The advance guards of civilization and progress, in all new countries, have forces to contend with which are antagonistic to the peace of the settlers, as well as to the rapid development of the community in which they have located; and, in this respect, the pioneer settlers in this township are no exception. Owing, however, to the fact that this portion of Greene- County was not settled, to any great extent, till after the conclusion of the war of 1812, the residents here suffered nothing from the depredations of the Indians, as the greater portion of that people had been driven on toward the father of waters, sometime before the advent of the white settlers in this locality, save in one or two instances. A few friendly Indians remained in the community, probably as late as 1815, but they were harmless individuals, and seemed only to care to remain upon the spot where their childhood days had been spent, in peace, till the Great Spirit should cause them to forget the devastation made among their people, and call them to the happy hunting grounds, which had received their fathers long ago. Hence, of this township can be said, what can not be affirmed of many in our state, that not a descendant of an early settler in her limits ever had occasion to mourn the death of one of their antecedants in this locality, through the treachery and revengeful spirit which are said to be the principal attributes of the copper-colored race.

Ross Township embraced at one time a considerable portion of the land in the northeastern part of Greene County, but subsequently a large portion of it was taken in the formation of Cedarville Township, which was made from these northern townships, and organized in 1850. This township received its name from an early settler, who died long years ago, leaving no descendants. The only knowledge we have of his having ever lived in the limits of the place, is from the traditions that have been handed down from the earlier days, that he really was here, substantiated by the


fact that the township bears the name. This one, however, seems to be the only person of that name who ever settled here.

The present limits of the township, are as follows

It is bounded on the north by Madison Township, the southeastern township of Clarke County; on the east by Stores Township in Madison County, and Jefferson Township in Fayette County; Silver Creek Township, of Greene County, bounds it on the south, while New Jasper and Cedarville Townships bound it on the west.

The topography of the township is remarkable for nothing save its monotonous flatness, as the surface of the country for miles around is not diversified by a single eminence which can be dignified by the name of bill, or even hillock. In general outline, Ross is not so extremely irregular as many other townships formed from the same old military surveys, but the line defining its circumference is sufficiently winding in its appearance as not to weary the eye by the monotony of its straightness. The soil is au alluvial deposit of great depth, formed by the drift of centuries, and what is somewhat remarkable, considering its contiguity to the lime-stone regions of Cedarville Township, there is no limestone to be found here; a more lasting or productive soil than this, however, is not within the boundaries of Greene County. The average yield of wheat for this year (1880) is estimated at twenty bushels per acre in this township, while it is claimed by the leading agriculturists here, that better corn and more of it, according to the acreage planted, is raised in Ross than any other township in this part of the county. It cannot, however, be boasted by the farmers of these lands that this state of affairs was brought about by their liberality in regard to the amount and excellent qualities of manures usually used for such purposes, for such is by no means the case; as there are many farmers there to-day who raise very good crops, and yet burn their straw as soon as threshed, and thus, by their mis-management, deprive their soil of one of its best fertilizers. It is proper to mention, however, that the number of farmers who resort to these means to rid their farms of a superfluous amount of straw is growing less, and probably the persons who burned their straw in this township this fall might be numbered on the fingers of one hand. It shows, nevertheless, that much still remains to be learned before the science of farming will have reached a very great degree of excellence in this locality.

This township is watered by three magnificent streams, to which


no matter of any historical importance is attached. The north branch of Massie's Creek flows through the northwestern part of the township, in a semi-circular direction, before it enters Cedarville Township. The south fork of the same stream also flows in a somewhat devious course through a portion of Ross Township, as does also Caesar's Creek, which has its source here near the center of the township, #'rout which it flows in a southwesterly direction till it. passes into the neighboring township.

Ross contains within its limits nearly 21,500 acres of land, the cleared portions of which are extremely fertile, and, save the parts occupied by the growing timber and the beds of the small streams, to which reference has already been made, is all tillable; and in the production of fruit, it ranks among the first in the county,-not only as to the excellence of its quality, but also as to the numberless varieties and quantities.

