessler, William H., Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov.. 1861.

Corp. Edwin Soey, Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Sergt. Samuel Strawbridge. Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Sergt. William Scott, Co. E, 82d U. V. L, e. Nov.. 1861.

Sergt. William Serguson, Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Snedeker, J. H., Co. H, 16th O. V. B., e. Aug., 1862; dis. March, 1863.

Snedeker, Albert H.. 16th O. V . B., e. Aug 1862; died on the steamer D. A. January, Oct. 8, 1862.

Snedeker, W., 5th O. V. B., e. Feb.. 1864: died .June, 1865.

Orderly Sergt. H. M. Shingle. Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept.. 1864.

Schendewolf, Then., Co. G, 185th O. N. G., e. May. 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Sohn, Urich. Co. D, 58th O. V. I, e. Oct. 17, 1861; dis. Sept. 16, 1862.

Strong, W. A., Co. G. 49th O. V. I, e. Jan., 1864; dis. .July, 1865.

Sormus, A. Albert. Co. L, 4th N. Y. C.

Seamen, John C'., Co. CI. 82d O. V. I. e. Feb. 9, 1864; dis. July 26, 1865.

Stimmel, George F.. Co. A. 183d O. V. I, e. Sept., 1864; dis. July, 1865.

Stevenson, Robert. Co. G. 135th O. N. C.., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Spar, Nelson, 14th O. V. B., e. Dec. 16, 1861; dis. Aug 1865.

Sommers, Perry. Co. A. 82d U. V. I. died of wounds received at Atlanta. Ga., July 20, 1864.

Sommers, David, Co. B. 118th O. V. I. died of wounds received at the battle of Mossy Creek, Tenn.

Shingle, Cyrus, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May. 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Snoddy Joseph O.. Co. I. 45th O. V. I.

Smith, John R., Co. I, 45th O. V. I.

Smith. Lewis, Co. I, 45th O. V. L, e. Jan., 1861.

Sexton, Eli. Co. I. 45th O. V . I.

Seaders, William. Co. H, 76th O. V. I. e. Oct., 1861; dis. July. 1865.

Studebaker, F. J., Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov.. 1861.

Salzmann, George J., Co. B, 5th Penn. V. I, e. April, 1861; dis. July, 1861.

Musician George .J. Salzmann. 68th O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861: dis. Nov., 1862.

Stradley, A. S.. Co. A, 133d O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

First Sergt. Joseph Timmons. Co. I. 9th Penn. C., e. Oct. 14, 1861; dis. Dec. 24, 1864.

Thompson, John. Co. A. 123d O. V. I, e. Sept. 15, 1862; dis. July 7, 1865.

Thompson, David. Co. A. 123d O. V. I, e. Aug. 15. 1862; dis. Jan. 31, 1865.

Orderly Sergt. David D. Terry. Co. A. 123d O. V. I, e. Aug. 5, 1862; killed July 13. 1864.

Terry, Luke A, Co. K. 180th O. V. I, e. Sept. 17, 1861; dis. .July, 1865.

Tarlton, Mathew, Co. B. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov. 17, 1861; dis. Dec. 17, 1864.

Timmons, D. R., Co. D, 4th O. V. I. e. April 17, 1861; dis. June 6. 1863.

Thrailkill, Cyrus W., Co. G. 82d O. V. I, e. Dec. 31, 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Second Sergt. Robert Thompson. Co. D, 25th O. V. I, e. Oct. 7, 1864; dis. July 5, 1865.

Thompson, Robert. Co. E. 4th O. V. I, e. March 4, 1848: dis. .July 19, 1848.

Tovley, Charles W., Co. C, 18th O. V. I, e. March 29, 1865; dis. Oct. 9, 1865.

Turner, Reuben W.. Co. G. 82d O. V. I, e. Feb. 17, 1861; dis. July 24, 1865.

Turner, Samuel, Co. G. 82d O. V. I, e. Dec. 3, 1861; dis. July 24, 1865.

Thompson, Joseph R., 54th O. V. L, e. March 11, 1864; killed at Atlanta .July 22, 1864.