In 1870, the population of the township was 1,076. souls. The census ,just taken gives it a population 1,335, showing an increase in tell years of 259, which, considering the want of variety in manufactures and other industrial pursuits, may be regarded as a gain by no means inconsiderable. Owing to the fact that the first settlers in the county located in Xenia Township, and the neighborhood round about it, the first manufactories were of course established in these places; and owing to their nearness to the pioneers of this township, were patronized by them for many years before any steps were taken to operate mills of any description by the settlers in Ross; and even after they were established, they only secured the patronage of a limited number of persons in their midst, the majority of the people preferring to adhere to the old places, notwithstanding such a course could but prove derogatory to the business interest of the township; and at last the attempt to establish mills of different kinds here had to be abandoned, and with the single exception of the tile factory, to which we shall refer hereafter, not a manufacturing establishment of any sort is to be found in the limits of the township.

Public highways thread the township in every direction, forming an intricate interlacing, resembling an irregularly constructed spider's web, and during the summer mouths these roads are good, but woe to the teamster who is so unfortunate as to find himself in the sea of mud which prevails here during a "thaw out" in the winter or spring mouths. The appearance of the country at such times can


be compared to nothing better than the Slough of Despond, so graphically described by John Bunyan; and to guard against the equilibrium of a man's better nature being suddenly overthrown, it would be a good plan not to venture into those unknown seas during the season when the thawing out process is at its height, which is generally in February and March. The Federal pike is the only one in the township. This was the first regularly laid out road through this part of the country, and was not made a pike till about the year 1870, when it was completed through here, after the expenditure of an incalculable amount of physical labor, as well as of a great sum of money. Some parts were built at a cost of about $1,500 per mile, while other portions cost as much as $2,000 per mile. It is as good a pike as any in the county, and, indeed, is not excelled by many in the state. Several other roads have been piked for short distances, where at times they became impassable, and again others are being "talked up." The citizens of the township try to content themselves, and forget the past, which has been so fruitless in this respect, by the buoyant hope that a better state of affairs is to prevail in the near future.

A projected railroad-the Cincinnati and Columbus-has been graded through here, crossing the central part of the township, from north to south. This, when completed, will be of the greatest advantage to farmers, who now have to 'haul all grain, and other superfluous farm products, in some instances, many miles to a shipping point.


The only place in the township dignified with the name of village, is the point at which the contemplated depot will be built, and is situated about equidistant from three shipping places, namely, Jamestown in this, and Solon and Salem in Clarke County, the three places being respectively about five miles distant. In about the year 1830, Andrew Fogg and William Lewis purchased the ground and planted a vineyard of some eight acres, expecting to make the cultivation of the vine a specialty, desiring, of course, to be remunerated pecuniarily for their trouble and expense. One or two small houses were erected near the spot, and the place soon became known as Grape Grove, which name it continues to bear, although the vineyard has long since passed away, and would have


been forgotten years ago had not a post-office been established here with the old name, which it continues to perpetuate, and probably will retain centuries in the future. . No lots. were regularly laid off, but. several parties bought little patches of ground here, and erected upon them a few small houser, which to-day constitute all there is of the village. John Burtch purchased a lot, and erected a. small store-room thereon, soule eight years ago, since which time he has kept a stock of general merchandise, which is exchanged to his patrons for cash or farm products, as they please, and, for a country store, this may be considered as one of the prosperous kind, as indicated by the fact, that Mr. Burtch purposes erecting a new building, on a more commodious and extensive plan, to meet the demands of his increasing trade. This store, however, is remarkable for nothing, save that it is the only establishment of the kind in the limits of the township.. The only other building of a business character is a blacksmith shop, which has stood upon the spot many years. The present proprietor, a Mr. Snapp, is, however, a new citizen of the place, having only become possessor of the shop a few weeks since. This being the only smithy within a radius of several miles, usually is well patronized, and does a fair business for such an isolated place. Besides the two industries, to which reference has already been made, the place boasts a carpenter, in the person of Mr. Indwell, who is also the present clerk of the township. A small frame office, now in a fair way for completion, is destined to be used as a "doctor's shop," and the population of the place will, in a few weeks, be increased by the advent of a dispenser of pills, who proposes to battle with ills to which weak humanity is at all times subject, and who will be remembered in years yet unborn as the first disciple of the AEsculapian art who established himself permanently in Ross Township.

A post-office was established here sonic, thirty years ago, and Andrew Fogg was the first postmaster in the township. He filled the position in a manner satisfactory to the government for a number of years, and was succeeded by Maria Ritenour, who, after serving faithfully in this capacity a good many years, resigned the cares of the United States postal matters in this locality to the present incumbent, Mr. John Burtch, who unites the labors in this capacity with those of the mercantile business, both of which he manages to the satisfaction of all concerned. The mail is brought from Jamestown semi-weekly, by a carrier, the sight of whom re-


minds the observer that the "good old clays" (as some are wont to term them), before railroads had been established in almost every township in the state, when the modes of conveyance were slow and difficult, and the manner of communication by no means rapid, have not entirely passed from among us.


Who was really the first settler in this township, is a question that cannot be determined with any, degree of accuracy, as the old inhabitants are all dead, and tradition fails to inform us who was actually the first white than who established himself permanently in this township.

Probably, as early as any in the north part of the township, came John Harper, a native of Harper's Ferry, Maryland, from whose antecedents that place derived its name, who is supposed to have located here with his family, as early as 1804. He purchased one thousand two hundred acres of land, upon which he erected the first round log cabin in that neighborhood. Mr. Harper was the head of a family of seven children., four of them being boys; so that in the work of the clearing, he was not single handed. There being considerable prairie land upon his farm, he was enabled without the labor of first clearing, to farm on what was then considered a large scale. George Harper, a son of John, and a resident of Cedarville Township, is the second largest land holder in Ross . Township, being the possessor of more than seven hundred acres of first-class land.

Peter Huffman, a native of Hardy County, Virginia, immigrated to this township with his family of six children, about 1805, and purchased one hundred and twenty-eight acres of laud, all, at that time, being heavily timbered. Being a man of energy and determination, he applied himself vigorously to the work of clearing and bringing his farm under a paying condition, and the excellent crops he raised amply reimbursed him for his labor. After living many years in his log but-with no mode of ingress or egress, but by an opening in the logs over which a large cloth hung for a door; he decided to build a more comfortable home, and in 1825, put up the first hewed log house in this part of the township. It was considered an elegant structure in those clays, acid is at the present time occupied as a residence.


William Harpole emigrated from Virginia, to Ross County, Ohio, in a very early day, and coming to this county, located in Ross Township, about 1806. He was father of a large family, and upon his arrival here, purchased about two thousand acres of land, part of which was in Madison County. He built his little cabin, as had the others before him, and lived in it many years; but this house has long since moulded away, and not a. log now remains to point out the spot on which it stood.

Joseph Butcher from Virginia, immigrated to this township, about 1806, with a family of three children. He at once purchased one hundred and eight acres of land, all of which was heavily timbered, upon which he erected a cabin, furnished as they usually were, with puncheon floor and split-slat-door, and in this house the family lived contentedly many years. Mr. Butcher resided here till his death, after which the farm fell into the hands of his son who continues to reside there.

David Larkin from Maryland, settled in the northern part of this township, in about 1806. He married a daughter of John Harper, and became, before his death, the owner of a fine farm in this locality, which is now muder an excellent state of cultivation, being as productive, according to its size, as any farm in the township. The first brick house in the township, was probably built by Mr. Larkin, who erected a brick structure in 1827.

Josephus Atkinson, a native of York County, Pennsylvania, with his wife, a native of Tennessee, and two children, came to Clinton County, this state, in 1811. After remaining there four years, they .removed to Caesar's Creek Township, this county, where they remained till 1822, when he moved to this township, and located permanently on three hundred acres of land, which at that date cost him about three dollars per acre. This land was what was then known as the Barrens, of which about one hundred acres was prairie, the remainder heavily timbered. Quite a number of log huts had been erected upon this land, by temporary dwellers therein, and into one of these Mr. Atkinson moved, and resided till after the birth of several children, of which he was the father of eleven. His farm at. that. date, was very wet, and the grass grew seven or eight feet high. Eight or tell acres was considered a big crop of corn, and even then, those who had a superfluity of this article found it difficult to dispose of it at any price. Mr. Atkinson dealt a good deal in stock, and frequently drove cattle and hogs,