Tidd, Uriah. Co. B. 118th O. V. I, e. Aug. 15, 1862; dis. June 24, 1865.

Tidd, S. P., Co. A, 183d O. V. I. e. Sept. :5, 1864; dis. Sept., 1865.

Tidd, A. G.. Co. A, 183d O. V. I, e. Sept. 5, 1864; dis. June. 1865.

Tidd, Nathaniel N., Co. G. 18th U. S. A., e. Dec., 1861; dis. Dec., 1864.

Tuttle, Albert, Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Dec.. 1861; dis. July, 1865.

Tressel, S. L., Co. D, 34th O. V. I. e. Dec., 1868; dis. Aug., 1865.

Tyler, William H., Co. F. 21st O. V. I, e. Sept., 1861; dis. Oct. 7, 1864.

Tressel, George C., Co. D, :34th O. V. I, e. Dec., 1863 dis. Aug., 1865.

Thompson, Bent L.. Co. H, 118th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Tennis, S., Co. F, 101st Penn. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. March 25, 1863.

Corp. R. L. Titsworth. Co. C. 15th U. S. I, e. Sept., 1861; dis. Feb. 4, 1864.

Taylor, J. W., Co. A, 96th O. V. I. e. Aug.. 1862: dis. .July, 1865.


Thomas, P.. Co. F. 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 5, 1864; dis. June 20. 1865.

Taylor, G. W., Co. I, 161st O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept.. 1864.

Taylor, Samuel, Co. A, 20th O. V. I, e. Aug. 20, 1861; dis. April 20, 1865.

Turner, Sterling B., Co. B, 45th O. V. I, e. June, 1862; died at Andersonville Prison in 1865.

Tussing, H., Co. E, H, 8th and 26th O. V. I, e. July, 1861: dis. July, 1864.

Teets, Albert, Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Sept., 1862; dis. July. 1865.

Thomas, J. H:, Co. E, 127th O. V. I, e. July 7, 1863; dis. March 13, 1864.

Corp. Harvey Tingle, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 6, 1862; dis. June, 1865.

Taylor, L. D., Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Taylor, Thomas L.. Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Thompson, George W., Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1881.

Thrailkill, Isaac, Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Tallman, B. B., Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Thrift, Leroy, Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Thomas, Peter A., Co. A, 183d O. V. I, e. Aug. 17, 1864; dis. Sept., 1865.

Corp. B. Uline, Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. July 4, 1861; died in 1862.

Urich, William, Co. C. 6th O. V. C., e. Nov. 15, 1861; dis. June 10, 1885.

Sergt. Elihu Underwood. Co. I, 5th V. C.. e. April 17, 1861: dis. Aug. 18, 1865: wounded at Slaughter Mount, Va.

Sergt. Zac Vansky. Co. B. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov. 20, 1861: dis. .July, 1865.

Vansyckels. A., Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Oct. 18, 1861: dis. .July. 1865.

Varvel, J. M., Co. B, 45th O. V. I, e. June. l862; dis. June, 1865.

Vickers, E. J., Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. July. 1861; dis. .July, 1865.

Vickers, Edmon, Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. July, 1861: dis. July, 1865.

Van Riper, F. A., Co. D, 22d N. J. V. I, e. Sept. 2, 1862: dis. .June 25, 1863.

Sergt. B. N. Waddle, Co. H, 126th O. V. I, e. Sept. 5, 1862: died at Annapolis, Md. Jan. 10, 1865.

Wenner, Samuel, Co. H, 101st O. V. I, e. Feb. 5, 1863: dis. July, 1865.

Watters, Socrates, Co. G, 135th O. V. G., e. May. 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Wilson, Isaac E., Co. D, 4th O. V. I, e. June 6, 1861.

Corp. Isaac E. Wilson, 98th O. V. I.

Williams, Isaiah, Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Feb.. 1863; dis. Aug., 1865.

Williams, John, Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861; dis. .July. 1865.

Williams, Thomas S., Co. F, 82d Penn. Vet. Inf., e. April. 1861; dis. Sept., 1864.