through to Philadelphia and Baltimore; it requiring some six or seven hands to watch the stock, and about seventy days to make the round trip. Levi Atkinson, son of Josephus, also, in later years made several of these trips, and is now, doubtless, the only person in the township, who, from personal experience, knows the hardships to be encountered, and overcome by all those who attempted these journeys through the wilderness that existed along the route, between this place and a market, more that fifty years ago. These trips, however, proved highly remunerative to Mr. Atkinson, who, in time, became the largest landholder in the township, as he possessed last spring some one thousand two hundred and forty-eight acres, part of which he has since deeded to his sons. The eight hundred acres that he still retains in his own name, makes Levi Atkinson the owner of more land than any other one man in Ross Township.

Probably the first permanent settler near the central part of the township, was Robinson Fletcher, who came from Virginia to this township, in about 1808, with a family of six children. He purchased three hundred acres of land, on what was known as the "Monroe Survey," all of which was densely wooded; however, by the assistance of his soils, he cleared a goodly portion of it and remained here till 1855, when he disposed of the old farm to Cyrus Little, who, in- turn, sold it to the present proprietor, Daniel Little, about sixteen years ago.

Peter Woodring settled here, in 1808, on three acres of land, which he purchased of Fletcher, who was acting as agent to Monroe, who owned all the land in this vicinity. Mr. Woodring erected a little cabin, and remaining there till his family all died, when he removed to the southern part of the township, and purchased about one hundred acres of good land, which he lived upon and continued to improve till his death, which occurred about 1860.

Richard Beeson, immigrated here from Virginia, about 1808, and purchased fifty acres of land of Fletcher, for which he paid him at the rate of fifty cents per acre. Mr. Beeson built a small cabin, and did a little clearing upon the place where he remained till 1817, when he disposed of his farm and left the community.

Mitchell Insley, a native of Maryland, came to this township with his mother, in 1815, and took a lease of land from Fletcher. He was a bachelor, and never became a landholder, but after remaining on Fletcher's land a number of years, he removed to another


place, and continued to move-verifying the old adage that "a rolling stone gathers no moss"-till his death, which occurred some twenty years ago.

Allen Rickstraw, from Maryland, carne to this township, about 1816, and also leased land of Fletcher, who continued to act as Monroe's agent in this locality. Mr. Rickstraw, built a small cabin in the woods, and went cheerfully to work, to hew his way into the wilderness of forest that surrounded him on every hand, and in a short time had caused the aspect of things to change so materially that the original woods near hint were hardly recognizable. In a few years, he lost his wife and two sons, and becoming discouraged, and having nothing to keep him longer upon the spot which served to remind him daily of his misery, he abandoned the home where he had once hoped to pass his days, and removed to another township, where he died years ago.

The next settler in this-part of the township, was Jacob Little, a native of Frederick County, Virginia, who immigrated here with his family, in 1817, and purchased fifty acres of land from Richard Beeson, at less than one dollar per acre. A few years later, he increased his farm by three hundred additional acres, which he purchased of Fletcher at the nominal price of one dollar and thirty-seven cents per acre. When Mr. Little moved upon the place, there was a little spot of the ground cleared, and the outlook for making a home, the least desirable in this locality was gloomy indeed; however, he determined to give up the prospect, only when he had tested and found it impracticable; so when he moved into the round log cabin with a single room, and that a small one, it was with the settled purpose of establishing himself permanently, and bettering his surroundings as rapidly as possible. At this date, deer, wild turkeys, and wolves were abundant in the neighborhood. The fondness of these latter animals for mutton, made it almost impossible to raise sheep; it could be done, indeed, only by the closest watching through the day, and by enclosing the flock with a high fence during the night. Squirrels were innumerable, . and the depradations committed by them upon the growing. corn was enough to test the morals of the most patient.. It is said that these animals would destroy the corn, even after it was eighteen inches high, unless means were adopted to keep them frightened from the fields.

Mr. Little put out an orchard shortly after moving upon his place, and in a few years had an abundant supply of what was then


first-class fruit. Part of the trees are still prolific. In 1825, he also erected a hewed log house, which was then considered the most pretentious residence within a radius of two miles. This house has long since been torn down, but some of the puncheons are still to be found, and have been utilized by his son, Daniel, in building a corn-crib. The old farm is now the property of this son, who is a prominent man in the neighborhood, and noted for the uprightness of his daily life, and the willingness with which he at all times takes in the poor wayfarer, and metes out to him of this world's goods, after the good old-fashioned manner so prevalent during the days of our 'forefathers. Mr. Little is also the largest land-owner in the township, and has au excellent farm of more than six hundred acres in a fine state of cultivation.

David Little, with his family of eight children, came from Virginia to this township, in 1820, and when he reached his destination, the head of the family found himself possessed of just twelve and one half cents; nothing daunted by the low ebb of his finances, he immediately bought of Jacob Little, one hundred acres of land at the rate of two dollars per acre, and for the first payment gave Jacob Little his two horses and wagon, and paid for the remainder of his farm by working for his creditor by the day. Besides paying for his farm, he also cleared it to a considerable extent during his life-time, and erected buildings which, whatever may be said against them, were at least as comfortable as those of any farmer in the neighborhood.

Martin Little, came here from Virginia, in 1821, and John Little from the same state, in 1823. The former purchased two hundred acres of land, and the latter four hundred. Both farms were heavily timbered, and the trees cut to build cabins for these men and their families, were the first ones missing in the surrounding forest, save one here and there which had been felled by hunters in their quest for "coons," which abounded here at that date.

John Towel, with his wife and two children, came to this township from Frederick County, Virginia., several years prior to 1820. Mr. Towel, had been a soldier in the war of 1812, and in this capacity was noted for his bravery and the fearlessness of all his movements. The journey of this family from their native state here, was made on horse back and afoot. The backs of two faithful horses carried all they possessed of this world's goods, which consisted, principally, of two feather beds, which were packed, one, in


each end of an empty tick, which also contained all their superfluous clothing. Their cooking utensils, consisting of a skillet and a few pans, were also taken with them. The journey here was long and tedious, and one of their horses becoming disabled by tearing off its hoof in its efforts to extricate its leg from the logs of an old barn, where it had got entangled during the night, they were compelled to remain upon the spot six weeks, till the faithful animal had so far recovered as to be able to travel again; however, they succeeded finally in reaching their destination in time to put out a small crop of corn, and build a rude cabin. the same spring. Mr. Towel is described as having been a man of excellent parts, and just such a one as was needed to direct the chaotic state of affairs that then prevailed, into the channel which led to the present prosperity enjoyed by all persons in the community, who were so fortunate as to conic within the circle of his goodly influence.

Among the oldest and most influential of the early settlers must be mentioned David Paulin, who immigrated to this township prior to 1810, and purchased a large scope of land, a portion of which is now owned by his son James. Mr. Paulin was the father of a large family, six of whom were sons, so that in the work of clearing he was not single-handed, and soon had ii goodly portion of land in a suitable condition to be farmed, in which business he engaged, on what was then considered an extensive scale. Several of Mr. Paulin's sons are residents of the neighborhood in which their father settled, and are among the most prominent and influential men in the township. One of the sons, Enos, is the fourth largest land holder in the township. His farm contains about six hundred acres, in a fine state of cultivation.

Francis Brock immigrated to this township from North Carolina, about 1810, and purchasing a small farm of Mr. Insley, moved into a round log hut, which had been built some time before his arrival; he lived here some time, and built a hewed log house, in which he resided until he built the brick, which was the first in this part of the township, in 1839. At one time Mr. Brock owned about two thousand acres of land, only about half of which was in this township. He remained upon the old homestead till his death in 1857. Mr. Brock was a, prominent man in the community, and a leading member of the old Bethel Methodist Church, which he liberally supported till his death.

Zara Insley, one of the first settlers in the township, came, with a


large family, from Maryland, about 1804, and purchased one hundred acres of land, now owned by John Little. Mr. Insley was married twice, and had a family of twelve children, none of whom reside in the neighborhood of their old home.