Corp. Bowman Webb. Co. C'. 144th O. N. G., e. May 2, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Webb, Adam R.

White, Benjamin, Co. K. 64th O. V. I, e. Dec. 10. 1861; dis. Dec. 3. 1865.

Wilson, Alvy, Co. H. 118th O. V. I, e. Aug. 22, 1862; dis. .June 24. 1865.

Wetherill, J. Wesley, Co. E. 121st O. V. I, e. Sept.. 1862: died at Chattanooga. Term.. Dec. 17, 1863.

Wetherill, Edwin H., Co. E. 121st O. V. I, e. Sept.. 1862: dis. 1863.

Wetherill, Thomas P., Co. H, 119th O. V. I, c. Sept. 12, 1864; dis. June 2, 1865.

Wolf. John, Co. B, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1862: dis. Nov., 1863.

Wiley, Samuel B., Co. A. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. : captured at Gettysburg, Penn., .July 1, 1863; died at Andersonville, Ga.

Orderly Sergt. William G. Wiley, Co. A. 82d O. V. I, c. Nov.. 1861.

Musician Edward Williams, Co E, 198th O. V . I.

Wilmuth, Wellington, Co. L, 2d Ohio Heavy Artillery.

Teamster E. C. Warner, 49th O. V. I, e. July. 1861: dis. Dec.. 1865.

Warner, Calvin E., e. June, 1864: dis. June, 1865.

Warner, Joseph V., e. .June, 1863; dis. Jul . 1865.

Williams, Thomas J., Co. I, 180th O. V. I. e. Sept. 5, 1864; died Feb. 21, 1864, in Howard Hospital, Washington.

Corp. John W. Weiser, Co. B, 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 12,. 1862; dis. .June 19, 1865.

Corp. Dorr White, Co. E, 88th O. V. I, e. May 31. 1862; dis. Sept. 26, 1863.

Corp. Dorr White, Co. B. 82d O. V. I, e. Feb. 3, 1864: dis. .July 24, 1865.

Wenner, John W.. Co. D. 4th O. V. I, e. April 18, 1861; dis. June 21, 1864.

Wise, Daniel R., Co. C. 8th Penn. Cav., e. Sept., 1861; dis. Dec., 1861.

Wyburn, Joseph, 74th O. V. I, e. Feb. 1862.

Wyburn, George M.. 74th O. V. I, e. Feb.. 1862.

West, John R., Co. H, 118th e. Aug. 20, 1862; died .Jan. 18, 1865, at Washington, D. C.

West, James. 36th O. V. I, e. 1861.

Wilson, Isaac H., Co. H, 45th Ohio :Mounted Infantry, e. Aug. 9, 1862; dis. June 18, 1864.

Wheatley, W. B., Co. C, 174th O. V. I, e. April. 1863; dis. June 20. 1864.

Corp. Clay Whitley, 152d O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept.. 1864.

Wilcox, William, Co. B, 136th O. N. G., e. May, 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Wroten, Amos, Co. B, 45th O. N. G., e. :lug., 1862; dis. June. 1865.


Wilson. David, Co. I. 45th O. N. G. e. Aug. l2, 1862: died in prison at Richmond. Va., Jan. 5, 1864.

Wilson, Isaac. Co. I. 45th O. N. G.

Whitley, Clark. Co. I. 44th O. N. G. e. Aug. l3, 1862; dis. Aug.. 1865.

Williams. W. D., Co. C. 135th O. N. G., e. May. 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Williams, M. L.. Co. I, 180th O. V. I, e. Aug. 25, 1864; dis. June 20, 1865.

Wagner. Thomas E., Co. G. 1st O. V. Light artillery, e. Jan. 4,. 1863; dis. Sept.. 1865.

Wingate. Adam. Co. G. 82d O. V. I, e. Dec., 1861; killed at second battle of Bull Run.

Wells, Lewis H.. Co. F, lst O. V. Cav., e. Oct. 26, 1861: dis. Oct. 26, 1864.

Woods, .John. Co. G. 4th O. V. I. e. June 3, 1861; dis. Dec. 28, 1862.

Wykoff, Josephus, Co. L, 91st O. V. I, e. Aug. 15, 1862: dis. .July 3, 1865.

Woods. F. B.. Co. I, 87th O. V. I., e. June 3, 1862; dis. Nov. 3. 1862.

Williams, F. S. Co. I. lst O. V. Heavy Artillery, e. 1863; dis. July 1865.

Second Sergt. John Woods, Co. L.. 2d Ohio Heavy Artillery. e. June 3, 1863: dis. July 1865

Sergt. James Woods e. 1863.

Wilson, John S.. Co. K. 128th O. V. I. e. Aug., 23, l864; dis. .July. 1865.

Woods, F. B., Co. L.. 2d O. V. Heavy Artillery, e. June 13, 1863; dis. Aug. 23,1865.

Wable, Jacob. Co. G. 82d O. V. I. e. Dec., 1861: dis. .July. 1863.

Wilson. J. R.. Co. H. 144th O. N. G., e. May. 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Sergt. W. R: Wiles, Co. C. 104th N. Y. V. L, e. Oct., 1861; dis. Nov., 1864.

Williams, N. Co. A. 27th Mich. V . I, e. Feb., 1862.

Watter., John. Co. F. 1 76th O. V. I.. e. Sept. 1864: dis. .June. 1865.

Welch, Phillip. Co. H. 66th Ill. Western Sharpshooters. e. Oct. 8, 1861; dis. July 24, 1865.

Corp. Edward Welker. Co., F, 176th O. V. I., e. Sept. 14. 1864; died in Nashville, Tenn., Jan, 5, 1865.

Wart. Jacob, Co. F, 176th O. V. I, e. Sept. 2, 1864; dis. .June 20. 1865.

White, .John H.. Co. K, A. 20th and 142d O. V. I, e. April, 1861, and March, 1864; dis. Aug,. 1961, and Sept:.2, 1864.

Sergt. William Westervelt, Co. A. 133d O. N. G., e. May. 1861; dis. Dec. 15, 1864.

Westervelt. William Co. A. 5th Bat. Cav., e. Sept. 4,. 1863; dis. March 4, 1864.

Corp. W. H. Woods, Co. G. 87th O. V. I., e. May 1862: taken prisoner at Harper's Ferry Sept., 1862.

Sergt. W. H. Woods, Co. A. 133d O. N. G., e. May, 1864: dis. Sept., 1864.

Wooley, Stephen. Co. A. 180th O. V. I. e. Aug. 1861: dis. June 18635

Wooley, .James. Co. A. 180th O. V I. e. Aug., 1861 ; died at Washington, D. C.

Wetherill, W. P., Co. A. 180th O. V. I. e. Aug, 3, 1864: dis. July, 1865.

Sergt. J. G. Wetherill, Co. C. 40th O. V. I.. e. Sept. 6, 1861; wounded Nov. 12. 1864.

Corp. Alex. Wetherill, Co. B. 118th O. V. I, e. Aug. 1862: dis. July. 1865.

Wetherill, Thomas F.. Co. B, 118th t O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Wilson. John. Co. II. 38th N.. Y. V. I. e. May. 1861: dis. .July. 1863.

Ward. John H.. Co. C. 26th O. V. I., e. April 1862; dis. Sept., 1865.

Wilson, S. C.. Co. I. 135th O. N. G., e. May. 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Wade. I. F., Co. F. 31st O. V. I. c. Aug. 2, 1861: dis. July 28. 1865.

Williams. Anderson. Co. D. 15th V. R. C., e. Dec., 1863; dis. Nov. 11, 1865.

Williams. Jesse. Co. K. 121st O. V. I, e. Aug. 1862; dis. Dec., 1865.

Williams, John. Co. I. 180th O. V. I, e. Aug. 20. 1864: dis. Aug., 1863.

Wolley, William P.. Co. H. 133d O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Wilson. Martin, Co. E. 122d Penn. V. I, e. Aug. 6, 1862; dis. May 15, 1863.