In the southern part of the township John Campbell purchased sixty-five acres of land, about 1805, but did not move upon it; after passing through several hands, it was bought by Isaac Taylor, the present owner, in 1827, when he cane to this township from Rockbridge County, Virginia, with his wife and one child. Mr. Taylor's family was afterwards increased by eight more children. He built the brick home in which he now resides, in 1840, which makes it the fourth brick residence in the township, the third having been built by Jacob Paulin, a short time before. It is said the first brick chimney in the county was built in this neighborhood by Ephriam Simpson, who immigrated here from Pennsylvania as early as 1803, which, if true, would make him the first settler in this township.

Lyman Ballard was a native of Pennsylvania, from which state he carne to Ohio previous to 1800, and located in Adams County, where he subsequently married. He came with his family to Ross Township in 1823, and bought land of William Frazier, who had purchased it years before. Mr. Ballard was the first man in the township who had a wagon and four-horse team, and he used to go to Clifton to mill with a load of grain for himself, and neighbors who had no conveyance, about two days being the usual time required to make the trip. He was one of the leading men in the township, and frequently preached in the old Bethel Church, of which he was one of the most prominent members. His son, Jackson Ballard, resides upon the old place, and is one of the model farmers, having himself cultivated this year a field of corn containing thirteen acres, which is said to be the best in Greene County.

Among the early settlers of this township, may be mentioned Levi Haines, from Kentucky, who came here about 1807, and bought one hundred acres of land. He was a carpenter by trade, and was killed by falling from a barn which he was building.

Jonathan Flood, from Virginia, settled here in about 1805, when be purchased sixty acres of land from Mr. Trader, who had entered a large tract here for grazing purposes. Mr. Flood was a radical Methodist preacher, and was also one of the early justices of the peace in this township.


Joel Dolbey, another Methodist preacher, came here from Virginia, with his large family, about 1808, and purchased sixty acres of land. He died years ago, and the members of his family have all left this township, and now reside in the west.

John Shiegley brought his family here from Virginia, in 1808, and purchased eighty acres of land, upon which he built a cabin, where he lived till 1828, when he disposed of his property here and removed to Indiana, where his descendants now reside.

James Johnson, William Miers, Charles Mahen, and George Junkins were also early settlers in this part of the township.


The first thing in Ross Township that can be reckoned in this connection, was the blacksmith shop of Jacob Little, which he built on the farm where his son Daniel now resides, immediately upon his settlement there in 1817. The demand for horse-shoeing was not then so extensive as at present, but this being the only shop within a radius of several miles, Mr. Little scarcely ever felt the want of something to do. Some of the plow-shovels made by him are still extant in the neighborhood, having been used, at intervals, for more than fifty years, and from appearances, will stand the wear and tear of another half century before becoming wholly unfit for service. The second smithy in this township was on Lyman Ballard's place, and was built by Olivet Mahen, about 1840, who worked here several years. After him, James McCord and James Glass worked at their trade here till about 1850, when the shop was vacated. In an early day George Junkins and Peter Shiegley also run shops of this kind here, but they have long since been vacated, and now the only one in the township is in Grape Grove, the proprietor of which is said to do a thriving business.

The first saw mill in the township was built by George Junkins, about 1820, who did an extensive business till 1830, when he disposed of the property to a Mr. West, who continued to operate it some four or five years, when he gave up the business, since which time the mill has not. been run ; the old frame, however still stands upon. the north fork of Massie's Creek, a rapidly decaying monument of days long gone by.

The second and only remaining mill in the township, was built on Mr. Gordin's place about 1830, by Jerry Dowler and Samuel


Leffle. This mill was operated here for some time, water having to be hauled some distance for that purpose. In 1835 the mill was moved to Robinson Fletcher's land, where it. was purchased by William Lewis and Andrew Fogg, who began grinding corn, and run it successfully for some time. The old building stands at the Grove, but is not used. It is now the property of John Towell.

The only manufacturing industry in the township now in operation is the tile factory, which has recently been established in the northern part of the township, by Messrs. Strause and Reiber. They employ three hands, and make four different sizes of tiling, which, owing to the excellent quality of the clay in this locality, is a first-class article.