Williams. J.. Co. F, 188th O. V. I. e. Dec. 18, 1864; dis. July. 1865.

Williams. Abner, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. March 19, 1864; dis. July. 1865.

Willett, S. L.. Co. G, 95th O. V. I. e. Aug. 6, 1862: dis. Aug.. 1865.

Webb, L. Co. C. 17th O. V. I. e. Aug., 1861; dis. Oct., 1864.

Wilson. William D.. 128th O. V. I, e. Dec. 22, 1863; dis. June 2, 1864.

Whitehill. P. P., Co. G, 135th O. N. G.. e. May. 1864; dis. Sept. 1864.

Corp. Baily Wilcox. Co. B. 45th O. V. I, e. Aug. 19, 1862; dis. .June, 1865.

Corp. Sylvester H. Wagner, Co. G. 11th Mich. Cav., e. Sept. 28, 1863; dis. Sept. 22, 1865.

Wilson, William, Co. B. 118th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862: dis. July, 1865.

Wallick, Edward, Co. D. 36th O. V. I, e. Feb. 3. 1864; dis. May, 1865.

Wood, D. J., Co. H. 21st O. V. I, e. 1862.

Corp. W. H. H. Wagner. Co. L. 1st O. V . Heavy Artillery, e. June 6. 1863; dis. Aug., 1865.

Wider, Fred, 15th U. S. A., e. 1861: dis. 1864.

Wies, Samuel, 4th O. V. I. e. April, 1861; dis. May. 1864.

Wolgamot, H. G., Co. B. 1 7th O. V. I, e. Sept. 8. 1864: dis. Aug. 1, 1865.

Wider, Joseph, Co. G. 34h O. V. I, e. Feb., 1864: dis. July, 1865.

Sergt. Samuel Watt. Co. K. 33d O. V. I. e. Sept., 1861: dis. June. 1865.


Wilson, I. E., Co. G, 4th O. V. I, e. April. 1861; dis. June. 1861.

Welch , Philip, Co. B, 66th Ill. W. Sharpshooters, e. Oct. 12, 1861: dis. July; 1865.

Wider, Frederick, Co. C. 15th O. V. I, e. Sept. 2, 1861; dis. Sept., 1864.

Winder, E., Co. H, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Wooley, John, Co. D, 45th O. V. I, e. Oct., 1862; died in Libby Prison April, 1864.

Westhoven, J. D., Co. F, 46th O. V. I, e. 1861; dis. 1863.

Warnicks, Jackson, O. V. I, e. Sept. 4, 1864.

Weid, Frederick, Co. C. 36th O. V. I.

Warner, Curtis, Co. I, 45th O. V. I, e. July 25, 1862: die. July, 1865.

Woods, W. W., Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. July. 1861: dis. July, 1865.

Weller, John B., Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. Aug. 30, 1861; die. Sept., 1864.

Window, Philip, Co. G. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Win gate, Adam, Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Wable, Jacob, Co. G. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov.. 1861.

Wilson, Charles E.. Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Corp. John Walker, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov.. 1861.

Corp. Amos Wheeler, Co. A. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Wallace, James, Co. A. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov.. 1861.

Welch, Henry, A., Co. A. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov.. 1861.

Williams, William. Co. A. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov.. 1861.

Williams, Joseph, Co. A, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov.- 1861.

Woodward, John H. Co. B. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Wolf, .John, Co. B. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Wisant, William, Co. B, 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Sergt. R. C. Wiley, Co. C.. 82d O. V. I. e. Nov., 1861.

Wolford. J.. Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Wolford, Hampton, Co. C, 82d O. V. I., e. Nov., 1861.

Whaley, Henry, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Williams. Harrison, Co. E, 82d O V. I., e. Nov. 1861.

Wilcox, Daniel, Co. E, 82d O. V. I. o. Nov., 1861.

Wolf, William R., 18 months in Andersonville Prison.

Williams, Amos, Co. E, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Williams, E., Co. E. 198th O. V. L, e. March, 1865; dis. May, 1865.

Wilson. J. H., Co. C., 135th O. N. G.. e. May. 1861; dis. Sept., 1864.

Wilson, George W., Co. G, 4th O. V. I, e. June 3, 1861: dis. June, 1864, of wounds received at Gettysburg.

White, Isaac, Co. G, 40th O. V. I, e. Oct. 19, 1861; died at Brownslow, Ky., April 16, 1862.

Weise, Samuel, Co. G, 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864: dis. Sept.. 1864.

Williams, Anderson. Co. I. 45th O. V. I.

White. James, Co. I. 45th O. V. I, e. Aug., 1862.

Westbrook, Levi, Co. I, 45th O. V. I.

Wallingford, B. F., Co.. E, 45th O. V. I.

Wilson, George. 8th O. V. Cav., e. Feb. 29, 1864: died at Beverly, Va., Nov. 27, 1864.

Waxler, John, Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 13, 1861.

Wineland, Jackson E., Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 13, 1861.

Willard, Simon, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Nov. 13, 1861.

Wineland, Washington, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Jan. 1, 1862.

Wolford, Hampson, Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Jan. 6, 1862.

Wolford. Isaiah, Co. C, 82d O. V. I, e. Jan. 6. 1862.

Wood, James J., Co. D, 34th O. V. I, e. Dec. 10, 1863; dis. Dec., 1864.

Yarnell, Alex., Co. F, 13th O. V. I, e. June 9, 1861; died March 19, 1862.

Yarnell, Jonas, Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Dec. 3. 1861; wounded and died May 12, 1862.

Yarnell, Aaron, Co. I. 135th O. N. G., e. May, 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Youngs, Henry V., Co. G, 11th Ind. V. I.

Yeazell, James, Co. G, 82d O. V. I, e. Sept., 1861; dis. June 28, 1865.

Young, William, Co. E, 136th O. N. G., e. May. 1864; dis. Sept., 1864.

Young, Elias, Co. F, 31st O. V. I. e. Aug. 2, 1862; dis. July, 1865.

Young, John. Co. K, 118th O. V. I, e. Sept.. 1864; dis. May, 1865.

Young, Albert. Co. E, 19th O. V. I, e. Feb. 24, 1864; dis. Feb. 6, 1865; wounded at the battle of the Wilderness.

Yauger, Amos. Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Yauger, Henry, Co. C. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Young, James, Co. I: 45th O. V. I.

Zimmerman, E. D., Co. E. 82d O. V. I, e. Nov., 1861.

Ziegler, S. A., died at Chattanooga, Tenn.

Zigler, Lewis, Co. B, 5th O. V. I, e. Nov. 15, 1864; died at Pittsburg Landing April 6, 1864.

Zehner, William. Co. E, 198th O. V. I, e. March, 1864; dis. June, 1865.

Zahner, Josiah, Co. I, 1st Ind. Co. Sharpshooters, e. 1861; dis. June, 1865.



dis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . discharged.

e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .enlisted.

mo . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .mustered out.

res. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .resigned.

On the 12th of April, 1861, at 4 o'clock A. M., the first gun was fired by the rebels against the national flag flying over Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor; and on the 14th of the same month the flag was hauled down and the fort surrendered to the representatives of the slave power. That strange event was celebrated throughout the South as one that would lead to their independence as a nation, and their greatness as a people. Vastly different was the feeling at the North, and, as the news spread from ocean to ocean on that fatal Sunday morning, there was no rejoicing; but a deep and firm resolve went up from the hearts of the loyal millions, that the flag which had been lowered should again float over the walls of Sumter or its ruins. How well that resolution was kept is known to all, for at 12 o'clock on the 14th of April, 1860, Gen. Robert Anderson raised again to its place on Fort Sumter the same flag that four years prior to that date he had been obliged to lower in token of surrender; while the Confederacy lay bleeding and powerless at the mercy of the victors. Her cities sacked and burned: her railroads and public work in ruins; her people in poverty and rags, and her system of human slavery forever destroyed. Such was the righteous retribution meted out to a rebellious people who sought to destroy this free government and upon its ruins found a slave oligarchy.