The first school house in the township, of which any account can be obtained, was at what was called "Paddy's Crossing," On Mr. Harper's land, and was built in 1815. It was a round log house, with plank door on wooden hinges; the floor was of roughly-split puncheon, and the light came in through a greased paper, which, pasted over a crack left in the Wall, answered for a window. The first teacher here was Jerry O'Leary, a Dative of the Emerald Isle, who was also one of the first preachers in the township, and used to preach from house to house. Frank Crisman, Josiah Ballard, and Harmon Browder were among the earliest teachers here, and were pronounced good pedagogues, but very strict.

The first hewed log school house was built on David Paulin's land, about 1822. The ceiling was of puncheon, and seats of split logs. Pupils came here to school a distance of four miles. Josiah Ballard was also the first teacher here, and for his services he received about five dollars per month. A few years later a hewed log house was built on Jacob Little's farm, and soon there were quite a number of these primitive educational establishments scattered through the woods.

Among the earliest teachers, David Burley, Samuel Harvey, Samuel McHatten, Isaac Taylor, and Thomas Loomis may be mentioned as men of considerable ability in their vocations. A teacher in those days who could take his pupils to the rule of three, and who clearly understood, and had the happy faculty of being able to explain the mystery of common and decimal fractions, was considered


a finished scholar, and his ability to fathom all questions requiring mathematical-demonstrations was considered unlimited.

The report of the township clerk for the year ending August 31, 1879, shows a balance in the treasury of $1,884.13. The number of school houses now in the township is eight, the whole amount of school property being valued at six thousand dollars. The schools continue in session thirty-one weeks in the year, and require the services of eight competent teachers, of which the average wages is thirty-nine dollars for men and twenty-seven dollars for women teachers per month. The total number of pupils enrolled this year was 274; of these forty-nine were between the ages of sixteen and twenty-one.


The first denomination of any kind in this township was the Protestant Methodists, who had preaching at different houses in the neighborhood prior to 1820. These meetings were frequently held in the little log cabin of Berah Orcutt, which contained only one room, and here the settlers would gather on preaching days, bare-footed and in their shirt-sleeves. Robert Dobbins was one of the first ministers who preached here, and while he expounded the scriptures, Mrs. Orcutt, in the same room, watched the boiling, of the old iron kettle, which hung in the fireplace, and the baking of the corn-pone, with which the congregation were to be refreshed when the services were concluded. Rev. Z. Brown was also an itinerant preacher, who frequently stopped at Orcutt's and held meetings. The congregation built themselves a frame church, about 1830, called the Bethel Church, and meetings were held here many years : but the members finally became scattered, the old church was sold, and is now used for a barn.

The Wesleyan Methodists built the second church in the township, on Daniel Little's farm, about 1850, and had services here till during the war, when the church ceased to exist as a separate congregation. The house passed into the hands of the Disciples, who held services in it till they built their present church edifice, in Grape Grove, in 1870. It is a neat frame building, and worth, together with the lot, about $1,200. At the present time they have no regular pastor, but expect to secure the services of one soon.. They have a membership of eighty ; and a Sunday-school, of


which Asa Little is superintendent, with an average attendance of about fifty.

At the present time the Methodists have a church in the southern part of the township. The house has been built some years, and is worth about $1,200. They have a good congregation for a country church, and during the sunnier months sustain a good Sunday-school.


The first regular grave-yard was established on Jacob Little's farm, before 1820, and here quite a number of the old settlers are buried. But this spot of ground has not been used for such purposes for years; and although the little lot is full of graves, but few head-stones are there to tell the name and date of the death of those who lie beneath.

The second cemetery was also established on Mr. Little's farm, east of Grape Grove, about 1825, and this is still in use: and here many old settlers have been resting many years. Among others, good old Mr. Orcutt and wife, Jacob Little and wife, J. H. Patten and wife, and also the wife of Joseph Thomas, the famous " White Pilgrim," are, with the Insley's, remembered as being among the earliest pioneers of the township.

The Bethel grave-yard is still in use, and was established about 1830. Perhaps more old settlers are buried here than in any other place in the township. Members of the families of Gordins, Walkers, Insleys, Tarkins, Millers, Ballards, Shigleys, Frasiers, Snodgrasses, and a host of others, are familiar to all persons in the township as having been influential persons in the community in which each resided. Requiescat in pace.