At a meeting of the citizens held at the court house in Kenton, on Tuesday evening, April 11, 1865, it was resolved to have an appropriate celebration on Friday, April 14, in honor of the recent Union victories and the surrender of Lee's army on the 9th of April, at Appomattox. Committees were appointed and every preparation made to insure a celebration worthy of the occasion.

At 6 o'clock A. M. on the day designated, the bells pealed out in gladsome notes, cannon was fired and flags thrown to the breeze in great profusion. The people flocked in from the surrounding country for miles in every direction. Company A, Ohio National Guards, under the command of Capt. Bogardus, was called out, took position in front of the court house, fired several volleys and then returned to the armory. At 10 o'clock A. M., union services were held in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and appropriate addresses delivered by several of the ministers present. At 1'1. o'clock, the bells were again rung and salutes fired by Company A., Ohio National Guards, and the artillery. At 2 o'clock, P. M., the people assembled at the court house and listened to stirring speeches from J. C. Stevens, W. L. Walker and Rev. A. Harmount, who were repeatedly and enthusiastically cheered. Large numbers could not gain admittance, and an outside meeting was organized, which was addressed by H. H. Ingersoll, William T. Cessna and Judge James Bain.

The scene in the evening surpassed anything of the kind that has ever taken place in Kenton. At 6 o'clock P. M.. the bells once more rang out the glad news, while valleys from the Guards and the boom of the cannon added much to the joyous occasion. As soon as it was dark, the buildings around the square were brilliantly illuminated, as was also the court house, and about 8 o'clock, Mr. Chapman sent up a large balloon, which sailed away to the northward and reached a great altitude. Immediately afterward, fireworks were set off from the top of the brick building then occupied by G. R.


Moore and others, while at the same time a cannon, which was placed at the southwest corner of the square, belched forth in thunder tones, making the scene decidedly grand. Calls were made for speeches, to which Judge Anthony Banning and Col. C. H. Gatch responded, entertaining the immense gathering until a late hour, and sending them to their homes thankful, joyous and happy over the termination of the greatest war in modern history. The numbers present in the evening equaled, if not exceeded any former gathering of the people within the history of Hardin County.

In the midst of this unbounded joy, when every loyal heart was thanking the God of battle for the end of the war and the dawn of a glorious peace, the terrible news flashed over the wires, "Lincoln is dead," assassinated by a sympathizer of the great rebellion which he had crushed so completely on the bloody field. The man who, but a few short hours before, was the hope of the nation-whose hand was never raised to smite in anger, and whose voice was heard only in kindness-lies stilled in death. He had fallen a martyr to his country in the hour of her triumph; but he left a name and a fame that has grown brighter and brighter with the lapse of time, and millions yet to come will praise him as the great, the wise. the good.

From the pinnacle of joy the people all over this broad land were plunged into an abyss of grief and despair. On Sunday. April 16, the services in the churches of Hardin County were of the most impressive character. Draped flags and emblems of mourning were conspicuously displayed, and a deep feeling of gloom pervaded the entire county. It was as though death has entered every home and taken therefrom the head of the family circle. On Wednesday, April 19, union services were held in the United Presbyterian Church, conducted by the several ministers of Kenton. Brief addresses were delivered on the life and services of Abraham Lincoln and his devotion to the great cause of human liberty. The speakers also referred touchingly to the many brave men from Hardin County, who, not unlike their martyred President, had sacrificed their lives on the altar of their country. Their records belong to the nation as distinctly as the principles for which they fought belong to man. Participating in all the sufferings and triumphs of the national army, their record is a record of the war. The result of their devotion is, therefore, national and universal, for they fought as man for man, the rights for which they shed their blood being the rights of the human race. They depend not upon local annals for the abiding history of their achievements, but find it traced in living characters upon the hearts of a liberty-loving nation. la this national capacity, they secured for themselves the grateful benedictions of that posterity for whom they preserved a land of liberty, unity and peace.